Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:18 PM
♥Helloes! my com at home's crashed DD: luckily gongong house has one! xD anws.... i'm here to revive my deadddd blog?!xP changed the blogskin.. althou its not much of a diff?? hahas but ii like the mini font size! hehehes. doubt i'll be blogging much in the upcoming weeks...>.< school's been reallll busy.. =s haix...more upcoming tests...and of course FYE!!! )): hope i'll do welll... *fingers crossed!* thankfully... school ended at 10.30 todayy!!.. else, ii wouldnt have time to blog? hehes. quick summary...>>> played bball with yun jing and jiamin till 11+! ((: thn peii gonggong eat lunch! hee! and in a hour's time... out with WB!!! yayy!!! hehehehehs. okayokay.. enough of my crapping.. shall go now.. tatas! ohohoh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDIEEEE!!!!♥♥ & HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADAJIEEE!!!♥♥ loveyoubothtobitsandpieces!♥♥♥♥♥
Sunday, August 9, 2009 9:18 AM
♥Firstly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! :DDD yes, my com is fixed and ii finally have time to bloggg! (((: there's been lots and lots and lots of tests lately... and obviously muchhhhh muchh muchhh more coming up... zZ... okay, shall not waste my precious time on whining about the tests... cux there're never gonna disappear... ): back to my wonderful day! :D woke up early early today... and had to rush around cux mummie told me at the last min we were going to temple... >.< picked up belbel and jiie from alice gugu's hse first b4 going to temple.. after that daddy dropped me off at tiong (: thanks yunjie for coming earlier! :D met up with the rest of the ppl who were gonna sell sweeeeeets! :D short briefing and off we went! tried our luck at cityhall area... me and sin. yun and jing (: BADDDD luck there! LOL!jkjk so we went to bugis nexttt! so muchhhhh better. hehehes we managed to sell a whole lottt more! at first sin and ii felt slackish. lollx so we walked pretty much. went to ilumna there try sell... ))): ohoh...there was tis superrr cuteeee boy! he stretch out his hand cux he wanted a packet of sweets... thn kip staring... but his daddie called him to go..so no sweets for him.. awww... =s he was reall cute luhh. hahahas. back to bugis for lunchhh. and smth happened... stupid people! gahh. luckily there were the kindddd ones :DDDD ate lunch... chatchat.. thn bck to workk! sin adn ii switched place to sell.. and tht place got alot alot of ppl buy! heeex! but later the guard tell us cnt sell...so we went further down to try.. and luckily we managed to sell the sweets! yay! went off arnd 4.45. backk to tiong.. quickly changed and mrtied to cityhall date with sw <3333333. LOL missed her loaddds lah. xP waited for her at citylink.. but she was at marina bay? hahas so we finally managed to meet each other at raffles place!phews. ((: walked to some superrr longgggg walkway! hahahahs. and yes... superrr duperr squeezy! :s but we managed to get a rather niceee spot at the end. hehes. sat there chatchat...camwhore... xD until we got pretty bored cux we had nothing to do? the fireworks took superrr longgg! >.< and finally they lighted up the night skyyy! prettyprettyprettyyyyy!!! walked backed to the mrt.... something freaked us out there?? >.< luckily it turned out alright in the end. ^.^ dinner at marina yoshinoya! and headed homeeee! thanks for the wonderful timee <3! meetupsooooon! hehehhees. *and you'll never know how much it hurts.... time and again...is it me? or are we jux... i'm tired of hearing what you've got to say... actions speaks louder than words.... i'm getting tired....ii dunoe how much more ii can take... |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
Chat Melody Rewind
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GESS TT 2G'08 1G'07;2G'08 Adabel Amanda Adela Carmel CherylLIM CherylTARE Cindy CherylYUEN CheeLeong CK Doralynn Datina Debra Devy Eileen Eunice Eugene Ernest FanKai Fransisca Felicia4 Gwen HiuMun JingHui JiaXiang Jacquelyn Jessica Jacelyn JiaSheng JunKang Jacqueline JiaMei JyeHuey Jemima Jodie KaiHwee KaiMei Klare Laura Mavis Meixian Nabil Olivia Pamela Quan QiQi Rachel Sinvyest Sharon SiongWoon Sherby ShuJuan SarahYap Shanice SoonXin Saras SiMin TzerBin totidory;totivia Via;Dory;Ness Via;Dory Via;Hiumun Wynette;Eunice Xinyi XuGuo Yolanda YunJie YuChing YenYi YuanMing YangYu ZhenYue ZhiDa ZhiHua
Applause, |
I Love You. |