Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:09 AM
♥okies... my brain cells are dying liao luh! so i'm bloggin to get away from my work.. my maths is dropping like siao luh!!! so far ii havent passed a single test mr yohan gave!!! wth larh! ahhhhh...mayb its cux ii dislike him and its making my maths grades slipppppp... crapcrapcrap!!! okies...from tomorrow onwards ii die die must pay attention to his lesson liao luh even thou it make me wanna sleep. lolx. ii hate mr yohan mre and mre luh!!! heeelllppp... haahs...kays shant tok bt him lerh.. anws, the tt competition is jux the day after tomorrow!!! i am soooo not ready? and xtremely nervous lorr! oh well...jyjyjy! :DDD okies gota go bck to my work... i've said it alot of times and i'll say it again... for the last time though... From offically tomorrow, i am gonna be veryveryvery xtremely studious! and train really hard ya! JIAYOU!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008 2:19 AM
♥helloes! i'm bloggin today to wish myself.... HAPPY BELATED 14th BIRTHDAY!!! hoho~ i'm fOurtEen lerh!!! :DDD And ii wld like to thank everyone who helped made this birthday a veryvery special one!!! the presents received are dearly loved and greatly appreciated!! i love WB and 2g'08 for makin this bdae so special! and of cux my pri sch darlings, gans and family! and ____too!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008 4:14 AM
♥helloes!! ii blogged a total of two times this week!!! hoho~ but startin frm next week i'll really be bloggin once a week unless i'm really free! but htis week mayb 3 times? cux its special? =ppp yesterday...24 jan 2008... we had 6 free periods today luh!!! it was a total waste of time cumin to school! lolx...but it was kinda fun... during eng...ii was doing my homework...mrs tee give so much luh and so hard to do smore! ))): thn after that do until headpain so decided to stop....watched the other talk and play...thn dunoe hu stared doin pushups...thn in the end almost all the guys and some girls were doing pushups..lolx...but cool? haahs! thn they started playin the scissors paper stone...thn beat hand...ii was damned lag luh... ))): played for awhile thn watched thm play.... recess next!! crapped and chatted with wb... thn after that bck to class....ii cant rmb if its eng or maths...but ii tink its maths...did wtv work mr yohan gave thn laid on the table for quite long thn joined in to play with xuguo bill hwan heo and more barh... ii was seriously laggg luh... lolx...got beaten quite a few times ): haahs... thn gwen and ck play until... bruise! =p after that chinese was yet another boring lesson...as per usual... science...chionged corrections and goin thru...test tml!!! headed to meet wb at 2F... helped with the deco... and ii soooooooooooo love WB and jiie! 4 givin me that wonderful surprise!!! love ya lotxxxxx! lala~~ ii was total gong-ed luh... ii went into the class and there was a cake!!! :DDD thanks! ii loved it alot! 25 jan 2008...two~! today was a rather short day...ii guess? haahs... fst period was english...mre hmwk to add :/// thn hm ed...we baked sardine rolls...its soooo fun to roll the dough!!! ii mashed the sardine...and it looked disgusting...but we managed to finish on time!!! :D and then headed off 2 recess...waited till 10.15 thn collected our rolls...it looked really pretty!!! but taste? hmms...ii prefer hui and sin derh! lolx... thn ate during recess...after that bck to class... ipw briefin...zZZ...after that chinese...you lao shi read some compos and crappd bout L1 R5 etcetctec... thn finally it ended...bck for sci test... ii shld have studied harder!!! ~~~><~~~ got many wrong liao ii think )): cant slack liao.... thn after that was maths..did my work...by the time ii finished the lesson was abt to end lerh...slacked awhile thn dismissed....drank milo thn after that headed up for trng lerh... today trained doubles wif yj...today trng was really really fun!!! jiie trained me and yj! and ii seriously gota admit she train very fun... can go be coach? haahs... THANKS WORR!!! ii really learnt alot today frm you!!! hehe~~~ thn played match...played for quite long ...thn after that packed up and off to tiong! dinner...etcetctec...waited wif sin thn bused home 2gether...sweet home... *3wholedays! you could make my 14 lovely or broken* *althou ii may say it this way, as long as yr happy...ii will be 2!* *1314A.D.N* *wld ii ever be able to open my heart like ii did for you?*
