Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:14 AM
♥okays..today was a rather ok day larh... woke up and prepared...goin out wif wb today...i was freakin umlucky larh! i got splashed by water by this dumb lorry today larh! hw unlucky!!! freak that lorry larh!!! kays thn wen to meet the others thn after that headed to chinatown....KBOX!!!! it was FUNN!!! we sang quite alot of songs...and thn...i'm gona skip the rest... thn headed to radin mas cc and played bb...but nvr really play anws.... thn after that headed to tiong for dinner....home sweet home next... HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL CONCERT!!!! freakin nice luhh!!!! but zac was not there!!!!! crycrycry!!! corbin was shuai! lucas was cutee! vanessa was preety!! ashley was the preetiest!!! love her hair!!! their singing still rawks!! haahs...XD but...it was only 1 hour!!!! cry! i wan it be longer!!! haix...nvm... FINALLY!!! completed heymath revision!! and chinese compre!!! but still got a million more hmwk...haix... crycrycry!!! kays....gtg lerh... bYE!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:22 AM
♥arghx!!! my head hurts!!! pain pain pain! it keeps cumin and goin!!! crapx! okays havent been bloggin for the past few days cux practically nothin happened.. on sunday(28 oct'07) i was stuck at home the whole day slacking... thn after that ytd(29 oct'07) the only time i went out was to go bck home... OMG!!! ah gong shaved baobeiix!!! he looks like a naked molerat larh!!! where's my teddy bear!!! ))): kays... did chinese compre and played wif boyboy thruout the whole night...missed him sooooooo much!! XD hahs... okays...nw the main pt of the post TODAY!! woke up at 8.30... played wif baobeii....thn wen to get ready for school... thn after that headed dwnstairs to have breakfast...peach bun! thn brought baobeii out and headed to the mrt...mrt-ied to tiong and headed to school...met shifu on the way and walked together wif her... thn after that started setting up the stuff...we cld not have the whole canteen today cux the snrs had to eat..the stall uncle kept naggin larh!!! felt like hittin him larh!! hahas...difuhui! thn after that for warmups 5 rounds around the arena...zzz...totally out of breathe!! and its jux 5 rounds!!!! stamina reali drop sia...last time pt run 8 rounds around school thn will chuan nw 5 rounds like that liaox..)): mux build stamina again liaox..hahs.. thn after that headed to st trng...trained wif hui today...FUNFUNFUN!!! and after break yj came!!! finally she's back!!!! hahs...!!! yipees!!!!! trained wif her...time passed sooo fst wen she's at trng! its one of the rare times i wish trng was longer.... haahs... thn after that headed to macs for lunch on our way to macs we saw NAT HO!!! OMGOMGOMG!!!! he was UBER CUTEE!!! shuaishuaishuai! kayy..i'm a little mad? lolx...but he's so shuai larh...haahs...and wen to tenchi to return the books... thn after that headed to great world...finally i get to eat my YOGURT!!!! YUMYUMYUM!!!bought sin's things... oh we also met mr kuan there..how lucky!!! he drove us backie to tiong!! yeah!!! thn after that bused home...omg! i hope she did not get any trouble...sorry sin!!! tml's wb's day out!! cant wait!!!! oh let today past faster!!! quick!!! quick!! quick!! hahas...kayys...gona go bathe liaox...hahs..buaiix! my head still hurts! ARGHX!!!! kkays...BYE!!! tml's halloween...*shivers* hahs..XD bye! 21 more days...
