Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:03 AM
♥finallyyy!!! ii can post! been really busy this week? hehes. shall jux tok bout today cux i'm really lazy to update on other days.. xD hmms...woke up late thn usual cux belbel was sickk thn dun nid leave the house so early! off to school... superr glad that ii nvr 4get my sci report like ytd =xxx fst period was maths... as per usual the period before recess alwis take superr long to past... geog was too...ii cld not really absorb anything anws.. ): and thn it was recess... felt a little hungry so bought milo(: and bck to class! 4 periods mrs tee lessons... her lessons past slowww todayy too.. perhaps cux she was goin thru stuff bah... made me even sleepier... chinese...the fastest pasting period!!! and thn it ws dismissal (: thanks jingjing for pei-in me walk to tiong yea!! on the way there got one freaky old man suddenly shout at us sia.. D: alright thn mrt-ied to kembangan!! ii miscalculated the time so reached earlier thn xpected! waited for olivia darlingg!!! its been 128907590375 days since ii saw her luh! so miss darl ;D but ii had to leave after she came sia... cux had to go all the way bck to clementi )): thanks darl` for pei-in me wait for the mrt <33 headed bck home thn..there was no place to sit...so stood for like and hour? :/ reached home and ate "lunch"..hehes. watched MING ZHONG ZHU DING WO AI NI!!! its damnnnnn nice luhh!!! the lead actor is shuaii xD hehes...alrite...thats all for todayy.. tatas~ must we be that for you to still be a part of my life? ii miss the times when everything was so simple... ii wanna noe do you hate me? ii never meant to hurt you... now ii cant help but put all the blame on myself... can ii give up trying it seems nothing works! `sinned`
Friday, July 25, 2008 3:49 AM
♥cross country todayyy!!! hahas..woke up earlier thn usual..zZz.. headed to tiong to meet tt team (: off to chinese garden after everyone arrive.. at first ii was not nervous derh... but while assembling and all... thn the nervousness kicked in :/ &&& my running number was my tag number was 126 luh D: thn finally the sec2 girls' turn to run lerh... ;D ran wif nette && sin ^^. it was rather cooling to run thou..hehes... yayy! finally finished the race after running for dunoe howwww longggg...=x felt abit dizzy and nauseous ??? loll.. but got better after awhile (: went to get my milo...gaf the other one to jing drink... thn jux walk around and stuffx... prize giving nexttt!!! gaf only sec 1 and 2 prizes cux it was gonna rain... dimisseddd! saw mr kuan and jetro :DDD chatted for awhile and walked out lerh. waited at the mrt station for quite awhile and headed to ps. seperated awhile cux wb were not eating lunch..hehes bought bread from bread talk and cookies from subway! walked around alittle...came across this super cute shop! it sold Rilakkuma bears that were damn cute..heehs! after awhile met up again and off to watch the movie! PROM NIGHT =x its scary luh! the person keep popping up suddenly... many people were screaming in the cinema smre... we did scream too thou..hahas mel went to stick her hand from behind during one of the scary parts smre... scared me =x . hahas... hmph! xDD thn mavis squeezed my hand to hard and it cracked? loll. the last part was the scariest... overall it was quite a nice movie ((: its really thrilling and keeps you in suspense ;D after the movie SOMEONE go scare me luh!!! hmph!!! made me ____ )): EVIL DUMPLING =xx loll. headed to the mrt after that. gahh... ii was super blur. mavis open the door that stated 'Pull' and ii though it was 'Push'. haahs... the door almost came crashing into my face... >.< face <2+1><21> uldloveturntohate... itsfrightenintoknowthatyoumightbehatingmenow... butiiletyoudown... iioncedidsomuch... butiiwasthefirstto... sorryiinoeiihafnorights*
Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:43 AM
♥helloees! havent blogged for a few days lerh.. didnt want to blog today..but decided too. ;D had to wake up earlier today:x superr tired luh... slept in the car... assembly...blahblahblah... xD bck to class for geog.. watched 3 videos on rice cultivation... and my eyes were goin to close lerh... loll. cd next.. the girls had to go to the hall for some talk... dunoe why guys cant go... hahas. given a sweet at the end of the talk (((: ate it in the hall and headed bck to class.. drew smtin..my drawing is horrible =x headed for recess... studied ting xie... and bck to class for chi.... went thru erm...poems? and it was lit/eng... went thru the words in the IN section.... totally cannot absorp :/ and maths... wth. mr yohan said it was okay if we cannot do the maths qns... gah... ii like did it 4 nothing? ): wasted sleepin time :/ thn mr yohan "teached" set notation and gaf hmwk lerh.. sci...finally the last period of todayyy!! and the period that pasts the fastest too :DDD today like all the lessons superr draggy.. D: thn headed to tiong.. lunched at kopitiam! thn went ntuc buy sweet and choco 4 tml..hee! ii was craving for famous amos so went to get 100g of it... hehes. went home wif sin` (: cross country is tml! dun really noe what i'm feeling luh... haahs... oh well... Good Luck to everyone taking cross country! jyjy((: Please DONTDONTDONT rain tml!! >.< tatas~ 2&2 *suddenlyiiwishyouweretheretobringmeupjuxlikeb4 eunoeiididwaitbutyoutooktoolong iistillhaveyouinmyheart urestillimptafterall butiihafnorights iijuxwishthatiistillhadyoubymyside evenifwe'renot cuxyoualwaysdidit*
Monday, July 21, 2008 5:04 AM
♥hello! it was wet in the morning so bck to class for assembly. fst period was chinese... did the compo on 'san'... ii got totally no idea how to write it.. hope i'll do well for it bah((: thn recess...blah blah blah~ bck to class for science... went to the com lab...but we were noisy so had to go bck to class... thn walk bck agn.. loll... did our science report there(: hmms...and thn english!!! mrs tee is back...so she went thru wif us some things... thn we read newspapers... thn she called some of us up... for the speech thingy... hmms... i'm still deciding if ii shld go.. it sounds uber scary? =xxx thn maths...went thru stuff.. ii dun really get what mr yohan is talking? xD thn go hmt class after school... did badly for my test..pass by abit only :/ but its a hard test so i'm still satisfied? to tiong with mavis and sin.. and mavis was being *cough coughs* loll! KFC for lunchh!!! wanted to try the variety meal.. but too much lerh... shrooms meal! thn went to pop. to get my eraser and mre than words for my sweet! ;D headed to bm to find jing.. goin to the library to study.. it was raining superr heavy... thn jing gave us an umbrella but we never use... but chose to get wet.. =x we dashed across the road? dangerous sia.. and it was slippery...luckily nvr fall.. xD did maths...thn went to find books to borrow... went home after that.. gahh...the mrt was superr crowded :/ and ii kept hitting this lady cux too squeezy... the bus oso...had to wait twice... but it was still crowded... =x finally home sweet homee!!! okays... gonna go do my chi lerh..tatas!
