Saturday, December 12, 2009 3:38 AM
♥suddenly decided to blog today. xP well, i've got nothing else to do anyway... cept for that hugeeee pile of homework left. ))): oh-well, had trng today (: practiced the usual stuff today and thn sheng jiang all th way. dun tink ii played well today? =s haahs. hurt my finger while playing too DDD: anws, jetro came with mr kuan today too! superrr cute! hehes. xP specially when he sits on th table to play tt wif the machine. xD hung up out tt banner after (; and off to kopitiam for lunch. chatted for quite awhile and watched jetro eat his bao b4 heading off. didnt feel like going back home. so mavis me and jing headed to sin's hse. xP planned to play mahjong? but ended up glued in front of the tv. so we played taiti and stacko. (: headed home at 6.30. :P off to do some work now! *hopefully* haahs. byebyes!
Monday, December 7, 2009 2:53 AM
♥helloes! (: here to revive my VERY dead blog! haahs Firstly, Caught NEWMOON:D on 4th dec with yo and wb (: went to get tickets first. had lunch next... which we had pretty long deciding? hahas. ended up at kopitiam in the end. ate some char siew noodle with soup. SUPER BLAND DD: walked around after that. (: MOVIE TIME! NewMoon was pretty alright? hehes Jacob's really cute! loll. every1 kept laughing when he took off his shirt thou.. hmm... he has 8pacs!! :DD and looked superrr nice with his new haircut. ((: bought some stuff after that and had dinner at BK. homesweethome next (: TODAY! Last minute decision that there was trng at RI. and some things went wrong D: 1. ii had just bathed!! 2.ii had NO SHOE at all. loll. xP luckily sin lent me another pair of shoes. hehes. tyty (: met wb and zy at tiong b4 heading to bishan. Played some matches after jiao lian arrived (: left RI arnd 3 and went to J8 for KFC. walked arnd after and thn headed back to gong gong hse. short day today? xP P.S: Updated pig! LOL. =ppp *would things stay as smooth as now? ii wonder... ... ... & thanks for the puzzle <3* |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
Chat Melody Rewind
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GESS TT 2G'08 1G'07;2G'08 Adabel Amanda Adela Carmel CherylLIM CherylTARE Cindy CherylYUEN CheeLeong CK Doralynn Datina Debra Devy Eileen Eunice Eugene Ernest FanKai Fransisca Felicia4 Gwen HiuMun JingHui JiaXiang Jacquelyn Jessica Jacelyn JiaSheng JunKang Jacqueline JiaMei JyeHuey Jemima Jodie KaiHwee KaiMei Klare Laura Mavis Meixian Nabil Olivia Pamela Quan QiQi Rachel Sinvyest Sharon SiongWoon Sherby ShuJuan SarahYap Shanice SoonXin Saras SiMin TzerBin totidory;totivia Via;Dory;Ness Via;Dory Via;Hiumun Wynette;Eunice Xinyi XuGuo Yolanda YunJie YuChing YenYi YuanMing YangYu ZhenYue ZhiDa ZhiHua
Applause, |
I Love You. |