Saturday, October 27, 2007 5:23 AM
♥today had been kinda tiring...and my knee hurts!!! ))): nv m bt that... i'll jux get on wif my day... okayys...woke up early and it was rainin so had to walk to sch in the rain)): my leg was wetwetwet! kayys..thn set up tt stuff in canteen thn cux the ping pong balls havent been sent yet so listen to jiao lian talk...thn the balls came and started playin...kou sha gao qiu up fst... thn after that sixian me and lailin played zhi pai!! it totally wrecked my mood larh! thn i was uber pissed...sorry sixian!!! sorry lailin!!! thn after that played sheng jiang..surprisinly i kinda enjoyed today's sheng jiang i usually hated it...haahs...thn after that packed up and headed to tiong...bought soya bean... thn headed to radin mas cc wif weirdo batch and yoyo jie thn oso had our food on the bus... wen we reached i tink it was 1.45... we saw adrian...shijian...abraham...guan huai there but there were a few others who were not there yet ...so we jux found a place to sit and crapped...thn after like 15 mins they still havent reached and we were goin to leave lerh...but stayed on in the end...finally baron and sham came... so we started to captain's ball... kinda awkward and weird playin wif thm...thn while we were playin...i mistook ____ for ____ i noe my mistake is very kua zhang..i guess my eyes really got problem sia...haahs... thn after that took a rst and played basketball...we were like standing there for fun? they were like so pro larh... got the ball a few times but totally dunoe what to do wif it larh...the rules like so complicated sia...haahs...poor mavis kena hit by the ball twice! and yjii her hand got pulled twice...one by me SORRY!!! kayys...thn headed bck to tiong...walked around and had ice cream...thn home sweet home....XD kayys... gona do my maths lerhx..buaiix!
Friday, October 26, 2007 4:31 AM
♥today is the official last day of school!!!! i guess the feeling's bittersweet? lolx... headed to IT lab to watch mind your language! omg!! it was like frekin funny larh... hahs... cld not stop laughin... finally!!! gwen lent me tsubasa 15!!! syaoran is soooo cute!!!! the boys were like damned guo fen larh say i rdin ____!!! wth! i was not rdin ____!!!! jguigrnhjguir! laxlax...4get it...kinda used to it anws...haahs...XD thn science.... watched pom poko!!! it was goin to end thn it was recess so cld not watch finish))): headed to staff room there to photocopy our reslult slips thn after that played stress... maths next... mrs tay went thru our paper two talked to us a little and our lesson ended... thn after that headed to library...slacked there during chinese lesson... headed bck to class... it looked very different all the chairs were on the tables.. haahs... thn after that took a piece of rag frm tania! thanks!!! thn after that began cleaning the classroom... i never reali clean thou cux there was nothin much... haahs... XD thn was dismissed at 12.20...off to canteen...fst me and sin moved the tt tables... thn after that we did started movin the benches...GROSS!!!! there was like water and gravy splashin out of the legs of the bench!!! scremed a few times...4got y....haahs... but it was grossgrossgross!!! and i also touched something really really digusting!!! felt like pukin....i never want to touch those benches lerh...i even hit my knee larh!!! craps!pain)): thn moved the tables and sin and i started to sweep the floors...the rst mopped...and blah blah....after "years" of hard work we left sch... thn after that headed to tiong...bought chips and choco thn headed to sin's hse...ate and crapped thn played 'stress' again ....thn jux sat and crapped around...thn headed bck home... home sweet home... one yr past liaox....fast sia..it seems ytd i was still a newbie....haahs... oh-well... over tis yr i met the best snrs...weirdo batch<33...1g'07....the greatest chers..mrs tay mrs lee ms kong mr phua ttmr kuan> 25 more days
Thursday, October 25, 2007 6:09 AM