Saturday, July 19, 2008 12:16 AM
♥ii accidentally deleted the post ii did ytd so its gonee =x hahas.... shall blog bout today... its been a rather short day thou ((: hmms...woke up superr late today cux ii kept snoozing the alarm.. lol! thn rushed about and headed for school... walked super fast... luckily not late ;D today we switched trng partners and ii trained with sin (: once agn was totally moodless when trng jux started... my la qiu is damn lan luh ): thks sin for telling me how to la properly manyy times xDD fa qiu next... omgg! xtremelyyy sorry jingjing!!! hope my bat nvr hit eu hard ((: thn went to play ji qi cux sin switched her jiao..cool luh.. =p felt much better after playing ji qi..(: but my wrist hurts cux of the la qiu... thn went to play sheng jiang...err...nvr play well.. during dui kang dunoe what ii doin.. kept making mistakes... :/ trng ended after that...headed to tiong... ate at BK cux it was full everywhere... thn went to popular buy sweeet :DD headed home after that!!! okays..i'm gonna go rest lerh...byebye! <27> *ii havent found my answers... but ii dun tink ii can take it much longer... tell me why i'm feeling this way??? whyamiialwaystheonewhohurtstheotherperson... whyamiinottheone!!!*
Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:57 AM
♥helloeesss!!! usual lesson todayy.. geog test in the morning...ii was worried that ii wld haf no time to do luh.. hahas...but ii had more thn enough time (: thn CD...had to draw comic strip..once agn i'm uber slow jux like last time... =p had to bring CD work to recess... jing yun and ii kept quibbling luh! hahas..thn later they bully me! so we kept on tickling each other...haahs... and it was quite tiring? lol! thn bck for classes... shall jux skip cux nothing much happened... after school...met jing and yun... mavis and sin had SL... lol! dunoe why the three of us keep quibbling luh.. thn keep tickling each other...hahs.. and someone was super *ahems ahems* headed to kopitiam for lunchhh! ate quite fast today :DDD thn went down and decided to get chewy junior for dinner later? hahas... gought 6 free 1! treated jing and yun... each had 2 thn the xtra gif to jing and yun.. the ppl at chewy junior damned funny luh... we nvr do anything keep on laugh laugh laugh...zzz thn after that ii take the pastry the guy was like cannot shake the pastry...lol!!! ii want take money mah...haahs.. thn wen we go they all laugh superr loud? -.-'' took mrt to redhill! bought mr beannn! ii still like tiong derh best! (: hmms... we could not find a place to sit so we had to stand at the railing there eat.. we looked superr err.... dunoe how to say luh.. haahs...thn we created space to put the drinks down.. smart hor! xD ii nvr tink of the idea thou...=x thn later yun. say her had dirty and ii tot her a great way to clean her handss.. heeee! but she went to the toilet in the end... xD andandand *ahem ahem* went into *ahem ahem* lollollol thn she still say quite loud? hehes... =x thn went home after that (((: okayys... gonna go lerhh!! byebyesss (29) jing's apple chewy jnr!! i'm to blame for everything... it jux aint right! i'm so stupiddd!*
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:02 AM
♥i'm gonna make this a quick post before ii go study maths test! :D shall skip school cux it was jux lessons lessons lessons...=x hmms...met wb after school and headed to tiong.. got caught in the rain... hehes kopitiam for lunch... cld not finish my chicken luh...wasted 1/2? lol. thn went to the mrt to wait for all the tt members to arrive... mrt-ied to chinese garden... waited for mr phua to come thn we started to run (: the route was a little changed thou.. hahas... it seemed shorter? xD ii was superr happy when ii saw the bridge cux it means the end of the run.. hee! after that thn cool down...superrr dizzy luh...lol. sat down and chatted wif sin.nette.casa.angelin. until the rest of them ran finished their second round... ((: packed up ans left cux it was raining lerhh... gahh....SOME people gang up to bully me while we making our way out.. ))): keep making fun of my _____...>.< thn chatted with sec1s while on our way to jurong... *jingjing!!!rmb yr promise worr~ dinner at kopitiam there wif..wb cept for sin...yenyi.debra.vivian.casa.angelin(((: thn mrt-ied homee! okies! Gonna go lerh! buaiix~ <31>
