Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:11 AM
♥aww man...theres sch again tml...zzz...sian....and i'm gettin bck my maths test!!! arghx!! i'm tink i failed badly....haix... beta st to work hard liaox...))):haahs...said that like dunoe how many times luhx...lolx...anws woke up early to finish up my hmwk b4 lazin around and watched my telly then after that did some stuff b4 da gu dey all came...then watched more tv well they played mj...hehes..after dinner got bored so me elvin gor jh gor went down to playbb!!!! hehes...so long nvr play ler...haahs... the p of the cour we were playin had puddles of water so there was water splashin abt..haahs...and the ball was reali wet and dirty...haahs..then there was tis gu sharin the court,,he had a lot of playin patter luhx..haahs...evrytimt he shoot ball pass us ball got diff pattern wan....kinda funny...lolx..then after that went to tb to get ice cream!!! VENEZIA!!!! jh gor was treatin..heehs....bt yoggi and cc flavour...yumyum..then we walked bck... started doin myy river nile project...haahs...almost done!!! thanks yj for ure GREAT hlp!!! eu rawk gal!!! haaahs...kay gtg slp lers...buaiis...
7:48 AM
♥the preview rawks!!!!!!!!! mum came to featch us b4 and dropped us off at marina dere then we went to get some snacks b4 goin to queue up to get in...there was this lady hu cut our q..arghx! and while walkin like a million ppl stepped on my feet....made me freakin....nvm shant talke bout it...anws we finally got in and our bags were orange and green...hehes....there were like a million goodies in there and we took many pics too!!! the water displays were fabulous...and dere was fire cumin out of the water too!!! the fireworks displays were best dere were sooooo many!!!! hehes... the performances were cool too....there were even jellyfish ballons and images made out of water!!! it was fantastic!!!! the canon bombs were super loud and made eu jumb everytime it bombed...some saf ppl did reverse jumpse frm the highway into the water...the parachuters were cool too they are like so high up luhx...and then all the different vehicles and stuffx came flyin sailin and drivin!!! the were amazin...and super cool!! the light effects were oso very nice.... this pose may seem pretty short but the NDP was seriously nice...it rawked!!!! haahs... i loved it... we took a lot of pics..hehes...then later wen it ended a dj frm zouk came to do the tracks...it was nice the songs............then cux got a lot of ppl tryin to go out so we jux sat there drapped b4 decidin to take pics till the cam conk out..haahs..then we take until the person chase us away cux dey needed to clear..LOL...haahs....its reali memorable..hehes... shall post the pics later when i have uploaded themm... ciao!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007 7:36 AM
♥todae trng was okok larh...hehes...i was seriously tired... but i noe every1 was too luhx... started playin wif yj as usual and i tink we were the most "serious" ones there luhx..haahs... we were naoin around...lol.! then after that played cuo qiu sheng jiang...dunoe why rite everytime my ball net ppl have to tell me..i dunt even noe net lor...haix..then wen yj tell me she had to tell me like 4 times b4 i knew she was tellin me that my ball net...haahs... i lost like every match but 1 or 2 i think..haahs..lan rite... i'll try harder nxt time luhx... then later played wif yj again...like everytime play wif her very qing song wan...like 4get ure troubles??? mayb cux she does not have the strict and serious face...haahs... todae we did a lot of weird dong zuo haahs... we combined our biao zhun dong zuo...lolx...haahs..then after that we decided to get serious...but our record was 2 mins...then we cld no longer control liaox..haahs..then after that packed and mr kuan treated us tolberone...hehes... i had 3!!! hehes... cux mel gaf me hers..haahs...thanks!!! oh..i love chocos!!! hehes... any1 wana gif me...lolx..haahs...okay jkjk...later grow fat...haahs... then after that went to have lunch b4 headin home...
Friday, July 27, 2007 8:56 AM
♥todae has been an uber tired but fun day hehes............................................................................. was planninto wake up at 5.45 but ended up lazin in bed till 6...haahs..started to rush b4 leavin the hse....but was still late anws...then after that took mrt wif snrs and sec1s...we were all reali reali nervous...and i felt sick...but after a while it was okay...hehes...reached chinese garden and it was super crowded with maarshels and runners...hehes..then we waited for dunoehu b4 headin in ... sat at the arena for dunoe how long b4 gettin our tags my no was 224...hehes...then after that the yr 1 boys ran liaox...and soon it ws our turn...i wan reali nervous....finally it bagan!!! shall skip the race cept that it passed quite fast and i came in top 20 wif sin!!! hehs...i think so..i'm not reali sure...lolx...but yea...we made it!!!! yippees!!! reachin the end i dunoe why i stumbled onto the rocks...so ps...haahs...tks4c...haahs...then hlped shifu hold her stuffx...and cheered them too...hehes....then after that waited at the finish...fnally all the races had ended...then the skies started to darken and they receieved warning signals...so the prize preaentation was postponed...till mon....we were suppose to meet for the tt cheer but sadly the lightning was too dangerous so we went to the mrt waited for a while b4 leavin for jurong pt... had kopitiam for lunch b4 goin to macs to have flurry!!! i seem to be addicted 2 it noe luhx..haix...mux CONTROL....kays then after that went to walk around b4 we got bored so we all sat around the "barriers" and finally after like forever 3.05 came...and we went in to watch alone.... we settled down and got ready our food....haahs...it was pretty scary the person kept poppin out and made me jump in my seat resultin in me kickin mx chair...SORRY!!! but it was rather enoyable.... haahs....after it ended me and mavis legs were rather wobbly...haahs...then we went 2 the washroom...hehes...then went to tb to have macs again b4 goin to safra mt faber to bowl....i was kinda sucky...haahs...lolx...those hu said they sucked played super well lorx...arghx..haahs...jkjk...and then we took like a million photos...some were weids cux of disrupttions...lolx...overall it was FUN!!! hehes... kays..gtg...deres trng tml... and i'm goin 2 watch the NDP preview tml!!! YES!!!! lolx...haahs...cant wait haahs kays beta go lers...if not later tml late..haahs...ciaox... if eu wanna see the pics an results check out yoyo's blog!!! hehs... tatax
Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:42 AM
♥o.O!!! tml is the annual cross country championship!!!! and its the yr ones fst time participatin!!... so excited and nervous!!! hehes... todae was a pretty OK day...hehes...there was no trng thou... had geog test during the fst two periods...it was quite okay luhx...but ders bit of hard stuffx too luhx..hehes...then after that was chinese...boring as usual and heard bt a compo competition o monday... zZz... then it was recess!!.... jux the usual crappin and all b4 we went up and found..... nvm shant rake it up..okays then after that was science...went to have practical on forces..not very fun luh..i prefer the chemicals!!! yupyupyup!! heehs..then we went to arena to check the force oso b4 goin back to class for eng...did wb b4 goin thru some stuffx...hehes..then after that was history...mrs yoga was pretty angry wif our class...hehes..and then wen she saw me and gwen wb she saywhat we nvr do props nvr copy what she show...wth!! she showed it for sooooo short wan us copy what...so in the end tookk js de to copy...hehes..then after that was CME..packed up and headed to the NE pillars met yoyo and mx and copied some ans too..hehes...but still nvr finisjed the ws))): have to complete by ourself)): then after that had assembly...we were learnin basic Malay...hahs... and some ppl kena saboed..haahs..all frm drama wan..hehe...lolx... then after that met up wif them b4 headin to tb in the rain...hehes..then after that dropped our stuff off at kfc and went 2 get ourselves dried ans stuffx...then after that walked around tb b4 headin to tenchi to get some comics...and...i sooo di not realise it was so late ler...haahs...so went home after that...hehes.. kays....gtg..tks yj for the pops...haahs.. and best of luck to the runers in the cc..hehes...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 2:46 AM
♥2 more days till cross country!!! o.O...i am so nervous...haahs...kays...todaes been a "fine" day... there were two hawaiian scouts joined our class...Gavin and Skyler... todae had science fst..had to do this pressure ws....)): then PE!!! we ran 1 round around sch! and the bst pt was that NAPFA is after Mr Goh cums bck frm reservice!!! whoots!!!! yipees!!! okies so we started playi volleyball....finally!! todae is the fst lesson that i did not get hit by the ball on my head!!!haahs..so happy luhx...then was recess..after recess the scouts had joined our class liaox... mrs tay went thru maths ws on the no patterns and i think i'm startin to get it liaox cet for the triangular wan...and i have a GIANT pile of hmwk that needs to be completed over the wkends!!! arghx!!!! okays...nvm...MUSIC!! we were 'learnin' to sing the spore songs...it was funny...cux they kept naming the ppl hu appeared in the video sm1 in class haahs...then wen it came to 1ppl 1 nation 1spore...they went 1table 4ppl letsplaymahjong...funny right...haahs..but got a bit scolded..hehe...then it was CME....gwen was doin all the work for the racial harmony think...haahs...she is reali reali patient....i pei fu ta for that...she use papar clip to trace...sooo nice...but cux she was tracin and concentratin i had nothin much to do..wanted to nap but too noisy liaox...)): haix..then after that was lit-drama... mrs tee was tellin a cinderella story and needed a cinderealla....but no gal wanted to be so inthe end all the main characters were taken by the guys..haahs...it was reali funny...lol...very entertainin...actuali we did not nd us the gals..the guys enough liaox...the very talented...haahs...but still almost every1 participated luhx... hehes...then eng...mrs lee did not cum so ms lai took over her lesson..after we completed the ws...we were kinda bored so jux carried on wif the other hmwk lorx...but it was pretty noisy cux evry1 was surroundin the scouts...hehes...then after that finally sch ended...met up wif mavis b4 headin to the hall 4 the auditons...i can bet we sure wont make it wan...we totali screwed up luhx..in the fst place we did not wana do it...but still we tried...i think can only hear the guys sing luhx...hehes..accordin to some...lolx...but its ok...no one believe i got sing))): alcine did...cux i think she's the only one hu heard cux she was standin bside...haahs..then wen to mt yoyo and jyehuey b4 headin to macs..then after lunch i was soooo tempted to buy a mcflurry so in the end i got wan....then started to study...i think was not reali studyin luhx...cld not think..yoyo was like crackin her brains luh...i nvr see ppl study until like that b4...haahs..fst time ...lolx..then went bck home...lers... tml have GEOG tst wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:25 AM
♥arghx!! today sch...sucked!!!!!! i am sooooooo gonna fail my maths test..i have like a millon unknown qns!!!! arghx!!!!!!!!!! it totali spoiled the st of my day luhx!! i was pretty down durin the st of my day luh....haix...after recess things were a bit better liaox...had chi...smtin freaky happened...shant talk bout it...then after that was history... totali BORING!! then nxt was lit..gwen went for drama so xuguo sat wif me...we were preety chatty...and they kept sayin my handwriting was too small...haix...i'm tryin hard to make it bigger liao lerx... hehes..then after that was english!! had to present smtin..and i was SERIOUSLY unlucky.... we were usin a white piece of paper and then dey say tel class bt innocence...like so akward luh..haahs..luckily i rmb got smtin called life..lolx...simplicity...hehes...finally dismissed! had lor mee forl unch b4 goin up to set up tt stuffx...then we started with the ususal...then started playin wif shifu...hehes...i noe todae i played damned sucky luhs...well i ..oh nvm..sorry grace...then after that went to play wif yj...play wif her reali shuang!!! hehes...i totali4get my daes worries!!! hehes...tks yj!!! and then i was showin off my "biao zhun" dong zuo...haahs...then yj cant copy...haahs....todae like mu turn to kena hit by the balls...and yj hit one directly on my face!! )): we were kinda crazy...oso got tis time yj unbalance then she sunddely like lose balance...super funny luhs..i noe not suppose to laugh bt cant hlp it luhx...sorries yj!! hehes... then after that played smtin qiu wan...haahs...super funny luhx...well had fun playin wif yj!!! hehes...then finally HOME!!! tml got 2.4!!! cripes!!!drink...i'm comin..haahs... and mr kuan made us targets for cc too...and i promised to NOT stop durin cc too... lets hope i'll make it yea!? oh and thanks MEL for the cHoCos!!!! loved them!! hehes...
