Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:08 AM
♥ahhh..my leg hurts!!!! the doctor concluded that i have a INFECTION!!1 crycrycry!!! hurts like siao luh!!! and i cant got trng for 2 weeks))): sure deprove alot derh): haix...anws todae had sci fst..did corrections thn ahd maths...did the usual goin thru and all thn after that went to recess... forgot what we did...anws thn after that went to chinese..boring...thn was hist...i was practically not listenin...thn lit..FREE PERIOD!!! completed maths...the cher was nice and allowed us to use electronics..haahs...thn after that eng...erm..i kinda wasted a lot of paper..haahs..i'll be more environmental friendsly..haahs....kays...sch end had lunch thn headed for trng.. watched it...haahs..thn after that finished compo...like finally..haahs...thn headed home...stupid rain and stupid leg...arghx!!! kays nvm..headed home..for a sweet sweet nap...haahs...woke up for dinner and headed for dinner...bathed watched tv and thn went to the doctor... sad news))): haix...beta control my diet lerh...so long cant train i eat too much later...and i can eat much...no egg...chicken...etc etc etc...haahs...kays gtg... arghx!! science test!!!!! cripes!! wish me luck!! JIAYOUS!!!!
7:41 AM
♥kays shall make this a quick post....todae rather ok day lah...went tiong to support jie in her flag day thn shopped around tiong b4 headin bck home...thn after tht spent the whole day watchin huan huan ai and doin maths...zzz...omg...huan huan ai..is UBER NICE!!! haaahs..thn after that da gu..jh gor and elvin gor came lerx..and dey played my tower blocks...no fair derh..i play so long nvr get golden roof thn elvin gor fst time play jie get lerh..hmph!!!o.O!! i got my other 3 themes!! yippees!!! thn after tht went for dinner with sam...bastian..steph...long time nvr see lerh!! miss ya lotx!! haahs...the food was surprisinly good...specially the tofu...haahs...kay i go do dnt lerx..tml still got sch..zzz...)):
Monday, August 27, 2007 7:58 AM
♥today sucks.....arghx!!! dumb bee!!! kays had rdin fst..again it was borin..the material given is too short...i rd it 4 times and i was half asleep..lolx..haahs..thn after that weent for chinese.. omg!! i failed one of mty papers)): CRY!! fst time...and hope fuli the last time lers....thn headed bck to class...got totali freaked out wif the bee in the bottle....evil!!i cried luh....dumdumdumdum!!!! arghx!! the rst of the day was passed in fear..i kept jumpin with every sml thing luh)0:...the flying bottle caps and all...): dumdumdum....i pity the bee thou...according to den it "commited suicide" by flyin into the fan..haahs...mrs tay said."outside worlds so stress even bee also wan commit suicide" LOL...haaahs..lolx...well...managed to not fall asleep...haahs...anws..gtg..still haf my dumb maths... pray tml wil be a beta day..with no bees!!! ouchies! my leg hurts! tml goin se doctor lerx!. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR KUAN!!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:22 AM
♥todae..pretty grt day..c.ept for the leg pain): i tink i injured me bone too))): kays lets jux get on wif my day..hehes... todae woke up at 7.30 even wen i nvr set alarm!! haahs..lolx..thn after that rush rush rush..haahs...reached sch late but i was not trng cux of my leg): so jux sat there wif jiie and do work...yeas!! finished my maths!!! whooppes!! haahs..lolx..thn i was kinda bored...thn dunoe how cum later on quralled wif jiie...fan lianed for erm less thn 1/2 hr..lolx..thn went to do walk....thn cleared table and chairs and hlped shifu rubbed the chalk...SORRY YJ!!!! did not noe eu nvr bring xtra tee...haahs..thn after that went to kopitiam to eat...thn walked around bout bb tea..thn met kai hwee...mel...simin...at mj...dey were waitin for zj the xl to be played on the cd..so we oso wait 2gether..thn after that we were kinda makn alotof noise..i tink the lady abit buay song..hahas...lolx..opps...haahs....thn after that quicky zao after the song end and headed home.. hehes..thn after that went 7-11 buy campus superstar magazine...o.O!..thn went home to rd it...thn lazed aroound b4 bathin..haahs...thn had dinner.... after a while jh gor came...yippees!!!! gor got me the themes!! UBER CUTE!!! hahs..tks gor..ure the bst ! lolx..haahs... .thn after that watcched CAMPUS SUPERSTAR!!! its damned nice!!! i totali love the songs!!! huever got send mii wors! lolx..hahs... o.o! got xu bin and wilson today!! shuai! shuai! shuai! thn oso got marcus...benjamin...shawn...zj..keely...all my favs...hahas..lolx.... i love the finale...but shawn like damned young? haahs..lolx... kays..i noe i siao lerx! haahs...lolx... kays..i go clear up my hmwk lerx..buaiix!!. oh b4 i go... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARMEL!!! *hope eu like our prezzies! ^@^*
Friday, August 24, 2007 2:50 AM