♥okay... havent been bloggin for the past few days cux i haf been xtremely tired..so wen to bed uber early... anws i'll jux do an update on my past few days barh! =P 23 oct 2007-tuesday today is the second day of maths games day!!! it ended really well!!! i guess its not as scary as i imagined it huh? lolx! its kinda sad that the games day has ended cux i really had tonnes of fun!? XD haahs... haix... cant bear to pt wif my game)): oh well...at least we got to be the facilitators((: it was funn!! okies...nough bt the maths day....after sch met WB and other tt mates and headed to tiong to lunch thn after that bused to kallang... slept in the bus cux it was a freakin long ride...zzz.... finally reached!!! made our way to sunsport... began trng... played quite lan lorh))):paired wif sixian... quite good...but i wan partner wif yj still!!! hurry cum bck!!! lolx! anws thn after that trained...trained...trained... thn headed to KFC for dinner... and off to wait for the bus in the spooky night....eerie sia... i ended up cryin larh...haahs...heng the bus came at the right moment...i really imagine too much! thn HOME SWEET HOME>..bathed and slept... 24 oct 2007-wednesday today..slacked during DNT...played murderer and detective...thn headed for recess...maths nxt....boring... i felt like slpin larh...i guess my brain jux shut dwn after exams...haahs...XD lit nxt...haiku coposin....sucky larh! thn after that maths again...siann... and thn sci...BEST LESSON OF TODAY! we watched pom poko!!! the racoons are soooooo cute!!!! i watched it b4 but kinda 4gotten it larh...haahs...thn sch ended... headed to tiong wif wb and met yoyo...thn after that walked around...ahhh...jux because i said "hi" in a diff manner!!! __________ fihidufhgifu! haahs... omg...so ps larh... my freakin hands were jux stuck to my file...arghx!!!! thn jux loitereed around befor heading to sin's hse...slept there for awhile thn after tht did sm work and crapped till 5++ and bused home....saw the bus cumin thn hui chiong thn yj and i was like stoned there larh b4 i started chiong...breathe;ess after that.... haahs... thn after that ate and headed home...home sweet home... and slacked b4 slpin.. 25 oct 2007-thursday today watched dante's peak durin geog...omg!! it was soooo xciting thn had to go hall...wth!saw many pictured thruout the hole year.... and the songs were nice!!! haahs... thn after that announced the sudoky winner...our class representatives were champions!!! *claps* thn after that headed for recess... smtin funny happened larh... freakin ps...haahs... thn after that chinese... library....boring... thn after that headed to eng class...survey... today seems to be survey day..we did like a million surveys lah...haas..the oscar one made me sad lorh...like all my "dream" jobs cant be larh....hduidhg! arghx! thn after that collected result.... did okok larh....thn off to kallang once again...slept in the bus and thn planned to chiong to sunsport...almst kena bang dwn sia...haahs...today trng was fun!!! trained wif pan hua and mr kuan!!! thn KFC for dinner and bused home...crapped wif yoyo...haahs...thn home sweet home once again... sian tml haf to clear all the tables sia...)): and there's spring cleaning in class too...!!! ghuighui! kkays... gtg! goin to watchie my show!!! i'm really goin to let go but i'll give you one more chance... 36 days to go...
Monday, October 22, 2007 4:36 AM
♥havent blogged for the past few days so i'll just give an update but i'll be skippin sunday cux nothin much has happened on sun anws... hee! Friday- 19 0ct 2007 shall skip the morning... we headed to sin's hse after we had our lunch as we were bored... thn we sat dwn and crapped for awhile thn Prince Of Tennis started... NICE! :D as usual Ryoma and team are both UBER COOL and CUTEE!!!! hehes... thn after that crapped smore thn after that started playin monopoly... mavis bought like all the houses luh... and we were like xtremely high while playin monopoly... we kept screamin... laughin... etc.etc.etc. lolx... i had quite alot of money at the end of it but not more thn mavis... she had ALOT!!! i tot i was going to be the fst one goin bankrupt but it was not!!! wakakas.... it was sin... at fst she land she pay half thn she land on the property we feared mst twice... omg! haahs... thn we stopped playin and wen to play the jnr version but found it boring so we went to play norm one again... tis time it was a usual calm game before we had the satays sin's mum cooked...thou a little brunt but it was YUMMY!!! yumyum! XD thn headed home... Monday-22 0ct 2007 today we had the maths game day! it was FUN!? cept that i was practically freezing larh... brr... reported at bt 7 sharp thn after that jux slacked around... after assembly thn after that the fst class came... sin hui yj were the honourable first constermers!!! XD the did xtremely well!! *claps* lolx... thn after that other schmates played the game...there were times where me and xg station was empty but it did pretty well! recess nxt...crapped... thn after that headed bck to the library... the nxt class came... they seemed to have fewer people but still many patronized d game... finally...last class of the day... mavis was d fst costermer for her class...hehs..and