Monday, October 19, 2009 6:52 AM
♥firstly... HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY VIIA♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! hope you had a wonderful day today darling! :D && may all your wishes bigggg and smalll come true yea! loveya~ ^.^ went out with viia and sw yesterday! ((((: havent seen thm in quite awhile? hehes. met them at orchard(: somehow we got lost in ion while tryin to find a place to eat. hahahs in the end we ate at some foodcourt. walked arnd after lunch ;D thn decided to go catch a movie.hehes bought yogurt and off we went. we actually planned to go LIDO watch. but somehow cldnt cross? loll. ended up and cine (: otw there,there were ppl selling reali cuteeee balloons... but no1 approached us to ask whether we wanted to buy ): went to buy tickets for imagine that (: quite a nice movie? hehehs worth the watch xD walked arnd after the movie. and the 3 of us spent a longgggggg time picking anklets. loll in th end oni via and ii bought. hehehs (: off to subway for dinner! :D chatchat. some hilarious stuff happened. and viia turned superr red. hehehehes took pics after dinner and home sweet home! it was a short day..but ii super enjoyed myself wif thm yea! ^.^ today! yet another WB outing! (((: met sin at outram station and mrt-ied to ps (: met up with wywy! hehes. with her new haircut! :D niceee! walked to picturehouse for our buffet lunch! xD sadly... once again... our timing alwis wrong wan.. =s walked arnd the shopping centre awhile. hehes ii want that charm bracelet and necklace!!!!! hahas mux save up! (: thn finally!!! 2.30!!! went dwn and started ordering and taking the sushis. we seriously ordered alotalotalot. hahas ii was shocked at how full our table was. lollx but the food was niceeeeee (: the vanilla ice cream turned out to be nicer thn ii expected. hehes. thn chatchat before going to pay for the bill. it was a real longgggg receipt! xD back to ps after that. the more than words at ps is really superrrrrrrrrrr nice! hehehs ii thought it was another shop. hehes bought a new pencil case wif wywy. xD thn off to vivo! sat at skypark chatchat till arnd 8++? thn sweeeeethomeeee! gonna go now. byebye! *yuanlainibucengxiaoshiguo shiwoben.. zaigeiwoyicijihui... wojueduibuhuinamechedidebanicongwoshengmingzhongcadiao*
Saturday, October 10, 2009 6:05 AM
5:28 AM
♥WB DAY OUT! (091009) Yesterday was wb's day out!!! hehehes super lot of things went un-smoothly? loll but we still enjoyed ourselves!!! :DDD First thing tht didnt go right... we planned to meet at jurong east cux ii thought jurong safra was located at jurong east. loll apparently its at boonlay. luckily ii rmb on the way there. hehehs if not... but thn in between had some miscommunication? hahas WB finally all met up with one another at boon lay arnd 10? loll 1/2 hr later thn out intended timing. =ss thn we tried to find our way to jurong safra with the help of some kind bus drivers! :DDD and when we were going to reach.... someone remembered that the playground opened only at ONE! the second thing tht didnt go right. hahas. but we still went there to seesee and headed bck to jurong point (: we thought we could catch a movie before going to play... sadly... the theatre opened only at ELEVEN+?! haixxx...just our luck. so we went to eat mac.. at least it was open. hahahas. not forgetting a freaky incident that happened in the lift....... >.< i'm super grateful to mavis and wywy yea! :DDDDD so had out lunches and breakfast meals. loll. chatchatchat...and time just flew past! (((: headed back to jurong safra! :D the HUGEEEEE playground was opennnn!! :DDDD paid for our entries and in we wenttt! xD we were like the oldest ppl there? hahas and all superrrr excited! we took all the slides... and they are really all xtreme slippery especially the 3 level one? hahas. superrr funn! took it a few times! we spent a whole lot of time in this ballball pool? hahahs two unlucky things happened to my there. ): ii slid dwn the slide and cux it was soooooooooooooooooo slippery.. and ii stupidly never place my hands properly...so abbrations.. shortly after... two boys playing ball somehow hit the ball right to my face. DDD: superr unlucky me!~ next there was this really really really really uber cute little boy who played with us!! he's really superrr cute. he kept throwing the balls arnd and jumping about in the ball pool! he even led us arnd the maze! cuteeeeeeee~ he even remembered to say byebye to us! ^.^ took some pics and played with the sponge ball machines! hehes. the sound of the machines were really loudddd! and the balls hurt when they dropped.. >.< but it was still fun to play with thm. hehehs. left at arnd 4plus 5plus? cnt rmb lerh. back to JP! (: planned to catch a movie there... but changed our plans and travelled all the way to marina so we could watch APRIL'S BRIDE! we were rushing superrr lottttt. thn sin and wywy wore "biting" shoes.. so they had to bear with the pain while rushing there.. :S as well as for the wholeee day. hahas rmb my wise words kay wywy! LOL! credits to yun and jing for running all the way to marina to get the tickets first! *clapsclaps* hehehs managed to catch the show without missing anything! :DDD April's Bride a niceee show! hehes. sad, sweet and touching!(: the ppl sitting behind us cried pretty loud? hahas and as usual we all teared except.......... hehehs movies ended and 9... took photos and mrt-ied homeeeee! home sweet home at arnd... ii 4got. lollx bathed and slept immediately.. superr tiredd. TODAYYY! our veryyyyyy first trng after exams! hee! was almost late! luckily ii ran. hehehehs. cux ii saw jing in front of me. xP trained with yun today...(((: nicenice! only my la qiu's totally corrupted alrd! DDDDD: ohwell...its the fst trng after all. hahahs at arnd 10+? headed wb cept yun cux she had lunch ): headed to NP with jiayi (: we reached arnd 11 and managed to play arnd 4 games. hehehs funfun! the people there are really friendly! ^-^ after trng mr kuan sent me homee :D hehes and now its time for me to go~ ii tink i've blogged a whole chunk of stuff alrd.. >.< tatas! pics in the nexttt post (:
Thursday, October 8, 2009 3:41 AM
♥as of today... EXAMS ARE OVERRRR!!!! :DDDDD but there is still my chi olevels arriving in a MONTH! :000 haixx... andand, ii think ii ruined a wholeeeee lotttt of my fte papers alrd... gah. especially my SS. ~~~><~~~ ii seriously need to learn to write faster! :S shall jux skip the details of my examinations before it gets too draggy. hahahs ended out last examination today! :D physics paper 1! dun tink i'll do well. =x haixxx.... anws.. headed off to BM Mac for breakfast today! :D Sin and ii had HAPPY MEAL!!! :DDDD felt like a small little kid agn. hehes sadly the toy looked scaryyyyy. but on the bright side.. we have scissors paper stone cards to play with! LOL! went to BM library next (: peii yj and sin go borrow books for their tuition (: jing and ii borrowed some too! hehes went back to mac agn after wywy came (: slept awhile there while wywy ate. hehes thn planned for WERIDOS BATCH OUTING!!!! :DDDDDD cantwaitcantwaitcantwait!!! its jux tmrtmrtmr!! haahahhas. superrr longg nvr go out wif wb lerh. hehes. thn had to head back to school for CD lesson (: it was a pretty funny lesson? hahahs but my eyes were closinggg.. =sss ended at around 3.30 and home sweet homeeeeeeee! okays. shall go off now! (: need to enjoy my weekend to the fullest before ii come face to face with my results... definitely NOT looking forward... ): ohwell... byebye! before ii forget... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MUMMIIEEEEE!!!!!<3333333333 hope you liked the surprise we 3 and jeff did for you! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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Applause, |
I Love You. |