♥today...half good half bad? haahs..i dunt noe... anws todae had art fst...we had to use chicken wire to make laterns...and the wires were like freakin sharp! kept cuttin and pokin me and xuguo): well at least we managed to make the body and the right side of the stingray:) thn headed bck for maths...finished up chap 12 and started chap on inequalities...totali confusin): i hope i'll get it soon! thn was recess...jux did the same old stuffx..thn went up and saw... kays shans tok bt it...thn was sci... i had totali no mood to do the ws but still did it in the end..thn was maths...nothin cld get in my head!!! sorrie gwen...i abit buay song...sorrie sorrie!!! kays thn was geog..i was a little beta lerx...and finally...chi..the only "happy" thing..cux i got 21/25 for the fst pt of my chi paper...and it was a sec3 wan! haahs..lolx.. but i was so bored durin chi luh...jux listen cher tok tok tok..zzz...overall todae); my leg was like... PAIN): but beta liaox i guess??? thn headed to tiong...waited for dunoe how long b4 we got a seat at KFC...sat down to eat thn after that jux chatted and chatted...mav and jes were laughin at mii..lolx..i oso noe i look weird lolx....so nvm..haahs...thn headed to vivo...we went shoppin!! lolx...haahs...thn later went candy empire..i bought mnms...mix mix derx!!! yum! and this choco bar!! all oso yummy...but now i'm BROKE): hahas... mux control lerx..haahs...thn after that headed bck...at the bus stop dunoe why got a sudden pain in leg...sorry made ure worry!!! :) thn headed home...kays...i go bathes lerx...ciaox... sad): tml cant go trng): but i'll go watch!! heehs... wo zhi dao bu shi ni de cuo... its killin me!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:10 AM
♥todae was a bad dae)):... haix... todae has geog fst...did some stuff thn copy copy copy...haahs..lolx...tn chi... arghx!!! the tst like so hard luhx): i dunoe how to do..i dunt even noe the meanin of some words): haix...recess had wok wif me cux was not gona eat till 7++.... thn was science...we werent actuali havin sci...cux we were like crappin alot...haahs...thn after tht was history...totali borin...we only copy copy copy...like every lesson always copy..haahs..thn was eng...did peer marking...haix..did super badly for it...): thn had CME>...jux did some ws thn was TPI...discussed theme for cher day but had to leave earlier due to oral...thn after that headed for oral...super borin in classroom...but we played heart attack and chatted bt ghost stories and i was totali freaked out cux i was the last person and wld b in the class all alone..*shivers* thn after 1hr++ did my oral....ahhh...i goin to flunk lerx.. T_T haix..i kept "thenin" ... )): thn after that hlp cher pack locked door thn went to return key and headed to trng.. pao 2 rounds around arena thn after that headed to play cuo qiu...plaued doubles wif sin today...after that had PT....do until jiao damned luan luhx...haahs..thn after that headed to play caps ball....jux started only thn i fall down liaox)): PAIN!!!! tks mavis for hlpin me out!!!! i soo wanted to cry luh... i did cry abit thou..thn after that headed to general ofice..i wanted to scream!! the alcohol slab was UBER stinging....haix...my leg bleed alot...haahs...thn after that wen home liao...yawnx! i go slp lerx... *pray no scar!* ))): hurry ok! THANKS MAVIS!!! urE thE bESt!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 1:06 AM
♥o.O!!!! todae was uber lucky!!! NO NAPFA!!!! heehs...cux it was rainin...well todae was pretty ok..heehs...science went thru ws....haix...find all the info ytd 4 nothin): thn nxt week got TEST!!! ): well nxt was pe...bo nafa...heehs..mr goh said if nxt wk still rain thn hols mux go bck run): so sm1 said that if nxt we rain we jux run in rain...haahs...i tink mayb quite shuang? lolx.. thn recess....studied format for eng test...heehs..:) thn was maths...finally i understnd...the hmwk was soooooooooo hard! kays thn music...cher showed us this "movie" on the beatles...i almost fell asleep cux dey kept singin..haahs...lucky it ended if not i sure slp liaox..haahs.. thn after that was CME..did peer marking....haix...we still havent decided on a theme 4 be urself day):...eu haf 2 pay $2 to wear ure own clothes..lolx...but its 4 charity...haahs...hopefuli will cum up wif one soon..hehes...drama nxt....we were suppose to pretend to be animals...but all the girls were cluttered 2gether...i love the cat wan...cux we onli haf to sit down..haahs..lolx...thn it was eng..rushed bck 4 test...i was lost at fst...cux iwrote rongly and i had to rewrite everything!!! i was like so scared i cld not finish on time..but i did...and 10 mins earlier...hehes..thn hand in lerx realised i wrote somehing wrong): minus marks ler): crycrycry! kays nvm...walked to tiong wif xuguo kaimei and gwen...thn headed to mt dory..i had a hard time findin the hawker center...haahs...well i'm an idiot in directions..lolx...and thn finally found it!! heehs...ate duck rice..and chatted like siaox? lolx...thn after that planned to mt nxt wed again...heehs...cant wait... i haf to save up 4 cher day prezzie and bdae prezzies too...haix...i'm gona be broke liaox..haahs... thn headed home... yeahs!!! todae bo homework..so mayb jux do notes?? haahs...oh yea...my dnt...zzz...haix.. kays...i gtg liaox...tatas... *wish me luck! tml got chi oral!!!* JIAYOUS!!!! trng tml too....gona be home late...(: ): heehs...mayb will play captains ball? lolx..haahs.. kays i crappin...tatas!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 4:36 AM
♥oh todae was a pretty bad day...my eyelids were xtremely heavy and i soooo cld not concentrate in class....haix...had science fst did on cells...o.O!! finally NO MORE PHYSICS!!!!!!! heehs...and thn after that was maths...wen thru hmwk and thn after that did some other stuffx...haahs..but i was not listenin...i tink i sit at the bck daydream more...haahs...i like jux starte into space lolx..haahs...recess...kinda quiet...but later the mood changed...chi nxt...you lao shi neva cum(: haahs...but i reali pity the exp cher..our class like damned noisy luhx...haahs...and thn after that history...jux did work work work)): thn lit...did three little tigers...haahs...sui..kena hit by water bottle...): ...hand pain!! thn eng...did marking...and sorrie alcine!!!!kays...it was eng...did dunoe what thingy bt managed to solve a few wrds(: hehes...thn after that headed for hydroponics bt chr not there so went to haf lunch and thn went to hudroponics again...the lock had a huge prob and ended up bein almost late for trng..heehs...thn started trng...i tink trng todae was like...ahhh...i miss playin wif yj..hurry get well and neva get sick again lolx...well but it was fun too lah... :) thn headed home bathed and thn went sushi tei eat...yumyum!!! hehes..lolx.... kays...i got nothin much lerx...tatas...go do hmwk liaox!!! tml got nafa!!! ): JIAYOUS!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007 2:25 AM