she pei me for quite long...hee... i was practically slackin? haahs... anws thn after that headed to find mr phua thn after that thn headed to sakae wif jacelyn and laura to gif her a birthday treat!!! thn after that headed to KFC to find hui sin yj.... thn jux sat there and waited for mavis and yoyo to cum...cum lerh... took 195 to telok blangah headed to amv hse put our bags and thn after that headed to the playground dere... was planing to climb the thingy wen and EVIL PERSON SCARED ME!!!!!!!!! made me cry larh!!! arghx!!!!!! okies thn after that headed to play CHEAT!!! FUN! thn after that headed bck and be in the comfort of an air-con... lolx... crapped thn headed bck... home sweet home XD
Friday, October 19, 2007 7:16 AM
♥today has been grt!!! as in the after sch pt... hee... anws... eng... spelling... and more spelling... thn sci... MARCH OF THE PENGUINS! it wld haf been nice wifout dose xtra comments... haahs... thn recess... the usual crap and nonsense... LOL! thn after that maths..wen thru exam papers... zzz... SECRET!!! watched it durin chinese!!! it was going to end liao lorh but thn the period ended...its the fst time ever i wish chinese cld be longer haahs... but still it was nicee! thn after that headed to hall for this latin band thingy... the songs were grt! but it made me feel sleepy... lolx... thn after that headed to tiong wif WB. till like 2.30 thn headed to bugis...wen to change and waited for them to cum...was meetin viia...siong...dory...nessa... met siong fst wen we realised that via has been standing at the other side..lolx... wen to meet her thn after that new that dory and nessa wld be late...so jux walked around...thn was kinda awkward but soon bcame chatty laiox...haahs....thn headed to SWENSES!!! pasta!!! yumyum!! thn we mixed the food...hahs...yucks! lolx... nxt walked around and chatted send songs... nxt time charge battery to full batt worr!! haahs... anws thn after that jux walked around... finally went to this fashion!!! but i still prefer ps derh... beta clothes! hahs.. thn after that went to take pics.... went to toilet to take...lolx... thn took more outside a shop... thn after that viia and nessa left... walekd around thn headed to deli to eat dinner wif dori and siong... home nxt... oh...dory got free hamster...hope mummie let me kp! XD anws...gtg... HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIIA laogong!!! smuacks! lurvyaloads! 13 liao worr...no child ticket! XD
Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:57 AM
♥today i finally got bck my geog bck my geog paper!!! i did quite well!!! and mdm sharifah forgot to add 1 mark!! XD lit nxt...hmms... were we havin a debate or counselling sessions? haahs...nvm.. anws thn recess... shall skip it.... thn chi...zZz.... was trying freakin hard to kp my eyes open...the videos was like____... but the last one was not bad...touchin! (: english nxt... got back my marks!!! love it!! wakakas.. thn spelling... cld not think but got quite good... spelling bee up nxt!!! FUN!!!! thn sci... xtra ordinary ppl!!1 kinda borin...wanted to read prince of tennis!! ryoma's soooo cute! lolx.. thn TPI...survey... and i just realsied my freakin mistake!!! i forgot that my geog marks were WRONG!!!! and i still sign!!! wth!!! dhugyukdgudhudhugh! i'm gonna get it frm ms foong wen she finds out...n i'm not goin to get that xtra mark...))): kays end of sch!!! changed blah blah blah thn trng....today we did our own warm ups today...and we all led! haahs.... wen we were doin ankle rotation it was freakin funny! haahs... thn trained wif sin and nette...freakin funny! machine time!!! loved it!!! cld fa xie wen i was hitting!!! finally all my fan nao gone! (((: thn after that packed and went to play cap's ball... FUNFUNFUN! but my toes were freakin pain so was nt as enthu as b4... b4 we started i was freakin nervous!? haahs... cux dat time fall dwnwhile playin cp... so a bittie phobia.... lolx... off to tiong...dinner wif sin.... HOME SWEET HOME! XD yeahs!!!!! tml goin out wif 6h-ians!!!! miss ya gals!!! cant wait!!! <33
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:13 AM