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:02 AM
♥yoyo! lolx... havent blogged for pretty long lerh.. since i'm kinda free now ii shall jux update!! Monday! (21 jan 2008) woke up later thn usual cux sch started later! hoho... went to meet wb...i tink ii was late? haahs... thn fst period was sci...headed to the chem lab to do experiment... by the time lesson end lerh my head was like damned pain luh :/ thn after that headed for recess...chatted and crapped.... spelling next! ii tink tis time cant get full marks luh )): my sentence were practiacally senseless! thn had chinese....usual boring lesson... maths nxt...ii still cant get a single thing mr yohan is talkin luh...argh! i'm sure i'm not gonna do well luh! nxt was history... phew! no test!! our test wld be on wednesday! hmt xtra lesson...wasted so much time! stay bck for nothin like that... went to find the others... o.O! got the cornflakes thingy! THANKS JIIE! *see i haf manners hor* off for lunch thn headed home lerh... Tuesday (22 jan 2008) had lit test during the fst period...i'm so not gonna do well ~~~><~~~ ii alredy made a frekin careles mistake luh!!! )): kays shant talk bout it lerh... thn nxt was history...more going thru... zZz... sci next...i'm kinda confused wif what miss kong is teachin liao... ahhh....gota jyjy lerh!!! recess next... tried the sardine rolls hui they all made...yumyum! cant wait for friday!!! thn had chi after recess....did not have the key so we had a so called "out-of-classroom" lesson... thn you lao shi said that we were going to write a compo blah blah blah... 2 whole period of maths next.. ii haf no idea how ii managed to make it thru..lolx.. and we're doing on conguent figures!! hoho... after that was art....did some drawing... after that headed for lunch and trng... now we have added warmups! started trng zheng shou...thn played doubles.... thn sheng jiang... ii noe ii did not play very well luh... so in the end got..... one more and ii mite haf.... haahs... and zones is jux nxt week!!!! omg! i'm like so not prepared lorr:(( thn headed to KFC for dinner... after that we sat and chatchat.... *everything eu said was right...theres alot ii wanna say..but at the end ii jux wanna say SORRY. TODAY eng was the fst two lessons and mr sandhu came in... he cum in already scold luh! )): his lesson was pretty scary? lolx.. thn had chinese lesson...trying very hard to pay attention! thn she let us listed to ke wen for like the whole period..so ii took a super short nap..=p thn recess...ate lunch... thn headed bck to class... music! watched and listen soundtracks and movies...passed rather fast today... hist next...test!!! ii hope ii do well!!! praypraypray... had maths next....mr yohan is not here! yesyesyes! haahs... finished up all the maths work cept for a part c...hoho... thn cme...was like running around sch wif a big red ball! it looked really weird luh! but it was to beautify our school...so yah... thn stayed bck to hlp after that thn went for cw class... it passed kinda slow today...after it ended went ot find wb.... bought mr bean thn slacked... home sweet home next! 4 more days...lala~~
Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:10 AM
♥hello!! ii havent blogged for pretty long eh? ii decided to blog today cux i'm kinda bored luh...so i'm not gonna blog the rst of the week lerh... i've been slackin alot luh:/ ahhhhh... kays...enough of complains i'll get on with my days... tuesday!!! shall skip school.... after school went to meet jiayi and wb... thn after whilin away time in school headed to tiong... shared siling wif mavis thn boarded the bus... crapped for awhile thn after that took a sweet short nap... slept till reached sunsprt there... and we realised we ahd to walk a long long long way luh.. ahh...it was really tiring...:/ reached sunsport finally...and when all had arrived trng started.. today ii totaslly sucked luh!!! ahhh...i played very lan lorr://// oh well...thn suddenly there was a blackout loh...it totally freaked me out!!! and yarh those there shld noe the rst... after that dinner with mr kuan... thn after that mr kuan