♥okays..i haf no titles...liaox...so jux close one eye 4 the title...lolx..kays...todae was well...okay lahh..but i dunoe whykept day dreamin durin maths...haix... kays had readin fst as usual..the rdin material was damned short and i tink i read it more thn five time luhx...thn later went to chi class...totali slacked.....haahs..or so eu can say...thn after that was recess....o.O!! let sin and hui listen to beautiful girl..i am so in love wif it now..haahs...cux of jies...made me addicted...lolx...haahs..thn after that went up for dnt..the boys again did not haf h&e....its unfair!!!! they like only haf 2 lessons!? freak!! kays thn after that headed for dnt...did not bring my file cux i like nvr complete anythin..hehes...and thn after that...did a bti of theory and spent the rst doin practical lesson....time passed pretty fast and soon it was english headed bck to do eng spellin....got 27/30..hehes...not bad? haahs...the meanings were pretty hard thou...maths nxt...wen thru test))):....and did some wk.... planned to call hui..but thn.....headed to bck gate to wait and thn after that headed to tb to get old chang kee!!! yumyum!! finally get to eat and thn walked around...EXCHANGE LOVE PT 2 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.o!!!!! so goin to ask mummie to get it..haahs...their uber cute ya!? haahs.... thn headed to buy cake and bubble tea....thn home sweet home... kays i haf to do work liaox...cum on9 later in the night(: ciaox!
Sunday, August 19, 2007 5:21 AM
♥todae was a pretty bad day))): it seems like this whole week i'm being haunted by my headaches))):ytd oso...haix...even caught slight fever ytd night!? but thaks to panadol.i recovered...haahs..i seem to b advertising for it...lolx! well lets jux get on wif my day... todae woke up wif a whole lot of body ache..but my head was well...so wen runnin wif hui..i i tink my stamina drop lerx))): ran like 4 rounds but was walkin for 1 1/2 rounds...thn sprinted in the last round...and thn felt sickk): so shld not haf sprinted...but jux carried on walkin wif hui thn wen home and had waffle....took a baths..and the headache came bck to me)): but jux ren-ed it and thn did my hmwk....thn after that wen to slp... woke up lerx..started writin notes thn uncle mike...auntie...dennis gor...eric di...came.....continued doin notes..thn soon...jh gor came...he brought CHEESECAKE!!!! haahs...and got lot of diff flavours!!! yum yum! had one called cookie monster i tink..i dropped the fst 1 i had barely touched))): sorrie gor..i noe its xpensive! and jie...sorrie spoiled ure nightmare b4 christmas slips...i seem to be kinda clumsy tis whole week...jux wad is wrong wif me lately??? since......nvm....kays thn i decided not to eat lerx but gor still took another slice 4 mii((: oh did i say me and jies seem to bec obsess wif pokemon??haahs....we were playin like the whole day luh...but i cld comtrol myself so jies was the one playin..after that the headache acted up again..and kel gor came but thn left soon after...and thn after that jh gor nad da gu left...had dinner and thn mums came....mummie told me mr tang wan me join bck judo on sunday....oh-man!!!! i suddenly miss judo...missitmissitmissit!!! haix...see my results fst bas...and so lon g neva go lerx...later kena thrown surely pain like siao lah...but i reali do miss it...and i noe mr tang reali hen teng wo(: haix..i'll gif it serious consideration!!.... thn went home...had some ice-cream...i noe i shld not be eatin but i cant control..if my headache cums bck..i guess i'll be the sufferin one)): so dunt cum bck!!! haix...kays..i'm a little tired..tatas... hopefully i'll be good to go sch tml!? haahs.. oh.... *yunjie! GET WELL SOON gal!* (((:
Saturday, August 18, 2007 5:47 AM
♥todae woke up wif a freakin headache!! arghyx! kays nvm that.... i'll jux go on wif my day...hehes had 3 square biscuits and thn rushd off to mt yj and hui...yj was sick too.onlt that she had fever...and thn after that started playin lerx...we of cux cleared tables fst.... thn did individual warm ups and thn played fan shou wif yj..play until dunow wen thn played zheng shou and fan shou..cant seem to hit zheng shou ))):...thn after that mr kuan found out yj sick so she went to rst well i played doubles wif wynette...super fun..at least dun nd play sheng jiang lolx..hahs...thn after that kep everything and all...set bck all the things....thn me mavis yj went bckstag to wash hands...and thn...jie suddenly *BOO!* wah lao i was the fst to scream and thn yj..mavis jux shock abit thn started laughin...i even cried!!! arghx!!! wah lao///she seriously scared me luhx!!!thn after that headed to tiong..had chicken rice..and while we were q-in...i cld nt reali make up my mind..haahs...thn after that headed to tenchi to return the bks...b4 goin bread talk..thn after that go home lerx... took panadol at home & immediately sleep..and it was freezin cuxi was was slpin on the floor...thn planned to slp like 1/2 hr only but ended up slpin 4 like 2hrs...haahs...woke up still head pain))): but after a whille beta lerx....kays..i go study lerx... i havetn finish hmwk yet!! omg!! i haf sooo much to do!!! arghx!! jiayous!!! buaiix...
