Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:37 AM
♥helloess! havent blogged for a few days lerh... >.< today ="x">.< we were watching coffin! hahas. its okok bahh.. me and sharon covered our eyes alot alot.. xD finally the movie endedd.. yayy! ii made it thru a horror moviee :DDD after that we spilt up with the boys hn walked around with sharon ... chatted superr lott (((: and even mre on the mrt yea *winkwink* hahas. enjoyed talking to her lottx! ii really enjoyed myself! (((: after that headed home lerh. ii walked home todayy!! ^.^ okays..thats all for todayyy... goodbyee ~
Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:50 AM
♥hiii!! shall blog bout both ytd and todayyy.. todayy comes first kayy ;D (25102008): overslept a little today =xx hahas.. luckily mummy came to call me wake up.. rushed around thn headed for trng lerh. reached right on timee! *phews* moved alott of tables from the hall downnn.. and they are all superr heavy luh >.< after movin the tables, trng started lerh. trained with mavis today (: cuo qiu... time seemed to pass rather fast? at 9 went wif nette go the creative writing workshop.. it was overall quite okay bah... but ii dun tink ii enjoyed it much cux ii was freezing half the time in there luh. :/ it ended abit later thn headed bck to trng.. they were playing sheng jiang lerh... so joined in... play until bout 12 plusplus thn kept the stuff.. went to change thn headed to tiong kfc for lunch.. okayy... ii seriously wasted alott of food today luh...gahhh.. thn went to popular buy something thn went ntuc see the stuff for sin dey all the chalet... after that they went to popular... me and mavis walked like superr lott thn the three da xiao jie still not done yet luh. so went BK find yoyo... slept there until they called.. loll they spent superr long jux to choose color paper and markers luh.. close to 1hr.. >.< after that headed home liaoxx.. ^.^ YESTERDAYY!! 2G OUTING <333 (24102008): the 2G class outing was held ytd! first we went to watch HSM 3 (: to me ii felt it was reallyyy nicee :DDD hahas..after that headed to bill's house for the bbq.. hmms...first we played dunoe what game... but 1person had to be so called blind and led to a destination.. hehes after that we played hide and seek catching?? hahas. it was superr funn and really tiring ^.^ thn after that went up for dinner.. ate speghetti and some nuggets thn jux chat chat.. okayys... ii cant really rmb what else we did... =xxx stm :/ hahas. after that we went down to take some class photos ((: thn sat and chatted abit... time jux passed real fast.. it was like 9plus.. daddy came much earlier thn expected... so had to leave earlier.. gahgahgah! ohwell...said my goodbyes thn headed off lerh.. thanks SHARON!!!!! for walking me out.. ii really appreciate it alot alot alot.. BILL AND FARHAN too yea !!!((: headed home after that... >.< 2years jux passed soooo fasttt... and i'm really gonna miss 2G luh..)': althou..ii noe ii abit anti? hahas.. but after all 2yrs in the same class sure have feelings derh(: so i'm definitely gonna miss this class truckloadss!! 2G is the greatest class in my heart!!! they made lessons so muchhh more fun in every way.. &&&...okays..i'm lost for words.. dunoe how to xpress the feelings in words lerhh... i'll treasure the memories we shared together <3333 2G [2008] is lovedlovedloved!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will miss this superr funn crazyy and simply fantastic class :DDDDD ~~~><~~~ thats all for todayy.. byebyesss (((:
2:29 AM
♥Helloes!! ii uploaded the picturess lerhh.. but i'm lazy to upload them 1 by 1 uh.. so jux placed some together yea~ ((: enjoyy ^.^ i'll upload the bbq photos another timee..
Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:35 AM
6:49 AM
♥ helloess! today is the last day of school!! ~~><~~ and we went to the singapore flyerr! before getting on the flyer ii was already superr scared uh.. hahas. but luckily got laura ((: thankss superr lottt!!! ^-^ hehes.. after waitingg for quite long we finally got onto the flyer.. its suppose to be moving reall slow but ii cld still feel it moving. so ii was damn scared during the start.. but after that it was alright lerh :DDD took manyy photos there too!! hehes!! after that time to go back to school lerh.. had 1 hr recess!!! so went to 2f slack slack.. >.< after that go bck class... took more picsss again! ^^ hee!! after that we count down till end of school... so fast and 2 years just flew by... next year 2G'08 will no longer be the same >.< i'm definitely gonna miss this superr greatt class! specially toothpikians =pp finally... 2G 2008, is LOVEDD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ii shall upload the pictures another time bah. lazyy =xx
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 2:56 AM
♥ellosss!! hahas. today was both funn and tiring ;D first thing in the morning there was a tribute/concert for mr giam. he's leaving the school lerh. =x there were superr many speeches made uh... and cux it was like early in the morn oni made me feel sleepier?? >.< shant go into the details thou.. butbut.. mr giam made a round of honour? on a motorcycle luh! hahas.. thn it ended soon after that... went back to class to place our bags and headed to the canteen for the science camp briefing (: our first activity.. is Physics SPA ;D mr chan HL was the teacher in charge for it.. he made us guess what SPA stands for... and after dunoe how many wrong guesses he revealed the ans.. SPA = School-based practical assessment! not science... thou ii tot it was >.< and everytime he talked in the lab it would make quite a few of us jump.loll his voice is loudd even though he nvr raise his voice o.O we did smtin with the data logger to find all the stuff.. however its kinda complicated to understand. . . gah.. my physics is badd =x ... lolx went thur ans thn headed for recess (: after recess it was chemistry SPA! ;D this time it was miss tho (: we made crystals!! out of.... err...opps.. ii kinda 4got liaox. >.< but it was funn! ii paired with sharon (((: thn while the crystal was burning we stared in from the top thn the gas went into our nose.. =xx kinda choked us. hahas. and the crystals were superr beautiful ^-^ cant wait to see thm at the end of the camp... the final activity of the day was Physics Enrichment! it was more fun thn ii expected bah. hehes. fst activity was filling a cup with water thn cover it with a card b4 turning it upside down.. and the card is not allowed to drop. it was rather fun thou there was water splashing abt. hahas. and the last run the card dropped and so all the water splash out...loll. enjoyed this game muchh thou it was superr warm ... >.< nxt played the balancing board thingy... gah...my legs jux kept shivering ): so didnt do well for it either =x after that was the balloon thingy! jacelyn blew it really big until it burst!! xD close to 100cm liaox...*claps* ((: and finally...the struture building... that was the hardest of all... cux cannot hold it and cannot let it touch the floor.. oh-well..but we tried our best lerh (: after that headed to the lab and discussed ans as well as announced the winner.. congrats to group 7 ^-^ thn our day ended...we thanked the student facilitators who helped us superr much today :DDD headed bck to class thn went to tiong with wb (: ate qi ji for lunch...chatted and ate.. but ii wasted quite alot of food today thou ): hahas. after that walked around abit thn headed home lerh. alrite i'm gonna watch HEI TANG QUN XIA ZHUAN now (: hehes. byebyes! btw.. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA!!! <33 hope you like the present! && enjoy the day! may all your wishes come true! *yob...goodbye... nomoretears...nomorepromises... juxthatwishtohavethatlastperfectmemorywithyou*
Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:12 PM
♥HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIAAA !!!!<33 may all your wishes come truee (: && smileeee ;D okays.. tht's all i'm posting todayy >.< *itsnotyourfault... now ii really dont know... can ii reali turn my back away? iidununderstand...why it hurts so bad........ ii want jux one mre perfect memory.. with you. *
Saturday, October 18, 2008 5:34 AM
♥helloess! went out wif nicole mummy yc and sl today! (: arrived a little late.. hehes but ii wasnt the latest >.< had KFC for lunch! after that sat there and chatted abt what we wanted to do next. finally we decided to go watch butterfly lovers!! so went to buy tickets fst thn go arcade play.. played quite afew games bah.. but played the sliding disc that game the most. hahas. the disc even flew out the table once! loll! thn they wanted to play the DDR... so watched thm play. there was this small boy who could play DDR superr pro luh. he's legs were damn fast uh! xD after that time for the movie lerh! we were late for the movie oso =xx but it jux started to didnt miss much. *phews* butterfly lovers is a really touching show ((: cried quite alot for this show. and and and of cux Wu Zun is SHUAIII!!!! he fought so coolly!! >.< ii rate it 4 stars!? hee! thn after that we went to take nps. superr fun. cux got a afew times we were kinda slow.. so almst cld not make it to take pic. hahas. hmms...thn after that headed home lerh. mrt-ied home with yc and chatted alott on the way home :DDD homesweethome at 7+ (: *ithurtswheniihearyousaythaword... iiguessiiwastooreliantonyou... butimgladyourestillapartofmylife...<3*
Friday, October 17, 2008 2:33 AM