Monday, July 23, 2007 5:21 AM
♥....i am soooooooo tired...jux came back from chinese garden run...itwas damned fun luhs! hehes.. kays..lets begin wif sch...todae rained so had rdin in class! yeas!!! chinese was pretty boring...after recess was dnt...todaes lesson had no practical involve))): i almost fell asleep luhs...haahs...then it was english...got back test paper liaox...did quite bad??? only got 25/40))): okays then after that was maths went thru %ws that i made a million mistakes luhx! cry!!! after that mrs tay jux taught some stuffx and then it was DISMISSAL!!! heehs... met up wif snrs b4 headin to tb to have lunch...then we took the mr to chinese garden...we were pretty noisy in the mrt..haahs...well we were in a grp..haahs..then finally reached!!! we had to go upslope larh...arghx!! wif that heavy bag of mine)): then stopped at the toilet cux some had to change and stuffs b4 headin to the arena... we were the fst to reach!? haah..so we started chattin and playin around we also took some pics!!! heehs..then we started comparin our hts and stuff...lolx... haahs...and sm1 saved their names as iamuberdumb...haahs...then we played lao ying zhua xiao ji! but it was pretty short only cux to many ppl playin liaox..hehes...then every1 started comin...hehes...so we got ready for our run...it was okay luh...not as tirin i xpected myself to be...heehs...maybs cux got alot of 'scenery'? haahs..lolx..then after that we were the fst to be bck..cux the others were doin their stations..hehes...then after that rested for awhile b4 we found out we were runnin another ound...this time we ran slower liaox...me and sin walked alot...haahs...and talked to we spent lots of time "bargainin" haahs...there was this HUGE flock of birds near the road there and we were like freakin scared...haahs...so we jux chiong pass...then near the end we had to walk pass this huge bush and then dunoe what was makin this weird sound evrytime it made that sound i kinda jerked...then sin say i think too much liaox...haahs.. finally we made it to the end!! whoots!!! heehs...we packed and left...then went cheers to get drinks and stuffs..hehes...and then after that went home!!! finally...hehes... dad came to fetch me home and i studied maths.... arghx..tml got maths test!!! DIE!!! and i made a few bets and chi garden... ~mx-treat)): i tot every1 wld treat luh...in the end kena ps...nvm...a treat itis... (top 3) ~yoyo-mcflurry!! (top 20) ~ME!! yoyo got to treat me mcflurry for top 30 ~ME again...not to stop... ~mel...bt she dun wan liaox...unless she change mind.. (top 10) ~SHIFU-Grace...present.... (top 20)
Sunday, July 22, 2007 6:14 AM
♥i had uber much fun...todae...thins wkend seem soooo perfect cept that i still have 3 maths qns uncompleted)): arghx....the moment i think bt that i feel...so...arghx!!!! okays...lets jux get on wif my day.. i think bt hmwk later...haahs... ytd slept like 12...or izzit 2???hahs... slept while the com was on and i was still chattin..haahs...sorries mel and nic!!! haahs...kays...and i woke up pretty early today...8.30!! hehes! early rite..considerin i slept kinda late haahs..lolx...l and i have to starve like tis whole week cux i am seriously BROKE!! i bt like a lot of things todae... kay mayb not a lot....but their ...oh nvm.. i bt... Billabong wallet *finally!!* 2 shirts... Famous amos cookies 300g...yumx... 2 neoprints kays...mayb not alot larh...but its got me BROKE...))): okays... met up with afe at wisma..b4 having lunch at taka KFC...and after that headed to lucky plaza play POOL!! i was underage...haahs...shh...lol....kays we played for erm 3 hrs like that...i was nt very good luh...only durin the last came my luck changed...i shot in quite a lot of balls...hehes...i paired i wif afe..hehes...jies and afe were the proest...haahs...i was erm average??? or eather...lan...lolx..then after that went pizza hut to have dinner....tried the cheese fondue pizza!!