Friday, August 17, 2007 5:57 AM
♥arghx!!! i am feelin damned sick and my neck hurts!!!! cripes!))): okasy todae sch was okay luhx...had art.. andi itnk my drawin sucks..cuxi had totali no mood ot do anytin..and thn it was maths...my eyelids were practically droopin and i so felt like falling asleep luhx...thn after that was recess..played hp game and soon it passed..thn after that was science...wasted one period crappin b4 we started serious lesson..aand thruout we played the "silent game" haahs..and thn after that was geog..did the ws and made some changes...zz...thn was chi..opps..nvr do hmwk..heng neva kena 2dm..lox...copied huis work...tks ya!? haahs..thn after tt wanted to put bks in locker but smhow cant open i tink the key got prob bas?...thn decided to put in class...wth! jux go in put bk thn got to stay bck!! stupid cher! arghx! i say ty and gdbye to him 4 notin luhx...arghx! nvm! and thn after that headed off... yeahs! goin to watch secrets wif..weirdo batch~jie~jiajun~zhihui~tze bin~sinead and her friends...headed to tb to get correction tape... thn after that took the shuttle bus to plaza...headed to yoshinoya to haf lunch b4 headin to get the tickets...and thn after that walked around b4 goin kopitiam to do some work..thn after that went to SECRETS THEATRE!!!!! whoots...it my 2nd time watchin it!!! it rawks!!! haahs...i cried once again lolx..it was touchin mah..and sin CRIED!!! haahs...two drops??haahs...hui and mavis shedded e most..hahs...tis show we're all emo-kids...lolx..haahs..i wana watch it again!! haahs..its damned nice luhx!! haahs.. "follow the notes upon a journey...at first sight marks once's destiny....once the voyage comes to an end...return lies within hasty keys..."quoted frm secrets!!! nice rite!? haahs..kays thn shuttled bck home... used com and ate abit....thn after that wen to css2 website 2 watch marcus performance...haahs...o.O!! he's cute!!! lolx...haahs...and its so sad wen i see his byebye videos))): i'll still suppoet him! lolx..haahs..i'm crazy huh? haahs kays i go see jies bloggie...she nds my WISE opinions...lolx..haahs..tatas.. zzz...tml got trng): :)
Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:55 AM
♥todae like so many things happened luhx...sm good sm bad..okay mayb not so much things larhx... haahs... had geography fst..i was payin attention and thn after that did some wks wif like a million calculations!! haahs...thn wen 4 chinese "newspaper" class...lolx..haahs thn went 4 recess...ate some rice and thn headed bck to class...found my pencil case overturned! arghx!!! and my pencil case was like overflowin wif pens luhx..so troublesome to turn it over..thn later in the end miss kong scolded them..but it was hilarious cux there was a little joke in between haahs...thn after that was english..mrs lee gave oral to some ppl so we jux did our own work..hehes..,thn after that was history...mrs yoga did not cum!! whoppees!!! oh...*cries* lolx.......mr yohan came to relieve our class 4 a period...thn after that he gaf us lots of rddles and dose hu solved it got sweet!!! me wan too!! lolx...thn after that the other period..was kinda borin..haahs...cux we tio scoldin by mr kung...zzz.... some guys kena punished...thn after that CME..kena scoldin by ms kong....thn wen thru NE paper...and thn after that smore scoldin..haix..todae like kp gettin scolded larh...so dao mei! haix...and ms kong even gaf tis super..*ahem* "lecture"..it was erm... and thn after that changed seats...cux there a new"isolated" row...lolx..haahs...now its kinda quiet..mayb its cux jux change bas..lolx...haahs...anws thn wen off for lunch and trng... trng todae was pretty fun haahs..hmmm...fst played fan shuo wif yj...thn after that double cuo qiu...nvr play very well thou....and thn dui kang...worst..sorries yj...in the end hai mei wan quan ke fu...haix...thn after that cux grp lost so did a total of 40 push ups..and 40 sit-ups..))): thn after that packed bck the tables and stuffx...sianx...and thn after that had augest baby cake!! o.O!! super fun...mr kuan used his mouth to take the candle..i had an urge to..haahs...nvm.. thn we all took a bit of the whip cream and spread on mr kuan!!!! haahs...so fun!! but i also kena abit on my neck...dunoe how cum oso..haahs..thn after that went to eat the cake....SUPER YUMMY!!!!!!! haahs... thn after that mr kuan rubbed whip cream on my ponytail!*evils* haahs..lolx...well i did spread cream on his face..lolx..thn after that pcked up and headed to play captains ball....we won!!!! haahs...lolx... thn i was assigned once to go catch ball..but the chair was sooooooo shaky that my legs tremble like crazy luhx..haahs..tks kai hwee...cux i was holdin onto her!! haahs..it was so freaky..*shivers* ....thn wen we tryin to defend the ball an accident happened..mx fell down..omg..it had gota hurt..hpe she' all rite ya!? (((: thn after that went bck home after goin tiong... kays go hlp jies do blogskin lerx..ciaox...cant wait till tml!! goin P.S...lolx
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:11 AM