drove us home! thanks sister kuan! lolx... home sweet home next! Wednesday new girl today! she's actually frm my pri sch derh...so qiao! oh well...the usual borin day lorh... and mr yohan kept us bck so cld not eat lunch took a quick drink thn after that went to eng writing class...the cher is seriously hilarious...she makes lesson very enjoyable! hoho~~~ thn did some grp work b4 left wif sin mavis yj 4 tiong... we planned a surprise for hui! hehe... kays..its been a short day barh.... tOdaYYY... ii was really tired today...my eyes was practically closing lah... and my brain cells seemed dead! ))): thn after that had PE....running and ht wt blah blah... nxt was maths...wth! test tml!! arghx! thn after that was chinese did letter writing... thn after that headed bck for eng....did more descriptive... thn science...miss kong brounght her"LEO"...haahs and it was kinda tortured? haahs jkjk>< but it was cutee... thn offf to tiong after that....lunch thn... yj and ii were like acting for hui's surprise! haahs...and it worked.... conclusion> SURPRISE SUCCESSFUL!!! haahs...went to mac to study and crapp... thn after that headed home...sweet home...lolx... oh well byebye!! frm tml cant slack liao lerh!! :/// wish me luck! hehe~~
Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:57 PM
♥hElloeS!!! okies...i'm goin to blog bout my week now! hehes... i'll make it brief cux i've gotta rush later! goin out with sin and hui later! o.OOO new clothes! hopefully! =PPP i'll skip monday cux nothin much happened... tuesday>8 jan yet another usual boring sucky day at school... i'm really startin to hate sch luh...ahhhhhh kays...nvm... thn had trng after that... trng was FUNFUNFUN!!! as per usual...hehes... went home thn chionged homework b4 able to enter dreamland! =PP wednesday>9 jan shall skip school barh... today went to vivo ZINC to get jingjing derh bag... we spent alot of time pickin luh.. and finally bought the perfect one! hehe XD thn off to tiong to meet yoyo mavis and sin... slacked and chatted awhile b4 headin home... thursday>10 jan i'm still not bloggin bout school! cept that mr yohan gave us a freakin test today larh!!!! and sooooo little time!! arghx... after these lesson ii can offcially conclude that ii HATE HIM!!!! ii wan mrs tay!! :///// oh well....headed for trng after that... trng wif wynette was really fun!! haahs... thn lian abit more b4 we played sheng jiang and dui kang... lost the matches so had to do 2 lap frog jump and bout 40 oush up and 40 situps ii tink... walked to tiong to meet hui dey all b4 headin home... friday>11 jan school was rather okay today... yes!!! we no longer have to stay back on fridays lerhh!!! yipees!!! thn after that headed to lunch and trng... trng was pretty short...so we trained till bt 4+ thn me nette gotta go lehr... rushed home...packed...blahblah... thn went to bathe... after that went to meet felicia jessica laura for dinner... met wb at kopitiam too!!! had chicken rice thn headed to city hall... after that walked to esplanade... went in to the theatre and the seats are like uber high... ii was practically watching the show with a headache... but..it was worth it... the show was really really really nice! BEAUTY WORLD ROCKS!! =PPP i managed to see darren!!! he's sooooooooooooo shuai!!! hahahs... thn went to meet nette and waited for daddie... sorry nette! left so fast! ))): home sweet home....plop dwn and sleep... TRNG!! 12 JAN woke up really early luh... ii was soooooo tired... headed to sch thn while waitin ii was like sleepin on the table larh... haahs.. thn we set the tables...blah blah something unpleasant happened... but its OK now! hehe off to train... ii was really tired so ii was kinda slacky today lorr )): and my stamina is soooooo lan luh!!! ahhh/...really mux jiayou lerh!! ))): thn mr kuan said alot of thingd to us...which really makes alot of sense... haahs...and learnt of somtthin else...hopefully it'll turn better sooN! TOdaY!! kayys... i'm goin out soon so b4 ii leave... HAPPY BIRTHDAY XU GUO!!! happy sweet 16!! u used to be the shoulder to cry on....now there's a whole sea of tears jux waitin to be poured out... my inside's breakin apart...but... will ii ever find bck those nights ii had b4 you... where nothing weighed on me and ii was truely smiling???
Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:58 AM
♥hellos!!! ii wont be bloggin so often now lerh:/ i'll jux blog bout once a week unless theres a special occasion etc. haahs... today ii have to blog to wish ... JINGHUI............................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope eu like the present!! :DDD kkays.... tata! gtg! =P shall blog more on sunday or soon...haahs.
Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:35 AM
♥IMISSTRNG!!! its been a longggggggg two weeks since we had training... today trng has been rather fun!!! fst we played zheng shou which was really fun to play today!!! hehe =P thn after that played fan shou ++ quan tai... tiring...and my toe hurt luh!! :/ thn played cuo doubles with yj and pan hua... after that played jie fa qiu and zi you da... okayy...ii tink my fa qiu like deprove abit lerh:(((( gotta work harder!!! jyjyjy! XDXD thn after that played sheng jiang! ii played kinda bad today! hhad alot of mistakes specially faqiu!! thn after that packed and thn after that went to tiong bought lunch and headed to queenstown cc.... sat there for quite awhile until the presentation started... like finally.... sin wen on stage thn after awhile can go lerh!! hehe and ii tot it wld last till 6 luh! haahs... thn waited there until the rain was lighter thn went home lerh... [x]u made me the happiest wen eu said_________ [x]eu made my heart break wen i knew_________ [x]ii haf been trying really hard to let go...but ii love eu to much to do so [x]everything connects with you... [x]i'm falling ~breaking and really tired... [x]my lifes a stage of pretence and nightmares ... [x]all ii wanna do is ______________
Friday, January 4, 2008 4:34 AM
♥so fast and the fst three days of school is over... ii shall jux blog on the 2nd day and today cux the fst day was jux orientation and blah blah... 3 jan 2007 its the 2nd day of school and i'm sittin nxt to ......... nvm... ii sososo wanna change place....and its all thanks to ms foong!!!! crap! its tough to see lorh! ))): ii wan change place!!!! kayy its no use complainin now.... anws mrs tay is no longer our maths cher~~~><~~~ its now a mr yohan... thn eng cher + lit cher is mrs tee!!! hehe...goodies...but i still like mrs lee! oh well thn the rest are the same chers basically.... the day ended wif homework and stuff... headed home did work blah blah.... an found out something ii wished ii never did.... okay ii noe the post sucks cux i'm havin a bit of a headpain luh... 4 jan 2007 ii shall jux skip school...cux its now a bore... FAHRENHEIT's NEW ALBUM IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after school headed to KFC for lunch! thn after a longggggg time ii finally went to mj to collect the album!! and the folders!!! omg! YAN YA LUN IS SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! after ii left mj ii bcame a little high luh! ii was jumpin outside... it was kinda ps...haahs thn wen queensway wif yj...thn we saw this mother of two the boy fell thn she let go of the pram and it started rolling dwn...yj and ii caught it of cux...haahs.. headed there thn after that home sweet home.... napped awhile thn dinner and ii finally finish the chinese elearn!! hehe! kays gtg lerh. byebye! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
Chat Melody Rewind
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GESS TT 2G'08 1G'07;2G'08 Adabel Amanda Adela Carmel CherylLIM CherylTARE Cindy CherylYUEN CheeLeong CK Doralynn Datina Debra Devy Eileen Eunice Eugene Ernest FanKai Fransisca Felicia4 Gwen HiuMun JingHui JiaXiang Jacquelyn Jessica Jacelyn JiaSheng JunKang Jacqueline JiaMei JyeHuey Jemima Jodie KaiHwee KaiMei Klare Laura Mavis Meixian Nabil Olivia Pamela Quan QiQi Rachel Sinvyest Sharon SiongWoon Sherby ShuJuan SarahYap Shanice SoonXin Saras SiMin TzerBin totidory;totivia Via;Dory;Ness Via;Dory Via;Hiumun Wynette;Eunice Xinyi XuGuo Yolanda YunJie YuChing YenYi YuanMing YangYu ZhenYue ZhiDa ZhiHua
Applause, |
I Love You. |