>yumyum!!! and the thin pizza....o.O.....i'm still cravin for more!!! lolx...then after that went to walk around tryin to find my bb tea...but cld not find my fav shop))):...so in the end had to get frm sweetalk...zzz....okies...then off to tb we went...took nps wif jies fst cux i nvr took wif her 2gether alone b4 we three took 2gether....had lots of fun takin(((: then walked hm in the drizzle...and jies scared bel and me tellin us there were cockraoches!!! EVIL!!! reminds me of... nvm...haahs...okays then after that came up ans saw mums and dadies...mum sorta scolded me 4 buyin shitrt cux i already had a lot of clothes..hehes...lucky i nvr tell her i bt a wallet if not sure die wan...haahs....lolx....then after that took a bath... o.Ox...tml goin chi garden to check out the route!!! hehes.... kaysi beta go do my maths liaox...its goin to ten liaox.... ciaox!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007 6:38 AM
♥cripes! i'm havin muscle aches in both my legs!!! ahhh....haahs.... okays today trng was uber fun durin trng.its fun to play wif yj!!! hehes.. during the start we did jiao cha bu then after that started playin wif yj...played together like 4 the whole trng...haahs..and had so much fun...hehes...hopefully nxt trng still can play wif her...hehes... nothin much happened during trng todae...it seemed short??..haahs...mayb cux i play wif yj..haahs...at the end we smack qiu....hehes.. ran off hm wif mavis in the rain to get her a tee..then chiong to tiong again..hehes....lolx..then after that went to change....went to KFC to eat b4 every1 started to arrive..it was rainin so had to postpone the east coast so we went to safra...but at fst found the bowling to ex liaox so after that went to playground dere was plannin to play captains ball but actuali i dunoe why we nvr play haahs...so we decided to cut cake fst than after that go see what to do...the cake was super nice to eat!!! yum yum!!! heehs then after that we decided to go bowling...it was freezin larh...damned cold luh...haahs..we played two games and it was real fun...haahs..i was overjoyed once agian...and i found out......okays..nvm 4get it...at least i got a strike...hehes...then after that went off liaox... had to wait like forever for that freakin buses to cum larh...the jies called me to tell me bt my hp... guess i gota change it nxt wk only))): cux i cant mt mum tml...))); i've bin postponin it since like...hopefully dey will have beta offers if i wait till nxt week?? praypraypray....spexially 4 e hp i wan....haix...bck home...after like soooo long..hehes...zZz... whoots!!! tml goin out wif afe!!! beta finish my hmwk haahs...and do some revision tml night...haix...okies... tatas....
Friday, July 20, 2007 6:12 AM
♥o.O!!! finally its friday!!! the day i always look forward to....hehes...todae sch was avereage larh.. fst period was art...managed to finish my art on time!!! hehes...i usuali rushed my art out...haahs... but today i managed to finish it..hehes...but i think if i had not colured it wld hav looked nicer...i spoiled it ))): then after that was maths...todae we nvr make mrs tay angry...and the class was quite quiet....hehes...(((: mrs tay gaf us our percentage ws... 4 hmwk)) and deres a maths test on tues))): okays then after that RECESS!!! after that was science...we wanted to go to the 2nd floor lab but it was taken..so wen 3rd floor....ans saw ms tho class...hehes...we kinda disturbed them so go lab kena scolded...))): miss kong like if dun scold us den very bu shuang lor... yi jian jiu ma...haix...kays then did chemicals mixin again....love the colour changes!!! and after that again every1 started mixin all the chemicals 2gether...hehehe...then geog...waas late 4 class....mdm sharifa told us bt some fieldtrip and showed us some pics of the aust perth trip...hehes... then after that gaf us some hmwk b4 lessson ended....mt nxt...its ...erm..i dunoe whats the relief cher name... haahs...her last day wif us so she let us do some zuo ye..and gaf us sweets!! yum....finally...dismissed!!! went to lunch wif the usual...hehes...then after that realised that we were bein stalked...haahs...it was hilarious....and we learn smtin called business and management...lols...haahs..then went to buy presents and jux walked round....after that sin and mavis left so me hui and yj stayed to haf ice-cream!!! oreo!! o.O...i want more!!! hehes...then after than went to fairprice to buy mx's healthy sweets..haahs... and then home!! zzz.... trng tml.....