♥15 oct 2007 today...went to bugis and orchard wif wb... i was the fst to reach!!! cux that day i late until kinda long... haahs...mavis came nxt... thn soon the rst came... mrt-ed to bugis... but we missed our stop!!! haahs...cux we were chatting so much... lolx... so we took the mrt bck... but i tink we missed it again? thn headed to doby ghaut took the train to vivo... uber long queue!!! but it was quite fast... thn after that bought our snacks and headed in.... lucky us! the movie had not started! considerin we were late for mt 15 mins!? the movie was enjoyable...it was funny at mst pts? haahs... thats another movie down... more to go... hee... iwanna watch like million show luh! haahs.. kays... thn after that we walked around b4 headin to cenieleisure... went to take neoprints!!! FUN!!!! at fst wen we came hui mav yj jux walked st despite sin and 1 callin them... so both of us rushed in... and started playin hide and seek wif thm.. lol! it was really funny! haahs... saw this slip that had no strap!! it is said to jux stick onto ure feet!!! cool huh! but imagine if cAnt stick lerh and ure out..thats gona be weird... thn after that headed to subway to get cookies! YUM! thn went to meet sinead at heeren thn wen in search for jie earstick but cld not find.... headed home thn... stopped at tiong tob get earstick n pearly bundung soya milk for jie....home sweet homeXD today!!! jux came bck from labrador park... i am soooo tired! fun? hmms...okok barh... my body and face felt really itchy!! althou there was nothin... i noe i'm abit paranoid barhs... well there were a million creepies!!! the ants are like huge!!! haahs... it seems i went there only to notice the insects! haahs... lolx... there was not much of a scenery to see anws... i loved the sea best!!! it was damned breezy!! and really cooling(: we had our snacks there... MISS KONG RAWKS!!! she bougth us lots of nice snacks!!! had a wonderful time eating! haahs... hmms... i wonder where my menhos went... i only had 1)): but nvm... i still haf frutips(: thn jux stood around the sea... i think i kept lookin at the sea lorh... hhahs... anws thn after that did abit of tourin and completed the rest of the activities b4 leaving.... bck to sch... thn went for dinner....KFC! walked around the waited for bus...we missed it wen we arrived..so me and sin wait wait wait... thn we talked bt why everytime we lin yu nvr sick... thn soon the bus came so did the rain... sui sia.... thn the stupid bus dunoe how to drop me off at the shlter drop off far frm the shlter larh... thn chiong home... i was totally drenched larh!!! thn came home bathe... blah blah blah... kkays bb.. ahhh!!! sian! tml got dumb IT lesson!!!! dun wan go!!! but if no make up i'll be damned happy!!! cux only one more lesson!! please! lat tml b the last!! (: okies... today gona haf RENFRED on the new show!!! o.O!! cant wait!!! hee! kay go watch lerh! bb
Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:44 PM
♥12 oct 2007 had a great time today!!! we went for a family photoshoot which was uBER fun!!! hee.... heres how it went... fst we each had a personal stylist thn after like hours we finally went to take the pictures!!!! fst FAMILY PHOTO!!! o.o! finally!!! we can take a family photo!!! niceee...took lots of photos thn it was mum and dad's solo... the photographer took such sweeeeet pictures of mummie and daddie!!! thn after that it was our turn!!! the three of us took some pics... thn dad wen solo and thn mum...thn jie...bel...me.... we took like 50 photographs!? or mayb more? haahs... i dunoe... thn we went down to check out the images... NICE!!!! but we cld only take two so we took 1 family photo and 1 of the three of us...luckily took some pics wif my hp(= kays thn off to cuz hse!!! had nasi briyani... i tink thats hw u spell it...yum! wanted to watch HSM2 cux i missed the premiere))): but sam on tis vampire show that was uber funny wif some horror parts...and at the mst scary pt bastain scared bel and ii...i tink u'll noe what happen nxt... so i cld not watch HSM)): but sam say she buy for me HSM2 DVD!!!!! hehe...can save some money...thn after that watched abit of HSM thn left...sent bel and jie bck to gongs thn headed home... watch zhou ri ba dian dang...the dogs are uber cuteee!!! and ytd went home to see my baobeiix boyboy... miss him much!!! thn packed my stuff and watched guess?... till like 1... thn watched this anime but i dunoe what name...haha.... cry!!! i missed prince of tennis!!! ahhh!!! i wanna buy the vcd!!! mux save liaox!!! savein... hahahas.... kays thn wen to slp...zzz zzz zzz 13 oct 2007 today!!! okies...today has been a rather boring day...woke up played wif boyboy and left... baobeii wanted to cum along too...but cld not...))): i'll see him on wed!!! thn headed bck to gongs...wen to pass yj some stuff...and i missed my show)):cuz aunt was watchin CNA...sian.... thn after that jux slacked around... finally bel handed me the com...thats why i'm bloggin...lolx kays...gtg... tml goin out!! yipees!!! not gona be bored(:nothin much happened today...): well BB...