Monday, July 14, 2008 4:27 AM
♥helloesss!!! woke up today and rmb got chi test.. ii havent even learnt the words yet lorh.. ): tried to learn all the words before lesson... the test is superrr hard luh! totally dun understand the passage... ii tink i'm not gonna do well for this test liao lerh D: recess next...decided where to go 4 yj treat! heee! and bck to class for science! went to the lab to do the experiment thingy... scalded myself cux ii went to touch the metal thing while it was still hot..*ouch* THANKS JACELYN for helpin me treat the burn (((: and thn went bck to class 3 free periods!!! did all the homeworkkk... ii wrote the english compo up till one page thn ii felt it was crappy luh ): so rewriteee...=pp sch ended...went to find mavis and nette.. helped mdm sharifah take out the stuffx and than headed to tiong.. bought polar cux we were really hungry.. thn did work at bk... met fankai and js dhey all there so chatted for awhile until they left..loll! continue writing till time to go meet yj. sin. hui. we decided to go ajisen instead... so mavis nette me went in fst.. decided the food we wanted to have and thn ordered after the others came.. SPICY CHASHU RAMEN! :D yummm! hahas... ate and chatted left around 4plus.. headed homeeee!!! THANKS YUNJIE FOR THE TREAT!!!! (((: <32> *ZZ!...eu may not noe it... but because of my promise to you... i'm much happier now (((: lets jux hope it'll stay this way!*
Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:26 AM
♥oops... ii 4got to do this ytd. =x soo... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SAM!!! =p alrite...shall get on with my day... woke up late so had to skip breakfast )): thn rushed to sch... luckily no late luh :D did warmups thn played fan shou... after jiao lian came thn we played zheng shou... did fa qiu dong zuo agn...gah..my muscle hurts :/ hmms...thn rested? oh, and we played cuo qiu too. me and yun were super blurr when we fst started to cuo...kept forgetting the way we suppse to cuo... lol! but we managed to get it after sometime... today not only the sec4s came bck but also the graduted snrs.. so it was really re nao...hee! played many matches with thm as doubles with sin.. okays...ii not ii played badly.. D: trng ended after that... headed to tiong with wb! went to coffeebean to buy drink with yunjie fst. CHOCOLATE ICEBLEND :D thn headed to mac for lunch... slacked there for awhile and thn went home lerh... came home slept awhile.. ohwell...shall go study now.. =x 34days... *iidontwannahurtyouagn... iicantpromiseanythingnow... itseemsiicantpretendmuchlonger*
Friday, July 11, 2008 3:44 AM
♥yayyy! there's no homework todayy! ;D butbutbut...there are a few test cuming up next week.. so mux study lerh...and i've been slacking quite alot? hee! raining today agn... superrr cold luh...temp. taking(: mine was like super low? hahas... mayb cux ii was cold bah =x PE was free period!!! spent the time memorising my gong hang. managed to finsh it! thn music...rehearsed and thn performed(: bck to maths...erm... ii sooooo dunoe what mr yohan was teaching.. thn was recess..ate and crapped... bck to class 4 geog.. mdm sarifah was early luh.. thn later chinese! quite a few ppl got caught luh...by the trainee cher... lol. wrote it finish(((: thn bck to class for science! went to the lab... and thn checked the swab samples we took ytd.. there was barely any bacteria in the tap one but alot at the toilet one.. =p and headed bck to class... packed and went to prepare for trng... it was rather short.. &&& sorry Charis!!! packpackpack ran for 5 rounds and headed to tiong subway for dinner! (((: walked around and thn headed homee!!! okays thats all... byeee! *eu did it for me...and ii promised ii wld too.... will ii ever be rid from the shadows of my past?* 35days...
Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:31 AM
♥HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNJIEEE!!!!!!!!! 9/7/2008 okays.. shall blog bout what we did after sch ytd.. we kinda tricked yj home? lol.. but it was soooo obvious so ii tink she knew luh. =x oh-well..headed to bugis with wb (; hmms...we walked to many shops luh... but we did not really noe what to get.. or rather..cannot really find the type? lol. but we managed to find it in the end ;D something uber funny happened... someone BANGED into the display glass luh.. LOL!!! hahas... she wanted to take the bag but nvr see the glass thn move all the way until she hit it.. hahas... hope yr heads fine(: alrite thn we headed bck! present today!!! hahas... raining in the morn so went to class... it was superr cold thruout the lessons... :/ thn it was recess! was walking with mavis thn suddenly sm1 jump infront of us and shouted 'worm!' scare us luhh.. =x sang yunjie a bdae songgg at the canteen (((: thn bck to class... lessons lessons lessons... there's alot of hmwk todayyy! )): hmms...thn after sch went to tiong .. ate at kfc... chatted and slacked dhere.. thn later me and jing went to popular b4 getting a cake for yun. and yoyo ;D we were super nervous lorh...dunoe what reason.. thn jinghui carried the cake in... after lighting the candles.. we sang happy birthday to both yun and yoyo! hehes...thn cut the cake lerh!!! yumyumyum! had 2 sml slices ((: great... ii owe yoyo another meal!!!! :/ hahas...nvm.. i'm honoured to treat her!! =ppp okays..thn ate the cake..wen to popular and homeee!!! homework timee! ;/ *every step ii take... every move ii make... its making things mre complicated... ii wish ii cld jux stop... but ii cant stop my mind &&& heart*
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 2:36 AM
♥elloes! ii jux realised how wordy my blog is luh.. hahas... shall add some pics one of these day if ii can...hee! hmms...shall jux blog abt trng ytd and today's school bah.. xD 8july08 trng! ;D training was funnnn!!! hehes.. ii was actualli super tired b4 the start of trng.. but after playing awhile... ii was energetic? hahas. played tui ce fst!! ii love la qiu for now!!! (((: hehes...its super fun! althou my wrists hurts alittle... hmms..thn played cuo qiu...singles fst with cheryl and thn doubled with sin! my wrist quiite hurt when ii was cuo-in wif sin :/ nxt we played matches! sheng jiang! :D mr kuan tot me the correct way to stand when sin is gonna do the service.. still tryin to get used to it...but its better to stand there...hee!! hmms...thn trng ended...earlier thn usual? okays..thn we did PT... but it was fun! and yoyo was bullying us...drag the time longer.. hahas..but ii got totally mixed up....ii kept doing the wrong actions... and ii was super blurr! ii went the wrong direction..cux ii was the only left hander and i'm suppose to go the other way...hahas.. trng ended..headed to gong gong hse.. daddy came to fetch me ...and homeee! todayy! woke up late today? so had to rush around.. ate breakfast.. ii hate the new bread daddy bought :/ okays..off to school... fst period was maths... ii tink mr yohan jux teached finish another chapter.. but wait.. ii dun tink he teached luh. lol! and it was geog...went thru ytd hmwk... thn went to foyer to do the quiz thingy... recess next! treated wb to drinks! i'm kind! hahas...no luh...cux they pay me bck in coins...and my coin pt in my wallet already bursting liao.. hahas.. went bck class take lit stuff and dwn to the AVA room.. we were grouped by numbers today.. and had to perform with our grp.. my grp consisted...sharon.patricia.alvin.hwan heo.adrian. the fst thing we had to come up with 3 statements...2 facts and 1 lie.. ii kept praying not to be called but in the end got called... but havent tink finish...so go bck sit ;D thn later performed a few stuffs with grp and lit ended.. bck to class for chinese... slacky period? hehes... and thn tiong.. blah blah blah =ppp thn homeee! okays gonna go do hmwk now! *ii was so close to getting my answer.. yet ii let it pass me by... if only ii cld help myself.. cux...serious... iam nh!*
Sunday, July 6, 2008 1:42 AM