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:31 AM
♥arghx!!! my hole body is aching!!! and i have a severe headpain!!! *cripes* today school was ok...cld concentrate better luhs..fst lesson was geog...same old stuff...rivers...then after that it was chinese...totali boring...shld have took that time to np...haahs...jkjk...recess...ate wok with me...then after that had sci prac..the we were missin chemicals and stuffs...then later the 2nd prac we mixed 2 mixtures 2gether then the colour was freakin nice!!! like rainbow like that!!! super cool!! shld hav taken pic lorx...then the boys also mixed the micture...got puple pink...rainbow and stuffs..super nice lors the colors!!! hehes...then it was eng nxt...or was it hist...oh nvm...eng had spellin and wen thru sm stuffs...got 14/15!!! hehes,,,hist got bck test paper!!! i PASSED!!! mayb nt wif flyin colors luh..i got 21/30 onli....but i quite happy...heehs...then it was cme...had to do grp wk so grped wif gwen...js...jk...then we started doin the cme thingy...gwen was a bit....crazy???haahs...jkjk...well she was laughin as wtv jk ans js said...it was reali funny...wen she got serious and they spoke she wld st laughin again...haahs... finally sch ended!!! hehes...went for assembly... mr goh briefed us on the cross country... we have to run 4.8km!!! super long...i think i sure die wan...arhghx!!! ))): after that went to change as we had trng....but b4 that we gathered at the canteen to celebrate hwee's bdae...she took the candles outwif her mouth and they smeared cream on her face...the cake was nice anw...went up 4 trng...mr kuan ask us to do some stuff doin the st that got my legs all wobbly.....super chuan...then played wif grace sf...erm...still cant reali focus todae))): haix... and...oh nvm...then after that played wif snrs and all...i tink too nervous liaox...haahs...can barely hit a ball...lolx....then after that played captains ball!!!! had sooo much fun...my grp won both games!! hehes....then i was e defender for a while defending meixian....and i was OVERJOYED when i dedended a ball that i nvr see another ball coming...))): only for those at scene....shhhh.... uber confidential!!! kp 2 ureselves!! haahs.... now i owe mx 4 tubes of sweets.... anws...tatas....i have to go hide...lolx...jkjk
4:05 AM
♥my whole body is aching..i have been like excersin a lot 4 like 3 day..and soon its gona b3 4...so my muscles has like totali no rst my muscle aches are gettin frm bad to worst...*cripes*.... todae school...was borin...we kept gettin scolded luhs..))): morn kena scolded by miss kong 4 the usual nvr clean floor...yadayada...then maths...PEthe only lesson free frm scoldin...then after that maths...we made mrs tay reali reali angry...it seemed as thou...well i noe she was reali reali upset...SORRY mrs tay!!!kays then music...oso kena scolded...we watched this sorta show which had quite nice music?..and was reali funny....but....some pts...were.....well caused some commotion....haahs...then after that was cme...more scoldin by miss kong...then lit...a bit of scoldin?? or rather none...okays then it was eng...BEST lesson of the day!!! nafa...started great...sit-ups is like my bst...haahs...no larh..then after that incline pull up...standing bj...sit reach...shuttle run...i thnk o nvr do very well lors...))): guess i gotta ping for my run liaox...nvm...i feel like ratakin my nafa...crycrycyry...shuttle run...dunoe why i was like sooooooo nervous...the block sltpped off my hand like dunoe how many times then finalli got it i accidentally let go too early and threw it??? ))): restarted....arghx...then the freakin ndp audition...we were like damned disorganized larh....crapx...hoefully the audition we wld be presentable enough...but unable to pass...hehes... went to tb wif hui yoyo yj and sin....had luch....or rather dinner...hehes...home sweet home... went on and mavis asked me to watch this 'alone' trailer... mavis if i get nightmare gona cum after eu....haahs... at least i nvr scream...hehes.... anws...gtg...ciao... btw... THANKS!!! YOYO! YUNJIE! JYEHUEY!JINGHUI! or surpportin me!!!tyty!!! oh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIHWEE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELS!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:49 AM
♥jux ended trng...and i'm freakin tired as usual...havent blogged cux was kinda busy...haahs... monday-16 july 07 todae sch was borin as usual...rdin period was fst...luckily xg hlped me bring bk if not i wld have been bored!!! then chinese...new cher 4 a wk cux you lao shi ont around))): haahs...then recess!!! after that was dnt...i was really slow larh...but luckily got xg and sharon hlp! thanks guys!! finally my boat is COMPLETED!!! bravo!!! haahs...then nxt was english..did not do much...lucky she nvr mrs lee nvr check file...heehs...then after that was maths...mrs tay was a bit angry cux our hmwk was nt reali good...hehes.... somehow dunoe why the lesson cant get anytin in my head larh!))): after school...went bowlin wif xuguo...wilson...junkang...hwanheo...laura...we played like 4 games..and they cheat wan! they went to take my ball and threw it into the gutter larh!! ))): well...but i'm over it and anws i had fun...it was fun to play larh...but the bill..*shivers* it came up to $$48!!! lucky we had money if not we'll be there wiping the bowling balls...heehs...then home sweet home!!! argh!!! history test!!! today!!!today!!!today!!! todae was A pretty long day...and mrs tay taught us a GAME...whoopies..it was fun!! heehs...and then the rst of the day was borin!! i am like soooooo gona fail my hist exam.i think i wrote lots of crap...))): trng...we did the fast zheng shou today ...super tired!! then played fan shou with hui...dunoe why todae like got smtin weighi on me cant seem to concentrate props))): sorries....haix....then had runnin todae larh...i so did ont noe and i drank like dunoe how much water larh...in the end kena stiches...damned pain...larh...poor sin...run until....shant say liaox...the we had to run up and down stairs larh!! runnin up was okay but almost slipped)): the goin down was freaky....had to go down 2 steps!!! and ar i hav like a slight phobia..cux goin double steps makes me feel as if i'm gonna fall forward and hit my head*shudders*....and poor mavis fell down!... get well soon yas!!! take care wors!!! p.s: my dear aunty mux look afetr her wors!!! hehes.... ciao!