♥todae was an ok day luh..haahs.. i was feelin xtremely tired and sick durin the morn durin science lesson i had totali no mood to do corrections..my hands was feelin sooo weak luhx! haix...thn after that had PE...omg nafa!! i tot at fst...heng ar..the boys did fst! wakakas...lolx..thn after thatwe spent like almost a period tryin to set up that tangled up net..but we gaf up in the end..haahs..thn we carried on wif our volleyball..i was practically slacking luhx...haahs...and thn dunoe how cum time past so fast see all the boys finish lers...they ran quite fast..haahs..nxt wks gals turn and sm guys....will i pass?? haix...scared sia...thn after that went up to chnge...thn wanted to go bck class get pen pen and put me tee...and smtin ps happened..omg..haahs...thn went for recess.. it was pretty long but after that it eventually ended thn after that went to maths classs lers...found out test markx..))): totali..arghx!!! thn after that was music..oh man..another project..i'm still not very sure of my grp yet...but sorrie tania and patricia! thn was CME..wen to NE pillar dere...whoots! finished me ws! hehes..thn after that headed for drama...sadded...mrs tee nvr cumm...reliefed by Mr ong..some old cher..he's like damned fierce luhx..! and smtin funny happened..lolx...thn was english...finished up my work! yipees!! i tot i wld not finish it lor..haahs...but managed to! thn wen 4 hydroponics..planted 1 kang kong smwhere b4 zaoin..lucky i was nt the last few..haahs..thn after that went to tiong to eat KFC wif kai mei and gwen..kai mei and i seem crazy bt css2!!! lolx..haahs...thn after that went bck after gettin sm chocos and chippies for jies...took bus 63 bck...aww..i missed my freakin stop! cux i was day-dreamin..haahs..thn after that had to walk all the way home under the hot hot sun)): reached pespirin like mda luhx..kay thn napped bathed..and daddies cumin fetch me lers..buaiix! wo zhi neng mo mo wei ni jiayou zhe... xi wang ni neng gou gan shou de dao... we de ai wei ni er cun zai... ever since eu..i never loved another one like i do now...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 5:54 AM
♥am i sooooo tired luhx..jux had trng and came bck...so i'm reali tired...well lets jux carry on bt school... kays todae got bck science paper..i did damned badly....dere's gona be sufferin 4 my ears lers...haahs...bt that'll be tml luhx..haahs..then after that was maths..went through maths hmwk and stuffx b4 startin ou test...i am like freakin pissed wif muself leuhzx!! i always like tt wan! arghx! i took my own sweet time to complete the fst 2 qns and in the end nvr finish paper....7 markx!!!!! omgomgomg!!!! arghx!!! sorry i noe i kept grumblin durin recess...and that stupid clock luhx! make me see lerx.. freakin nervous and my mind was like BLANK!!!!!!!!!wtf! haix.. dun tok bt it liaox makes me MAD! then after that recess.....chiong for history test but cld not reali rmb anytin cux my head was filled wif my dum dum maths teast luhx!!! arghx! thn after that went 4 chi lesson...handed up my ugly national day portfolio!!! haahs...thn after that studied for my tst again..thn it was hist test lerx...i cant believe i put GOLDEN KINGDOM!!! thats ...arghx...todae suckx...haix...kays then lit..played hangman wif gwen..haahs...hilarious..lolx thn after that got bck lit tst..okok onli nvr do that well luh...and finally english..spend the whole 2 periods doin my hmwk and thn ended...changed and had lunch b4 we had trng..had to clear the tables again...hand pain sia... thn started playin... FINALLY!!! after like 2 trngs i can play wif yj again...thou cld not play the kuai qiu cux bo table so had 2 share thn after that played doubles cuo qiu...played wif yunjie...damned fun..haahs..and i learned hokkien! lolx..after that played sheng jiang! yunjie! sorry!sorry! sorry! sorry! sorry! wo yi ding hui ke fu de! then after that packed up and reset the tables and thn headed to tb to get bubble tea!!! yumyum! and thn HOME SWEET HOME!!! (((:
Monday, August 13, 2007 12:07 AM
♥as usual all modays st wif a borin readin..todae seemed pretty long luh..i rd until my neck damned pain luhx..haix...then after that was chinese did the 2nd pt of chi test...freakin hard)): then after that went to library to return my book b4 headin to do my dnt...THANKS! sin and hui 4 hlpin me draw..ya? tyty..heehs..then headed bck 4 dnt..ms camelia nvr cum again! the boys are like sooooo damned lucky luhx..they only like haf 2 lessons wif ms camelia!!! arghx..headed for dnt and started drawin..oh i seriously cant draw..its like so ugly..thn we had to draw our figure..tks gwen for hlpin me..! ((: thn after that went bck to class and had spelling...gwen left halfway and i ws pretty lost cux i dunoe whether i was suppose to mark my own...haix..then after that we had to write the meanings..and i leartn a new word!! AVARICIOUS!!! noe what it means??haahs..secrt!! lolx...i'm not even sure of the speeling anws..lolx... haahs..then after that was maths..mrs tay went off for a couse so we only had one period...heehs...spent the other one period tryin to freakin figure out maths hmwk...and i did not manage to complete)): the class was noisy..haaahs..usual..i'm kina immune to it...cept for a bit..lolx..haahs...then after that school ended..went of tiong to haf macs b4 we headed home... kays gtg!... arghx i haf 2 test and maths hmwk which i dunoe how to do! die luh))):
Saturday, August 11, 2007 3:04 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007 7:03 AM