Friday, October 12, 2007 12:55 AM
♥today bck at sch after you cld say almst a weeks hols!!! heeXD kinda tired thou cux i was over hyper ytd night and kept fan-in jie.... finally went to bed at 12.30!! thn was uber tired when i woke up luh! regret): kays met sin yj hui at bus stop b4 going to sch 2gether... walked and crapped at foyer till time to assemble...briefing for labrador park outing...zzz... jux the usual... thn after that started gettin bck papers lerh... English: cld only get paper 2 bck....dunoe why cant see paper 1 ))): overall score>not bad...dumdumdum careless mistakes! Science: got everything bck!!! our class did very well!!! (: overall score>improved!!!! Maths: got bck paper 1 fst... paper 2 only heard the score after school BUT only for those hu stayed bck... and i did!!1 overall score>paper 1 and paper 2 total IMPROVED!!! all that cryin 4 nothin... haahs... Chinese: sucksucksuck!!!! i got the lowest ever in all my chinese grades!! cher mark it like uber strict...readin evrywrd so carefully!!! overall score> SUCK! dropped like siao! Literature: hmms...i cant rmb my previous score..so i'm not really sure lorh... overall score>not that bad and not that good... kays totaly no art!!! cux ms kang took the period...phew! bck to class for maths games!!! i cant even play the game me an xu guo chose!!! haahs... lolx... thn after that also played others the game... bck to the exam grades... althou can say improve barh cept 4 freakin chinese!!! but still not very ideal.... haix... nxt time really cannot lin shi bao fo jiao lerh!!! hopefully nxt will i'll do much better? XD for 2 subject i needed jux 1 mark!!! if only cher more leinient...suan lerh... but overall i'm not satisfied luh! BUT i am pretty happy!!! (((: kkays...gtg lerhx!!! buaiix! oh before i go... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIXIAN!!! hope you like the present we gave ya! =)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:19 AM
♥today went bugis and around orchard with sin mav and hui! woke up pretty late...rushed like siao! hhas... sorry gals...ended up bein late for bt 20 min!? hahas..lolx..thn after that headed to bugis fst. went to walk around to find the gifts... i bought 1...finally! 1 down 5 to go!! jyjyjy! lolx..kays thn after that we headed to food junction to have lunch...the price is...okayy...ended up buyin pepper lunch!! yumyum! but i was forced to finish it cux i' good... so dun wan waste food!!! hehe...thn bought mango smoothie and shared it wif hui!! sweeeeet! but strawberry's bEST!!! thn after that we wanted to go to far east so tried to see if there was a bus wich cld take us there....it was realy funny wen we ran across the road...lolx...kays... sadly no bus ~~~~><~~~~ so wen to take mrt...off to orchard... i got stuck at the machine there...cld not tap my card out...PS! thn after that walked to far east plaza... we shopped almost all the accessories shop over there! hahas... and i met corine!!! o.O quite long nvr meet lerh..i was shocked luh! cux we were bside each other but nvr notice...haahs... thn toked awhile took a few photos thn left lerh...tc gal! after all the shopping we finally bought our stuff at "he she" i bought 4 stud earrings!! thn headed to get ice cream b4 goin to taka...shopped awhile and bought my dinner SUSHI!! yum! thn after that headed home... thn hui drop her bag thn we like bcum high? hahas... lolx.. weird... nvm...kays..gtg...tml gona be a borin day so shant be bloggin... bb! tv-time!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007 4:02 AM
