Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:00 AM
♥eLlo!!!heLlO!!! been like awk since my last post rite???well there was a change in computer so cld not use...and the new keyboard the freakin spacebar mux press so hard than can move lor....argh!!! okay my week waswell ok...i survived the FIRST week of school...yeas!!! haahs... and now there is smtin rong wif my blog date...cripes))): nvmnvm... change later... 26th june 2006 another borin day at school...surprisingly i cld pay attention in class!!! haha...cux i usuaali felt like slpin durin classtime but i nvr todae...hehe...!!! okays...but the only thing that fang ai me was my finger...it was like burnin pain!!!mux be that freakin plaster...its like super hot lor....daddy lie wan say the plaster nothot nothot...its xtreme hot lor...but it did make my hand better...hehes...nvr go trng to dae cux of my finger...but i did sit and watch for a while...watched a few sec 1s and mel and mx play then dunoe why time past like soooo fast todae i look at my hp 4+ liao...so had 2 go home...the fst thing i did when i went home was to take of that plaster...it took me a FULL HOUR jux to get that plaster out so that i cld bathe!!! and there was like so much pain in the hole processs...T.T...okays than after that i finaly cld bathe...4got what i did after that...then jie came and awhile later she and bel went to play bb...i cant play!!!!!crycrycry...so since they went to play past dinnertime so had dinner wif gonggong then later they came and a bit later jiahui gor came too!!! he managed to fix mapZ for bel and jies...haha...but damned lag lor the com...okays after awhile mumi and dadi came...then sat down for tele 4 awhile then wenthome....realised i 4got to bring my eng hmwk home)): but did abit of it liao...so qwuite heng....jux ask merci to bring to sch tml...heehs... then tvieed and ZzZ.... 27 june 2007 todae my finger felt better liaox...((: so changed the plaster lor...so can concentrate more durin lessons!!! whoots!!!well its a rather short and unevntful day???so after school jux went to dunoe where to eat...i was jux followin blindly...haahs...i have no idea that there was a coffeeshop there lor...haahs...met peishan there...then we went toget pur food...its much cheaper than sch food lor...serious...yoyo nvr eat anytin...she was doinWORK!!! didnt noe she so hardworkin...hahas...jkjk...then after that walked back to tb to find some gifts... on our way back there was some stuff on mavis shirt but cld be cleaned off larh...then we walked past this carpark and there was this really ReAlLy CUTE cat on top of this car!!! and we noe sin scared of animals so we went to call her tell her that she jux walked past a cat...andif it jumped it wld have landed on her...at fst she dunt believe...so she walk the...andi think eu shld noe he rst haahs....at tb we spent quite a long time and went from shop to shop before we headed to macs... i was so kind and treated every1 to icecream...each persom had avanilla cone and we all shared a cup of mcflurry....heehs...then sat there and chatted for quite long b4 headed bck... home...sweet...home....nothin much happened after that jux did some stydyin and rdin... boring dae right??? haahs... 28th june 2007 todae had my very fst lesson of DnT!!! the cher is damned funny lor...more humourous than miss camelia...haha...okays so he started explainin everything...and he say that we must like BUN our hair!!!!! its been sooo long since i bun my hair larh...and i noe i look damned funny when i bun my hair....cripes...but no choice i dunt wana lose my hold scalp...haahs...okays...then later he gave us each a plank and we had to do all the markings...and i so sucked!!! serious my markings were like....CRAP!!! they were soooo out of line but still managed to do...cher got hlp me draw...haahs...then nxt was the sawin pt...i do until damned.....i saw sooooooo long for lest see half a period??? or mayb lesser larh but it seemed quite long to me and i onli managed to saw a small triangle.....okays when the class ended we still had to clear up and stuff and there was like stuff flyin everywhere and ther place wheer we had to stack our block had so much dust some flew into my eyes...))): okays then after that went bck to class for PTI...she told us some SUPER DEEP stories that is nice to listes larh but understand then cannot liao...okays and after that finally school END!!! had to meet miss kong fst so passed some of my stuff to yj dey all then after that went to mt them...miss kong pass me some survey thingy...dunoe what to write lor.... okays then had lunch b4 goin for trng...todae again nvr go trng cux finger..but on sat i wld be goin for trng larh...so jux sat there and watchd them play for quite a while time passed slower todae but later it was rest then started tokin then time passed so fast left like 4++ todae and then went home....took a bathe and tis time the plaster less than 1min can take off liaox...heehs...then after that did like 2qs of maths hmwk then got a bit xian liao so rd dear boys....then 4got what i did liaox...tml is the last day of sch for the week!!!! whoots!!!! 