♥o.O!!!! todae was fUn FuN FUN!!!! haahs... woke up at 8++ bathe and rushed off to mt rai...went to clementi...cld not go so far cux had smtin in the afternoon...then jux walk walk...and took sm photos on rai's hp...4got to bring mine..lolx...o.O! got treated bubble tea and old chang kee puff...i that day wanted to buy but no more)): so got to eat it todae!!! wakakas...i want smore!!! haahs..lolx...then after that went to buy some stuff...now i haf a new necklace and keychain..and all came foc!!! haahs..lolx.. then after that went home lers...ah gong and bels had left liaox...so rai pei wo till 3+ then send me to redhill..haahs... met the guys and gals and 1G..i was kinda late..haahs...sorrie guys!! lolx..then after that headed to bill's hse bbq dere...we were locked out by the boys at fst but they let us in later...headed to the clubhouse?? haahs...we were pretty noisy and the secrity guard kept walkin around as if we gona tear the place down..i tink the guard there super strict luhx..kp scoldin us..haix..then after that went to hlp out wif the bbq..at fst i had totally nothin to du luhx...so i jux watched them set fire and hlped take some tissue papers cux we did not haf any firestarter...kinda reminds me of the tt chalet..haahs..then after that eugene's uncle came to hlp us set fire and even lent us the firestarter...thn i went to hlp out wif the water balloons...but i nvr do any balloons luhx..haahs..cux they jux wld not bcum bigger luhx..haahs...i got hit 3++ times but only 1++burst..haahs...and my whole shirt was wet...tks luh! i wasns reali plannin to get wet so soon luhx...the boys already like jump into the pool and all that luhx...then they wanted us to jump in...sharon and felicia were the fst to jump in then after that they pei wo jumpin..haahs...i cant reali believe i jumped in lol...then came the guard..we all like quickly zao...haahs...but a few ppl still kena scoldin...hehs..we got warning quite a few times..haahs...then after that we started cooking...the fire was pretty hard to start and it kinda reminded me of tt chalet cux we were usin tissues and plates and wtv that cld burn..haahs...then later we got special help..lolx.. i was cookin the crabstick...crabstick fish ball...crabstick...i dunoe whether it was reali cooked at fst..so i tink the fst stick was seriously uncook luhx..it was cold..haahs...sorries...we were eatin half cooked food..and some ate raw ones!!! kays then after that we ended the cooking...and they played wif the tub of ice cream!!!!! the whole tub went to waste)): so did the rose syrup... anws then after that they played at the fountain there..b4 we all headed bck to play thruth or dare... erm...it was quite fun luh...haahs...then after that went to clubhse and played cards..then time past like sooo fast soon the gals like go 1 by 1 left me xg n felicia7...then jux sat there wif xuguo tokin bt the cute guys in her magazines!! lolx...and we were like "targets" 4 cardthrowin..arghx!!! haahs...then after that ..i wanted to stay longer but did not wan make gong wait up for me and ah ma to wait 4 my call...so had to go bck..cleared up the bbq pit wif bill xg and some others...then after that i went off lers.. cabbed bck... what a waste of money but i was afraid to cross the bridge so no choice..haahs..then after that came home ate wanton..orange and then after that watched ghost whisperer b4 catchin d-gray man...its damned nice!!!! haahs... i tink i gona slp lers...tml still got trng...zzz pictures will be uploaded later on.... the class outing rawks!!! haahs...wish cld haf stayed longer...lolx.... rai: "bu neng shuo de mimi" "secrets" <33 felt like i lost euu for a dae...
Thursday, August 9, 2007 7:13 AM
♥todae is spore bdae!!! hehes...i haf been rushin around todae luhx..and now my feet has blisters))): todae woke up at 7.30!!! early right..i noe i noe..lolx...then after that jux lazed around..bt 8++ went to haf breakfast wif ah gong...then after that came bck home and watched good ghoules gone bad...then started rushin..watched airbud too...oh Kevin zegers is cute!!!! haahs...he's quite okay luh...then after that rushed off to orchard to meet via...change alot sia...bcum more chio ya? haahs...then we tried findin our way to cinieleisure where we met sw..nic..siokleng...all change alot oso..haahs...sw and i were wearin bt the same..haahs...army skirt/pants.. white tee...monokurobu bag!! haahs..and we nvr shuo hao leh..haahs..lolx...then after that bought popcorn b4 headin in..we watched<<>> its damned nice!!! 4/5 is wad i'll rate!!! haahs... its nice nice nice nice!!! haahs...it was an excitin love story..haahs...but kinda sad at some parts.. i teared a little.haahs..then we went to take nps b4 i rushed off to tiong...cabbed there and met yoyo...yj..sin...hui..mav... they were al dere by the time i arrived..haahs...and i started my study..hehes..i was reali serious luh...i did my work..hahahasss...lolx..then later wen to pops..b4 we separated...sorry 4 the inconvieniece caused yj...sorry wors!! then wen to take nps wif yoyo and mavis...hehes...then after that headed to orchard once again... i was pretty pissed...luh..and i was like a little lamb lost in the orchard city..arghx!! but lucky jies entertained me..thanks ya? haahs...she even had to hear my grumbles..haahs...sorry bt that luhx..haahs...anws bel jux cld not make up her mind and...aiya jux alot of things wen rong..finally i went to kino and it calmed me down..oh the world of comics((: hehes...then after that bel came.. i was a total dian deng pao luhx...bel and jeff like damned funny luh the way they behave..haahs..no offence luhx...but i tink i was like damned cold..thruout it all i like nvr smile my face was erm..solemn..haahs...the atmespehre was....aiya but it was a bit bit bit beta later on luhx..hahs...but i knew i was COLD...and it was freakin awkward and funny...haahs...but i shant say bt their funniness..lolx..then after that mrtied bck...it was damned crowded luhx...zzz...then we finally reached clementi then after that went to bus bck home..but it the bus was super long luh..sit on the pole till my ass ached..arghx!!! haahs..then after that finally home sweet home.. kays..gona study lers!!! tatas.. oh.. JIE: tks 4 pein wo ya?? haahs... && HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! HAPPY NATIONAL DAY to all!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007 1:55 AM