Saturday, July 14, 2007 12:24 AM
♥eHjux came bk frm trng todae with aching left hand as usual...ytd did not blog cux it was FRIDAY the 13th!!! haahs.... anws ytd was great... cept 4 sch larh..it was the usual... watched HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX!!! super nice!!!!!i want to watch it again and again!!! haahs...got some parts that were super touchin and of cux we cried..cept for sin...hehes...its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice!!!!!!hehes...and i was like tellin jies bt it and she asked me to shut up...haahs.... kays todae trng we had the meetin...and like me sin and nette kinda laughed the most???haahs..i noe ure suppouse to be like serious!? but nvm...kays then trng started as per normal...then after that erm we did zheng shou dong zuo and more...then played wif hui dey all b4 REST TIME!!! after rst tiem evry sec1 was paired wif a snr and iwas paired wif grace...she todae like damned high and i kept laughin cux wen she laugh it made me feel like laughin but i still managed to concentrate..hehes...then after that went to fa qiu...b4 trng ended...todae nothin much happened..kays finish up my DNT(((: it looks weird...haahs.. have to thank mel and yoyo 4 hlpin me think of what to draw!!! tyty... i noe i very ma fan..hehes..anws tyty... AND soryy yoyo i reali cant type ful form...very tough...SORRIES!!! 49 days till the 'last' time i'll see eu...
Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:55 AM
♥my left hand still hurts!!! argghx!!! okays nevermind...anyways today started off real real bad... i woke up at like 6.40++ larh...and i was rushing like mad caus i was afraid i would be late...hehes...but i ended up reaching early..haahs...collected my books from merci...then off to school...the day went quite well....wanted to sleep during history lesson but later she gave us some class work so did not really feel like sleeping liaox...hehes...then miss kong never come today so science lesson just did some class work and then read the book that xuguo lent me...then after that cme nothing to do so i just read lor...then assembly...today quite okay finally no more talks...like everytime they always hold talks talks talks and more talks...we watched the chior and band performance andthen later kena scolding liaox...haix...he shouted into the mike larh...my ears were hurting))): then finally...dismissed!!!put our bags at the back of the hall and then went to change before going to eat something light...then after that started training...did the usual warm-ups then mr kuan came and we 'played with the wall' then later erm trained in doubles...after playing for like 2...3 rounds? went to run liaosx....had to run 8-EIGHT rounds today!!!! i was kinda worried cux my hands were aching...during the start i ran like really really slow then after that start of 2nd round then picked up speed...hehes...ran with sinvyest all the way...and the last round we were like "dying" liao larh...but thanks to a million encouragement we picked up much speed? hehes... but reach classroom block half-dead...hehes...could not breathe liao lers...): then later at the corridor way there have to chiong and mux really thank yunjie pei wo pao wors!!! (((: kays gtg liaox!!!! buaiis!!! tomorrow going to watch HARRY POTTER!!!!! whoopies!!!! and tomorrow is the last day of thw WEEK!!! finally!!!! tatas!!! oh befor that.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMU!!!! *sorry belated bdae wish*
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:18 AM
♥my arms are aching!!! tml sure got muscle pain larh..todae trng did a lot of fain qiu...anws 4got to blog ytd sorry!!heehs... 9 july 2007 nothin much happened...but dnt was quite fun i managed to finish my boat? haahs...its not very nice larh i noe...well i'm not a good...oh nvm...i have to so thank sharon and xuguo cux they hlped me alot!!! tytyttytyt!!! hehes..then after that we had to like drill this hole..i didnt noe how to operate the machine haahs...stupid hor? lolx...then cher debrirfed us and than ask us go home paint...have to do smtin that is connected to spore...zzz...okies and then went bck to class... todae cld not have lunch together wif hui dey all cux they have lit)): luckily got mavis and yoyo pei wo..heehs...went to have kfc...and then after that went to walk around met xuguo and jessica so went to take neos together!! hehes...and after that walked a bit more b4 leavin...spent quite a lot of money...haahs....and even bought famous amos cookies...lolx... home~sweet~home 10 july( HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNJIE) oh my arms are aching as ii said...todae had a borin sch dae and got bck eng test paper...)): did badly...and tml still got another eng test lor...cries! arghx!!! trng todae was fun but tiring....the st wen we had to like move the bat and hithit...i hit until abit...nvm then after that started playin..played wif nette and hui... i like dunow why cant hit props leh... SORRY wor guys...))):then after that went to do this fain qiu..we have to use a hole lot of strength...i thought i wld dislocate my shoulder larh..hehes...but it was fun alrh...to see the ball spin...heehs...then after that 4got what we did...liao...but played a bit then cuo qiued wif mavis hui and xg...then after that ddi the zheng shou movements we were all chiongin??? haahs...bt it was fun larhs...hehs...then after that went to keep the stuffs...4got todae got duty so mel kinda did all...SORRY!!! nxt time i wont 4get liaox...then after that mr kuan debriefed us...erm he kinda angry at us))): then went home...ahhh...REST!!! haix tml hav to skip lunch))): tatas!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007 5:13 AM
♥crapx...i still have an eng sit writitn and chinese to complete...arghx! i beta start studyin liaox..hehes...i guess i've been slackin too much liaox...hehes....jkjk... 7,july 2007 its our fst trng wif li jiao lian...played wif hui zheng and fan shou for quite a while b4 played a short doubles wif both hui mavis and yj...then after that we spilit and played QUEEN...hahs..lost like everything??? hehes..then after that played together wif the rst of the sec 1s...then later mr kuan came to trn us and li jiao lian gave us some comments but he nvr see me play...then after that erm 4got what we did but we i think we cleared up and than after that went to run...we were joggin and cheerin...hehes....then after that stayed there till like 1.30 to see the process of flimin...saw benjamin at our sch too... went to kopitiam to eat...then off to sweet talk b4 walkin around tb...after walkin for a while went home... the rst of the dae was borin...))): 8 july 2007 todae went runnin at tiong park wif hui and yj..hehes...durin the st we were tryin to figure out the route to run haahs...so we check the map and realised that like every1 runnin is not on the right track so we jux anyhow run oso...then after that we went to play at the fitness corner...loved to play wif that jump jump thingy..heehs...and we were oso teachin hui to jump and it was successful that shows me and yj are great teachers!!1heehs... then after layin for quite long we went to have some food...i had some dessert b4 headin home... watched re qing zhong xia and did abit of eng then after that got too addicted liaox so i nvr do...haahs...then after that da gu dey all came and jie jh got elvin gor went to play bb while i carried on playin...joined them later...and played 2 on 2..hehes...then after like 2 matches ble came down and we played 2 on 3...then after another 2 matches we stopped and went to have dessert again haahs...then went 7-11 to get some drinks b4 goin bck to play smore..played li9ne-catchin then after that played "HORSE" and "WARTHOGS" heehs..i always fst one out...lolx...)): SAD....then after that went up to have dinner...had lots of food...wings...hokkien mee...satay...fried rice....like buffet...haahs.... and i think tml mayb got blublack on my hand...and i fell down while playin bb todae...hehes.. kays...gtg!!! have to finish up hmwk...sianx...zzz..and beta go bathe...tatas...!