♥ii managed to change my blogskin lerh(((: but still got alittle editing tht ii shall do later on... kinda tired lerh.. =p shall update bout ytd and today! 5july2008 training today! suppose to eat waffle derh...but dun haf...so ended up eating biscuit): hmms..thn went for trng... played with yun fst! and thn after that trained xinyi. she played quite well (: improved! thn next..practiced fa qiu! after that played cuo qiu sheng jiang.. and thn played quite a few matches.. but ii played damned badly today luh... ii wasn't even concentrating. gahhhhhh :/ headed to tiong wif eb after it ended...had lunch at mac! slacked there awhile...ii was superr tired... so we went home at bout 2plus. did some hmwk...napped...and thn went to sam's hse for dinner! watched RAISE YOUR VOICE! its superrrrrr nice luh! the songs are niceee! &&& Oliver James is very good-looking.. =ppp went home after thats..and slept. xD 6july2008 woke up..and started to do more hmwk (: ii jux realised how much hmwk ii havent done luh.. gotta chiong after this post lerh!!! thn prepared to go merchant court for lunch! ate buffet! ii wanted to eat the dessert after awhile thn bastain kp saying ii waste money. so ii went to take another sml plate an ended up almst vomiting.lol! cux ii went to take dessert=ppp thn after that digested alittle food and daddy dropped bel off at vivo.. and dropped me at home! and i've been slacking all this while cann))): okays... i'll stop here now.. ii gotta go chiong hmwk lerh! buaiiss! *i've tried... ii really did... but ii still dont get it... ii want to but ii cant and ii hate it :/ ii wld tell...if ii could... but besides me...its still me... to get myself unstuck*
Friday, July 4, 2008 3:20 AM
♥this week is finally over! its been quite tiring luh...and i've been sleeping late D: so ii havent blogged for almst the whole week lerh... but i'm lazy to blog bout the whole week so shall jux update ytd and today bah (: 3 july 2008! first period was geog... jux did some mindmap and than it was CD. free period!!! (((: did geog project with laura... thn recess!!! err...chinese.. slack...hahas.. for english...went thru sm things... and mrs tee postponed the spelling :D thn maths...free period agn! hee! did some work.. and it was science... went thru stuffx... thn after that went wif soon xin to meet jessica at tiong... bought some stuff at fairprice and headed to jessica's hse to prepare (: hmms...thn cabbed to fel4's hse and surprised herr! we bought many apple flavoured stuff ^^ and the cake was delicious.. ate pizza while we played this stack game in her room (((: but ii had to leave earlier cux going to watch MACBETH! left...thn ii was like totally lost? hahas...so in the end had to cab home.. .hehes rushed here and there.. thn left for tiong... ii tink ii was the fst to reach? thn did not notice sin had come too lerh... only after ii saw nette..hehes waited for the others to come and off we went... met mrs tee at bugis and walked to NAFA. hmms...took a break halfway and continued agn... we got super lost luh..haahs.. and had to ask quite a few ppl for directions... but finally we got there! althou we missed a bit of the show its alrite :D got in and watched... the cast speak super fast...so cld not really understand... ended at 10plus.. thn had to walk bck to bugis...but got ABIT lost so only met mummy they all at like 11pm! sent eryanah home thn went home.. 12pm! superr tired..jux wash up...pck... and plonk on the bed lerh... hee! todayyy! PE!!! ii was hoping it wld rain cux ii was uber tiredd)): ran 4 rounds at tiong park.. bout 2.8km. thn slacked after that... music next...nvr bring paper so jux anyhow practice? hahas.. and played bdae song for fel4 too (: mr yohan came today...arranged all the ws... and stuffxx.. geog was nxt...presentation for the mindmap thingy.. chi... gahh.... i'm so gonna flunk my si hang... only rote 2 senteces for the last 2 paragraphs luh :/ went bck for science...went thru the last pt of chap7... and sch ended! prepared for trng.. hmms... did dong zuo fst...tiringggg... my hand was trembling after all of it and my chest hurt.. ): bck to trng...tui dang ce shen.. funn! thn played competition with cindy... fun too... but made many mistakes. packed up and left...kopitiam for an early dinner.. its been 1234567... days since ii ate ban main luh.. hahas. hmms...and ii kept eating but the noodles like never get lesser luh.. so in the end nvr finish..hehes... went home after that! alrite...gona go off lerh.. byebyes!!! &&& HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELICIA[4]!!!! *ii hate the feelings i'm having now!!! but ii hate myself even mre! how did things end up like this... i've tried...but ii jux cant... its killing me... iwishiwishiwish...* |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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I Love You. |