♥todae school was fun..hehes...met sin...hui...yj at the bus stop b4 goin to sch 2gether...at fst felt abit awkward cux not many ppl were wearin red tee...heehs...but after awile got used to it lers...(((: we went to the third floor cux sec1s were appointed to stand dere...i was so silly!!! nvr bring my specs..arghx! so i cld not reali see luh...sadded....haahs...but the marching was cool...but dunoe why i felt a bit sian leh..haahs..then after that when they were marchin out of the arena we were laughin cux some of their arms like crams like that...no offence thou(: haahs..then after that we went down to the arena to watch the performance...fst they gaf out the diff colors award...gratz to those hu got dem! then after that the performance started... haahs...it was reali nice!!!! specialli...aiya everytin was nice luh!!!! the celebration was niice!!!haahs...but towards the end i was like fain dai and had no idea so ms kong went to pul me up...shock me ar...haahs...well allswellendswell...hehes...i onli pity dose poor ants hu lost their lives...hehes...then after that went bck to gongs hse to get some stuff b4 meetin yj and sin and then we went to tiong...had qiji for branch...yum...haahs...then after that met up wif yoyo mavis and hui...then we headed to lengkee cc...hehes..then after that met grace dere and started playin.... played wif every1 but sin hui and grace..))): nxt time thn play wif them.hehes...sadded...lost2yoyo... arghx!!! kays...nvm...she older anws..haas...then after that we were discussin what to do nxt but in the end decided to go hm.. gona study 2gether tml!!! i haf to go get pencil case frm gongs...i cant believe i 4got to bring it!!! reali blr luh...haix... kays..go eat dinner fst.. ciaox! o.O!! the celebration was fun(((:
Tuesday, August 7, 2007 5:30 AM
♥yeahs!!! tml NO LESSONS!!!! whoots!!! but i still dunoe weather or not to wear red tee...i tink i will cux xuguo is gona wear luhx..hehe...boy am i tired luh...had trng todae... had science fst but ms kong nvr cum so it was sorta a free period...but she assigned us work luh...)): then after that was maths...did on graphx b4 gettin bck that freakin maths test...argh!!! then was recess...totali moodless tks to maths test..haix...cheer up gals ya? then it was chinese..had test..i i tink i wrote crap for the last qns..i wrote" hua yu shi yi ge hen you jia zhi de yu yan"!!!!! i canr believe it!!!! arghx!!! 6 marks...bye! ))):then after that rushed back for history...did crossword puzzle then it was lit....test...sian...i tink i not gona do very well i did not plan tat well luhx...haix..thn she showed us the play...it was erm...well done...but the cast speak damned fast...thn we were grped up for lit project...finally it was english...we had spelling!!! and we were sorta cheatin luhx...cux we had to guess the word wif jux the meaning...!!! then mrs lee wen thru the singlish vs standard english..haahs...it was reali funny..haahs...specialyl the video... then after that wen 4 lunch wif nette and mavis b4 goin 4 trng..played wif jiao lian for a suepr short wile...then played mavis fst then played wif peishan then panhua b4 playin wif mr kuan last...todae trng seem to past like soooooo fst luh...haix...kays...go bathe lers...tatas... oh!!! THANKS 4 the chocos meL (((:
Friday, August 3, 2007 2:13 AM
♥ finally...i can blog cux i'm finally done wif my stuffx!!! hehes...(((: i noe i havent updated for like a wk lers...sorries!!! hehe... 30 july 2007 todae was a pretty ok dae larh...had the usual reading luckily they provided us wif material cux i 4got to bring a book...hehe...and the stories were quite nice to read luh..haahs...then it was chinese...4got what we did liaox...hehe... then it was recess....had some to eat b4 going back up..hehes then after that was dnt.... tot it was goin to be another thoer lesson but it turned out to be a prac lesson...lucky...if not i sure fall asleep liaox..went bck to class and found everything sooo orong...arghx!!! kays then after that was eng...4got what we did....anws mon was a pretty short day luhx...but pretty unlucky...i lost my "bao"))): 31 july 2007 todae had science as a fst period...jux went thru pressure ws...zzz..got keep it up chop!!! lolx...haahs then after that was maths...did %test...i'm sooooo sure i'm so gonna fail luhx!!! 13 marks worth of freakin hard qns!!!!!! arghx!! cries! then after that was recess....tried to stop thinkin bout maths test and then it was chinese..usual slackin lesson..lolx...then after that was history... mrs yoga kept goin 6demerits...everytin oso 6demerits...but heng nvr kena any..phews! then it was lit...super borin jux went thru gordon and minnie..n miss kang had to spoil the festive mood 4 spore bdae cux mrs tay and mrs yoga postponed our tests till after the hols...whoots...4schless days!!! heeh...then it was english...i think we did a test or was it situational writin..cant rmb..hehes...sorries..then after that sch ended....ate lunch b4 headin 4 trng... 1 Aug 2007 had science test early in the