Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:57 AM
♥Had training in the morn today (((: daddy fetched me to school... :D cuo qiu with nette first as usual. and and and we finally hit 20!!! thou its only 2times but its still a good achievment bahh.. xP thn after that la qiu... gahh...my la qiu seems to have deproved?! ))): and ii was so dumb... hit my shoulder at the table when ii pick the ball... ~~><~~ thn mr phua came in...and we've got new nets for all the tables now! :DD plus new ping pong balls! now we have mannyyy bahh.. heehs. today like spring cleaning for tt? loll.. but credits go to jing and cindy (((: cux they were the ones who fixed some nets and made the cupboard superr neat luh. xD *clapsclaps* hahas. cux jing was busy so played with charis gao qiu (: the gao qiu she fa is really high. heex! funn to hit xD thn played dui kang (: quite funnnnn xDD play sheng jiang awhile b4 trng ended.. headed to tiong with wb.. :Dcept nette... lunch-ed at kopitiam! chatted awhile thn peii sin go buy name sticker thn go home. =p homeee after that! ^^ *there'ssomethingwrong...butwhycantiitellwhtitis...iicntseemtofindthreasonwhythetearsfallfrmmyeyes..iiwannaputdownthisstone....cuxitsgettingheavierbyday... ii wanna smile like nothing's weighing down...........*
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 5:29 AM
♥trainingg todayy. (: wasn't in the mood for it thou... ): cux cldn't sleep.. gahhh... did warm up thn started trng cuo qiu with nette. ii love cuoin qiu with nette lah! :D but later dunoe why my trng mood went dwnhill... :/ played rather badly...specially during sheng jiang... >.< didnt even noe what ii was doing? and only got back the mood at the end of trng!? ............. gahgahgah.. ii have only 2 more trng 4 the hols? cux have to go m'sia... gonna train well for the nxt 2 trng... hopefully......... *i'mnotsuper...andiijuxwish...*wouldthosememorieseverhealcompletely... smtimeswhenitrushesbck....iifeellikei'mfadingout.
Saturday, December 6, 2008 4:47 AM
♥woke up today... and both my arms muscle superr painn.. =x cux played too many times of gogo ball ytd. hahas but its worth the pain.. >.< daddy fetched me to trng (: first cuo qiu wif nette until jiao lian came.... thn after that went to trained the sec 1s. trained Debra(: after break played sheng jiang! played okok? but got some matches nvr play well... :/ thn after that jiaolian left... so left Cindy... beng hong and yoyo in charge (((: Played doubles next! (: paired with jing hui!!! superrr funn to pair with her :DDD thn after that played team thingy~ the team which loses have to do punishment until a teammate wins. =p we lost manyy times...specialy the hand punishment.. do until hand cram... lollx. but it was rather fun :D thn after that packed up and headed to tiong for lunch. Subway with wb beng hong and yoyo (((: chatted there as we ate :D thn it started raining... the ceilings at the end end there leaked water luhh.. so had to change place... continued chatting for 3hrs plus. it was superr funn to chat today lah... heex! we frm tt gathering link link link... until the last thing we talked abt had totally no link? loll. its confusinggg... >.< left there at abt 5.45 bah... the ppl there like quite happy we finally leaving.. hahas. waved to us byebye too ^.^ home sweet home next :D
Friday, December 5, 2008 5:34 AM
♥helloooo(: had a funn day today;D went out with WB~ went to meet mavis and nette first (: both wynette and ii were late uh... >.< mavis was the mst punctual one =p waited for nette after we reach... headed to mac for breakfast after that :D had... sausage egg mcmuffin. loll. i'm not sure bout the name. >.< its been ages since ii ate that luh. hahas. xP after eating thn went to vivo buy tickets for wildchild walked arnd while waiting for the rest of wb to arrive (: met thm at giantt... bought drinks and snacks to sneak into the cinema. hee! xD thn headed up to watch the movie lerhx. Wild Child is a superrr nice show luh (: and superr touching at times... :DDD mst imptly the guy acting as Freddy Kingsley (Alex Pettyfer) is really cuteee ^.^ overall... this movie is definitely worth the watch to me((: after the movie we went to arcade playy.. we spent a total of $30 playing >.< hehes. and mst of it was spent playing GOGO BALL!!! its very very extremely nice to play luh(: and we were super noisy playing that game. hahas. we even threw some of the balls out =xx and sorry jingg...you had to pick up mst of the balls ii threw out uh.. :/ had alot of fun playing go go ball. thn played a few times of the bball derhx (: ii threw one ball too high.. and it __________. wb knows. >.< superr ps luh. thanks sin hlp me tell the person ;D played spot the difference oso... lol! i'm superr bad at it...the rst of thm like find so easy... ): thn played the step on the lighted button derhx... cux we wanted ticketttsss!!! but gogo ball still awarded us the most tickets luh (: in the end we had 237 tickets :DDD went to redeem for... 6 green plastic rulers (: 1 BBQ 3 Cheese 2 Chicken Twisties and 1 chicken 1 bbq mamee :D after that went to buy dinner and headed to sin house (: ate chatted and tv-ied there. ;P headed home with nette at 7.30 (((: home sweet home next.......... thats all 4 todayyy.. byebyesss (:*the sun's shining bright...but ii seem to feel the rain coming in...will this cycle nvr end?*
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 3:30 PM
♥helloesss! its been ages since ii last blogged... plus ii ruined the last post somehow >.< didnt go for trng todayy... ))): so i'm practically bored. =xx it feels weird to be home on a tuesday... ... ... DD: okays... shall jux blog bout trng at RI ytd. Went to meet jing mavis and yj at interchange for lunch fst. Had yu pian mi fen! but the fish is not nice luh.. thn went to buy drink b4 heading to tiong and making our way to RI. Trained with nette first(((: superr fun to cuo qiu with herrr!! :DD okays.. thn played a few matches (: played rather okay today. hee! but something happened while playing halfway which ruined my mood abit? >.< gahhhh....=x thn after mst of the guys left continued trng... paired with mavis and sin :D thn left RI at arnd ..ehh...dunoe what time.. hahas. headed to toa payoh meet mummie they all... had dinner thn headed homee.... alrites... thats all ((: tmr can meet sw!!!:DDD if i'm well enough... >.< weishenmewozhaobudaoanquangan... |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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I Love You. |