♥today went to bugis wif jie... and i spent ALOT!!! i'm officially kinda broke ))): woke up pretty late today.. .thn slacked around b4 gettin up bathe blah blah blah thn left the hse around two like that... headed to bugis...fst we just went to the hp shops...i soooooo regret changin my hp! now got one damned nice derh...WHY!!! all the nice hps are like cumin out now luh! arghx! ))): crycrycry! kays thn after that we sort of begin shoppin. fst headed to get mummie's gift! after a long while there finally picked out the prezzie jux hope she'll like it .! XD kays thn after that did my own shopping... kays i spent quite alot... althou all i bought was just 4 shirts and a jacket.... haahs...thn after that headed to eat dessert yummy! kays thats bt all...tml goin bugis again!!! gota get all the present lerh! no more spree-in! well...thats all! buaiix!
Monday, October 8, 2007 7:23 AM
♥today is kinda a pretty short day..but i'll jux blog it cux i'm oso kinda bored! XD hahas... no sch today!!! hee! XD cux bo paper... but still woke up pretty early anws....rushed around b4 leavin to catch the bus to meet WB. lucky i ran if not sure will late lerh...and we were stressed on the fact to be punctual...but in the end still got late person! XD. thn after that went to get a doughnut for breakfast thn headed to the library to chiong comics! haahs... lolx... i managed to read finish my prince of tennis!!! Ryoma uber cute!!!! haahs...i wan go get the nxt books lerh!!! haahs..lolx...well yj passed to me the dear boys comics!!! cant wait to st readin them cux of exam thn cld not read ): but its all over lerh anws... kays thn wen we left the library we realised it was rainin heavily and me and sin slips or rather all our slips were uber slippery!!! so we were walkin in a reali wierd manner. haahs..lolx... we tried walkin to look for a shelter but in the end still wet... cold but FUN! XD haahs..lolx... thn went to get lunch but cox no place so headed to hui's hse to eat lunch. we were thinkin where to go but in the end headed to macs to eat mcflurry..i wanted my yogurt! hahas...suan lerhx. thn after that everyone wanted to go home so headed home... DEAR BOYS! niceee. kays thn the usual tv-in and stuffs... well...BB...tml goin out wif jie.. buaiix! *thanks gor! ure words helped! =)*
Friday, October 5, 2007 4:55 AM
♥FINALLY!!! FYE is OVER!!! sorry havent been posting for the week.. exams... Monday English paper 1 - sucks!!! Literature - another sucky paper! was writin crap! Tuesday Maths paper 1 - difficult!!! cld not finish paper!!! and a million mistakes! History - sucky Wednesday Geography - difficult)): Chinese paper 2 - okok... Thursday Science - difficult!!! Friday Maths paper 2 - dun wana tok bt it): as you can see overall FYE sucks!!! i'm sure gona do damned damned damned badly derh!!!! or even fail larh...)): kays... i gota stop thinkin! today after exams...headed to mac and had hotcakes...wen to tenchi to borrow prince of tennis and dear boys!!! thn jux walked around.... and we did smtin... hilarious!o.O!! finally bought zigzag6 and rosario vampire 9!!!! oso bought a CD...sin had to go hm earlier thn after that so qiao the shuttle bus came...so we decided to head to PS.... played around thn headed to mac.... DOUBLE CHOCOLATE FRAPPE!!! slacked there for awhile thn left... bused home...thn took s long sweet nap!!! dinner........ kays...dats bt all barhs... Happy Birthday Grace aka shifu! XD and b4 i go~ *tks WB!!! i'll get over it* |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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I Love You. |