♥helloess!! havent blogged much since exams ended uh. shall blog right now than. so its gonna be a rather longg post?? heehs. Monday(13 Oct 2008) went out with viia siong and ness today!! superr miss them (((: hahas. at first it was kinda awkward while we had lunch at yoshi... hehes. chatted a bit thn went to walk walk... after a while we decided to go watch "painted skins".. but bugis didnt have it.. ): oh-well.. we went to marina to watch it in the end. hee!! fst we bought tickets thn started walking around... thn we went to try to play those machines that can catch toy derh.. ii'm really lousy at it... spent all the money ii changed and ii still got nothing )): siong was the luckiest! she got that mini big bird!! ii wanted 1mini big bird,elmo and cookie monster. but ... ii no skill >.< haish..thn carried on walking.. chatted superr lott.. hehes! and finally time to watch the movie!! hmms...overall it was quite a nice movie!!! and super touching at the end. we all cried..cept for ness..hahas. xD and..we wasted a whole combo. cux we barely drank the drink or ate the popcorn. =xx after that headed homee!! ;D ii super enjoyed myself!!! ^-^ Tuesday(14Oct2008) back to school today!!! we had to do "spring cleaning" of the classroom today. me and a few other girls were in charge of the white board. the holder for the marker was like damn black luh! but we used CIF? to clean it all... and had to use quite alot of strength?? it was quite tiring? hahas. but the white board holder was "sparkling" ! okay..so mayb not sparkling...jux much much much better.. cux almst all the black stuff was gonee! ;DDD after that headed for recess! and than went for bowlingg... it was quite fun bah.. only that the ball was heavy and the place was cold.. ii didnt get a strike thou ~><~ hahas.. well i'm still glad that ii didnt injure my hand..hehes! after that headed bck to school. we were xcused from assembly!! yeah! but had to wait for dismissal time... slacked at 2f until it was time to go.. went to mac for lunch! && met hiumun <3!!! hee! okays...thn sit there for awhile decidind where we wanted to go.. ii wanted to go hm sleep derh..but in the end wb convinced me to go sin's hse. so went there to sleep instead while they played. hahas.. slept for 1hr plus ii tink? thn play monopoly.hahas.. i'm the richest! if only it was real . loll thn left lerh! Wednesday(15Oct2008) today..was an avg day bah.. got back exam results... some was good and the others were plain bad)): so i'm not gonna talk bout it... jux hoping i'll get into my desired class. (: praypraypray! i'm shant fill in the details of the rest of the day liao.. cux it was a quiet day? hahas. Thursday(16Oct2008) another short day todayy... usual stuff at sch.. there isnt much to do now that the exams are over.. hahas.got bck our eng results... satisfied. hee! thn spent the last few periods chattin with laura dhey all.. after that went for lunch at tiong with yj sin and eryanah (: KFC for lunch today! hahas.had chicken... the chicken sin ate was huge luh...loll so spent quite some time eating.. loll mavis came later... and walked around abit fst...after that headed home but we peii mavis wait for bus fst. kind ppl! >.< jkjk luckily the bus was fasttt.. hahas. mrt-ied home with sin nxt(: home sweet home...watched hot shot (lan qiu huo) the entire day! its reali superrr nicee!!! hahas Luo Zhi Xiang and Jerry Yan are shuaiii!!! hahas. and the way they play basketball damned cool luh! ^-^ went to sleep after that.. todayy!! (17Oct2008) went out with Mavis today!! ((: ii was almst late.. hahas.. xD headed to marina square fst.. bought curry puff for lunch. its one of the best ones i've eaten...haahs. carried on walking to find a something suitable. xD but nothing was uh. so we decided to go suntec instead. received SUPERRR DUPERR GOOD GOOOD BRILLIANT NEWS!!! hahas. happy happy happy yea?! xD and we kept walking from one end to the other end of the 2nd floor like dunoe how many times luh... hahas. until finally in our last walk we bought something! ;D after that walked bck to citylink there. and out this superr nicee ice cream!!! mavis had the strawberry shortcake one and mine was mango tiramisu! it tasted nice nice nice!!!! i'm so gonna go try other flavours luh!!! hahas. one time of that is definitely not enough. >.< i'm still craving for it now.. =x thn went raffles city walk walk... chatchat...thn decided to go lerh. headed bck to tiong...peii-ed wait for bus thn mrt-ied home! ohohoh... ii bought HOT SHOT OST!! hehes. yayy! got postcards of the cast worr! hee! kkays.. this post is really long uh. hehes. shall go now... byebyes!!! *ii said it before but ii cld not do it.. i'm saying it agn...and ii noe ill do it.. yob, ii love you but im letting go... i'm not making this choice for you or for me.. its for us... cux ii dun wanna go thru it agn... i'll be okay and ii noe you will. <3*
Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:12 AM
♥helloess! watched finished you're my destiny lerhh! hehes. its superr nice luh. && dylan is shuaii! lol. alright...a short post for today! woke up quite late today..thn prepared to go out.. watched tv for awhile until ii was almst late..xD after that headed bugis to meet jing and sin`. we were suppose to eat lunch together derh.. thn end up only me eat... and they watch me eat. hahas. after that went to walk walk and buy presents... but found nothing suitable? =x after that headed to bugis street walk walk.. superr warm luh. hahas. but managed to buy something. hee! hmms...thn walked all the way to OG to buy sweets before going bck to bugis agn.. sat at yoshi drink and chatted for awhile thn went for to gramaphone listen music. hehes. when we left...something happened and we "ran" away.. loll thn headed to kino buy stuff..walked abit more.. and mrt-ied home lerh. its a rather short day >.< kkays shall end here. byebyes! iiwilllearnto4getyou...iimadethatdecision... happinesswillfinditsway...pretencewouldthanbeathingofthepast.. can ii make it? the final promise;the last goodbye.
Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:28 PM
♥hiiiii! hehes. its been quite long since ii last blogged uh.. xD exams ended yesterday lerh!! yayy! all the papers were rather alright luh... but ii don really wanna talk about thm..hahas.. jux hope i'll do well.. hee! >.<><~ nvm...shall be patient ! hehes.. kkaes...after so long nvr blog liaox.. nw got nothing much to blog.. =x shall blog more nxt time thn! byebyes!! *itsgottostop...iineverdid...nevermeantto...whymustyoualwaysmakemehatemyself! storiescantberewritten...mistakescantbeearased...causetimecantrewind... everythingstartedwithmymistakes......* |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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Applause, |
I Love You. |