Friday, July 6, 2007 12:38 AM
♥todae did not have 2 go to sch!!!! yeahs!!!! i had to wake up at like erm 5.30???super early!!! but i managed to wake up and i was not late!!!!hehes...met at tb mac dere...peishan was the earliest..then after that we went to taxi stand but dere was on taxi and it was uber dark!! so in the end we went to the main rd to take a cab...cabbed to old smu... went to report to the tt cher in charge then after a short briefin we went to take some bread and water....then we played tt...played wif sin at fst then was briefed again and then played again...it was fun!!! i played wif yj and jac...hehes...then after thaut the games started!!! me and sin were suppose to do warm ups but i ended up hlpin mavis cux dey say dunt nd warm ups...we were doin boy's doubles..some of the were so sml and cute....haahs....but dere were a few damned qian bian....haahs...the way they play damned cute larh...eu have to close an eye thou...actuali hav 20 games but cux no time so onli got 15 games....for the last few games i had to do alone))): then all of them dunt wan listen to me larh!!! kp askin soooo many questions and they kp crowdin all around the table...argh...i serously pissed at that time..hahs...then after that finali finished!!!! hehes!!! we cleared up then went to the bb court and watched the chers play bb competition...theh when we wanted to go they say mux wait till we get token of appreciation...so we ait wait wait till like 2 hrs and then dey tell us got ppl hlp us collect!!!! e were kinda pc liao..haahs...then walked to cab bck to tb....had lunch at kopitam then walked around before leavin...bused home then took bb and then went down to play..but we play 4 a while then saw sm ppl we noe....felt a bit ps then after that got more and more ppl cum and then cux we were "stonin: so got mozzies then dey all dunt wan play liaox..dey wanted to go lkcc but i cant..erm its kinda complicated...sorries....i have my reasons...sorry... kays beta start studyin liaox... tml will be our fst trng wif li jiao lian....hmms...nvm.. tatas...go study liaos!!! (((:
Thursday, July 5, 2007 3:22 AM
♥yeahs!!!yippees!!! tml dunt have to go school!!!!! i'm not ponnin sch kays...i'm too good 4 that ... haahs...tml wld be goin radin mas the sports carnival to hlp out 4 e tt!!! hehes...so can skip lessons all the way!!!but have to wake up earlier than school time...have to wake up at like 5.30 in the morn lor cux hav to meet at 6.15..so early rite....but its ok.... todae school was BORING!!!! mdm sarifah nvr cum so kinda slept durin her class but whenever my eyes goin to close sm1 wld tok or i suddenly get startled...haahs...so in the end cld not sleep... then later chinese you lao shi oso nvr cum...again slack....recess jux had water then it was science...so wanted to sleep...english did sit ritin and then for history my eyes were droopin.but when mrs yoga let us watch the mr brown show it was funny...but took too long to buffer so nvr get to watch the full thing...))): nxt was cme discussed bout national day thing...and at the end... WE ALL GOT TO PERFORM!!!! cripes...sing and dance lor!!! i dunt reali like performin speciali in front of an audience...cry! then later did ace camp reflections ... actuali i dunt reali like thinkin bt it...it was fun but....nvmvnm....okays then dismissed...FINALI!!! went to have lunch and then went to radin mas liaox...wif pei shan sin yj mavis hui...we walked around for a while than after that went to ava room liaox...then mrs doreen came in and briefed b4 devidin us into grps then after that briefed by the respective teachers incharge...the cher in charge of us was like damned erm high????i dunt noe how to say larh...but she was kinda..oh nvm...i osso dunt noe how to say...haahs...tml have to mt at 6.15 leh!!!! ))): so early larh...haix...anws we took 123 bck to tb and thne had dinner b4 walkin around till like 6??? then went to wait 4 bus..63 take sooo long to cum larh... yeas!!! todae the hmwk dunt nd to compleet cux tml nt goin sch...YESSSS!!! haahs.... this year i like damned accident prone lor...i injured my baby finger...sprained my left index finger...and injured my fourth finger....and i ahve tons of mozzie bites!!! argh!!!argh!!!argh!!! this yr like damned bu shun larh...haix): kays...mux go bathe liao...tatas!!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007 6:03 AM
♥todae school was quite fun other then a few borin lesson larh... fst period was science...but cux of assembly it was cut till quite short...hehes...then nxt was pe!!!! took ht and wt...my wt))): my height)): so sad larh...totali not man yi...haahs...okays then after that changed and went to play volleyball!!! the ball is like freakin hard larh...play until my hand like super pain larh...cry!! and smore i kena hit by the ball AGAIN!!! there was a few times i almost kena hit larh speciali one that jux missed my face by inches!!! but other then all that it was simply fun!!! hehes..i noe i suck larh...haahs...i was kinda afraid of the ball....well cant hlp it marh..kena hit so many times liao lor))): then after that RECESS!! had aplate of wedges!! then went bck to class...mrs tay nvr cum todae): so had one free