morn...zzz...i think i wont do very well its quite hard i cant rmb what is bein produced after mixin the chemicals and gases 2gether.arghx! then after that was PE but mr goh went 4 reservice so no pe...yeahs...no hits from the volleyball!!! haahs lolx...then went 4 recess b4 it was maths..did some work on no patterns then after that went 4 music...but mrs erm izzit james i jux cant seem to rmb her name...opps..haahs..but she did not cum and we werent told...haix...so went bck to class..and got scolded 4 bein too noisy..or was the cher jux askin us to kp quiet..i rmb gettin scolded thou..haahs..then after that it was cme...kena scolded by ms kong...and i tink sm ppl gona change seat lers...then after that went 4 mrs tee class tot she nvr cum but she did jux that she was late..got scolded cux we were erm too noisy...haahs..then after that was english...did either test or sit..haahs....i reali 4got...haahs...lolx..then after that went 4 lunch...and home sweet home.. 2 Aug 2007 geog was fst todae...had a geog test that i studied for...haahs..lolx..quite okay luh...then it was erm...chi??? haahs...i cant reali8 rmb my order of lessons..haahs...well i rmb that we had cme and there's this hmwk i dunoe what to do luh..haix...we also had chinese sit writing??? i nt very sure lers...heh...oh yea i rmb!! we did geog presentation...and alcine i'm reali reali reali sorry!!! our marks got pulled down cux i was too soft...SORRY!!! i'll try harder durin IPW ya?okas lsets jux skip sch luh....trng...we went 6 rounds around arena block jux to watch the audition and hear zj sing haahs...and we ran like non stop...haahs...did mr kuan's pt...made my legs like super wobbly...we also plays cuo qiu and dui kang.. kena punished evrytime but once...haahs..i tink then after that went to play captains... mr kuan...mr phua...ms sally lim played wif us...sec1s+ms lim+mr phua VS sec3s+mr kuan...haahs...it was a preety tough match...and ended wif a DRAW!!! hehes..yippees..lolx...then after that went hm lers....arghx..hmwk))): 3 Aug 2007 finally its the last dae of the week!!!! todae did some latern drawin during art then it was erm maths...found out our maths marks...erm...seriously spoiled my dae...i wasn't feelin that good till geog...in fact i almost cried durin recess luh...but thanks to hui yj and sin i nvr..haahs...they made me laugh..but at class...it was bt the same luhx...sci prac was borin...i only like doin the chem stuff...haahs..lolx..then after that geog...i totali switched personalities...cux i got bck my geog tst papers and i did farely well..heehs.!! then after that was chinese...had to do chi compo...zzz....i tink i'll do badly 4 tis zuo wen....my sentences like very bu shun lor...haix...4get it...then after that stayed bck to do the newspapers b4 headin to tb to eat..and then we went to take nps...super fun!! hope we can take more yea? haahs...then went home lers...yeas!! tml can change hp!!! 4 Aug 2007 woke up early cux had trng then after that went to meet hui and yj ...walked to sch 2gether b4 trng started...played wif yj and shifu todae...hehes...i tink todae is one of the trngs that passed the fastest..ii always tot sat passed super slow....hahs...then after that trng ended wif a cuo qiu bi sai....lost))): then after that waited and foyer for mum...she took kinda long so i was pretty___ but after lunch it was beta lers...then we went to get my hp...i fst tot i cld not get it but later i reali got it !!! YES!!! haahs..lolx...then i started meddling wif the functions b4 headin bck to nais hse...took a sweet nap..heehs..then after that lazed around for i had pretty much time on my hands..then after that went to tb to watch simpsons....met jh gor at mrt there then after that wen all was there we went to take nps...and no one has paid me bck so far!!! kays then after that went to buys some snacks b4 watchin simsons...it was okay luh...rate it 3.5??? haahs...kays ...tatas... 5 Aug 2007 i'll jux say bout my short morn cux i spent the rst of my day watchin huan huan ai...smsin...and studyin...zzz..woke up early and wen runnin wif hui...we ran 4 2.4 km...wifout stoppin!!! hehes...bubble tea here i cum..lol...haahs...see.. my sun i always borin..haix...): 6 Aug 2007 todae had rdin fst period..i had totali no idea what i was rdin..haahs...i seem to be starin at the article n rdin but nothin cld get into my head cept for the bb article...haahs...then after that was chinese...redo our campin zuo wen..sianx..then went 4 recess b4 goin to line up for our ND...then after that went for dnt...borin...we were drawin for most of the lesson and my drawings SUCK!!! arghx...kays nvm..then after that was eng..got back test paper..i tink i was too happy lers..my reaction was a little over..i shall control..nxt time haahs..then after that was maths..learned lenier graphs...then did class work gaf hmwk...then headed to kfc...we met wif s lot of stuffs todae luhx..haix...hope tml will be a beta dae...but i already noe its not..i'm gettin bck that freakin maths paper and i'm havin lit teat how can it be good?! oh nvm...i'm tired...gona slp lers...buaiis!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007 5:54 AM
♥ heyas!!! i noe i havent been bloggin for like a whole week! sorry!!! hehes...been kinda busy so i'll blog bt my whole week tml ya? :) kays i'll jux post some pix on the NDP will upload more pix and update tml!!! ciaox! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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