period...4got what i did cux it seemed kinda short??lolx..then it ws music nxt watched the king and I..it kept stoppin lor...irritatin larh..watch halfway then suddenly pop out blublu..haahs. then the guy sing the song damned funny..haahs...then after that it was erm...cme...had to grp up...was in the same grp as wilson jon-hon ernest and i was like the only girl lor...kinda awkward larh...and tml still got cme...haix...sian....nxt lesson was eu cld say drama??? mrs tee was our cher...and she brought us to the room and then we played this funny game....like eu have to do this sign of a cow and go 'moo' then later eu got to pretend to be tiger and go 'roar' and finali an alien 'zeep zeep' it was funi but fun..hehs...and then played this game where we were all puppets and then after that we had to follow instructions i think we moved mnore like robots???haahs..too much transformers liaox...jkjk...then the final game had to frp accordin to nos..it was super funny..haahs... had eng test after that.... i felt the paper familiar larh..but nvm...i sure fail wan...cry!then mrs lee collected the hmwk and dismissed us....met yj dey all cux dey were sendin me to bck gate...heehs...walked to tb wif laura gwen kaimei...and then walked around tb wif gwen for a whikle cuxi had to get smtin...then off we went home!!! home sweet home...rd dear boys and then napped...then changed jux b4 elvin gor came...cux we were goin to play bb... grped wif elvin gor and jie grped wif jh gor....bel nvr play she had...pms??? and we lost...and i got hit by the ball!!! on my forehead!!!hpe no blublack will cum out!!! praypraypray...why i so sui wan kp getin hit by balls...argh!!!and i almost sprain my another finger..haahs...then after that played horse and then we jux sui bian shoot hoops b4 goin to 7-11 to get SLURPEE!!! haahs....and then went bck 4 dinner!!! jie and i was fightin 4 the oranges...haahs.. they very sweet marh...so damned nice to eat!!! wakakas..i got the bigger share...(((:then after that packed and took a few photos b4 goin home... btw i uploaded photos of the yr1 liaos...tell me if eu wan ar...hehes... kays bel wana use liaox..tatas!!!' zZZ....tml got assembly...hope change to TPI....hehes.... buaiis!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007 6:55 AM
♥todae has been kinda long....i only came home at like erm 8??? so late hor???haahs... i seem to be quite accident prone larh...my finger havent ok and i injured another...cry!!! todae school was quite okay...did not feel very bored or whatsoever...hehe... first period was miss kong's period...todae onli have a period wif her...yeas!!! hehes..okays then after that it was maths...mrs tay went thru one of the qs 4 ytd hmwk and then todae she ended off ratio and taught like half of average liaox...heehs...but hmwk got quite alot i was kinda worried i may not finih cux todae have trng marhs...but luckily she gif us time to do in class...so managed to complete some qs...haahs... RECESS!!! smhow recess always seem so short and like lessons seems to be soooo long...shared a plate of noodles wif sin cux i was not very hungry..then after that cux we eat too slow and every1 like go up onli left us so the prefect came to hurry us...haahs...then go up see mr kung...super afraid larh cux kinda late liaox...walk pass him afap...then it was chinese...nvr do much...its like pne of the lessons where we can slack and the cher wont care larh..haahs..jkjk...then after that it was history...copycopycopy sm notes then end....borin lit....filing onli an she made ask follow this weird filing method lor...damned ma fan larh...todae no eng!!! 2 free periods!!!! yippees~!! of cux i did hmwk larh..i am the hardworkin type...haahs..jkjk..and i finished till left 2 maths qs and a sit writin...heehs...phews...then dismissal...waited 4 sin dey all 4 like close to 1/2 hr larh...super hot...but nvmvnm...okays then after that had wedges for lunch shared a pack wif sin again...then went up to set up tables and all...then normal trng started... played at the machine fst todae...the ball smtimes cant go over and like always net lor...but after that mr kuan change liaos... then went to play wif mr kuan....i cld feel i play damned funny...perhaps cux i not so used??? okays...play for awhile then rst liaox...then played sheng jiang wif sec2s...1st seven games i won like 4 the other 7 games...))): okays then after tht=at had pt!!! i ran like 2 1/2 rounds wifout stoppin...okay i noe is not very long larh but my stamin is seriously very very bad wan...then after that went to do warmin down and then off we went...auntie yoyo gave me my impact!!!! yeahs!!! THANK YOU!!!! tytyty!!!! bag was like so heavy and of al days dadi cld not fetch me todae...so i had to take mrt all the way to clementi..shld hav stayed at gonggong's but no one hm so))):then had to wait freakin long for the bus to cum larh!!!and my bag was....argh...okays then finallly reach home....took a fresh bath and then after that started on my hmwk liaos... i onli had 3 wings for dinner!!! haix....and i still hav sit writin to complete!!!! tata!!! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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