29th june 2007(happy birthday auntie!!!) todae met yj at the bus stop b4 goin to school...then soon after that sin came liao...so we jux hung around and chatted till hui came then headed to the canteen to gif yoyo her present... and then so zhun after that they played the song....so had to go line up....sian...had to endure 3 periods b4 PE...during PE they were playin volleyball...and so i jux sat down cux i cld not take PE marh...so jux watch them play lor...and i soooooo sui...kena hit by the ball lor...))): then after that RECESS!! met sin dey all and we started discussing bout the tee for jiao lian...lots and lots of conflicts....haahs...and finally we had arranged everything~~~love todae...cux onli see miss kong 4 two periods and then PE slack...english nvr reali do anytin and there was 1 free period!!! n so got no cher in class...so quite noisy...haahs...welll was tryin to do some english but cant seem to concentrate so 4get it lor....then chinese!!!! nothin much to do oso...i was jux lyin on the table cux you lao shi was jux showin us some news...then DISMISSAL....finally my long weekend!!! walked to tb wif sin hui nette...then after that sin had to go so the rst of us went to bk to eat...i 4got to ask 4a burger wifout veggie so ihad to take out the veggies myself...but there was still some in the burger...yuck...okays than before when i was orderin after i ordered i realised that i had oredered rongly...i rd saw the rong burger when i was orderin..stupid rite....haix..kays then after that yj mavis joined us wif some snrs hu went to the capt's meeten then we started doin the t-shirt...we serious for a moment and the nxt we were crazy...haahs...then when we decide to get serious we wld jux start laughin..haahs...okays and after a longlonglonglonglong time we finally finished!!!! it looked nice!!! so we packed up and left...home!!!! bathed...then did a bit of maths then after that jies came bck...i had to go tb get smtin and so gang hao alice gugu came so she drove us there haahs...saved my strength!!! hehes...so i went to gift image fst then to more than words than ice lemon tee...and i cld not find that thing..gift image had it but it was not very nice...but no choice..needed it urgently...so jux bought it...then after that wen cc and got vampire knight 5!!!!! yeas!!! then da jie say want to eat dessert so went to kopitiam and ate dessert while waitin for elvin gor....i had mango thingy...theer was mango ice cream at the top and mango bit and a WHOLE LOT of olain ice...i nvr finish it in the end cux there was too much ice liaox..hehes..then after that went to fairprice and bought 4 boxes of MOCHI!!!! yumyuymyum....then went bck home... we finished a whole box!!!!!! haahs...well it was real real real small marhx...hehes...then after that jux chatted tvied.....and slept quite early that night...tml have to go for trng XTRA early!!! ...zZx 30th june 2007(jiaolian's farewell) todae woked up uber early cux we were suppose to meet early to do jiao lians present...okas was late....SORRY!!!! then walked to school...quite a lot of ppl were there liaox...and every1 got down to work....then while the snrs were makin this frameup we went to keep the chairs and tables...and setted the tables...then aftert that jogged 3 rounds around the class room block and started to plan the surprise for jiao lian...then went bck to hall and did trng... during our rest we took jiaolian to the backstage cux we wanted to gif her the tee...we also had a speech...at fst she did not want to wear the tee...but we begged her... nxt it ws pt...we were suppose to run 5 rounds??? but cux of the surprise it was cut down...hehes...so we carried out the surprise...indy pretend that she fainted then mx will go call her so we all crowd around...and jiao lian reali believed cux she was runnin real fast...and when she got there we pulled the poppers!!! boom!!!haahs... then after that we cleared up and headed back to have the cakes...i ate the choco cake and it was real nice...heehs... then we took picturess!!! heehs...the surprise and all was successful!!!! heehs... then to lunch at kopitiam wif mr kuan sc 3 and 4....back home later on...fst thing i did was sleep!!! then after that cux got guest come so had to get up...went 2 bathe and then jux rd dear boys and watch mvp qing ren...after that was dinner time!!!had chicken wings todae!!! heehs...so after that jux lazed around cux bel usin com so had nothin to do...then after that was told that we were goin to watch TRANSFORMERS!!! haahs...so bt 10.30 bel and i went down..she the movie was at 11.30 dunoe why we wanted to go so early..i wasnt plannin to leave so early but bel wanted to so... smore we were cabbin dere larh...then i kept grumblin..haahs..then walk all the way down to the bus stop there then cum tell me that jh gor will fetch us!!! an that we were watchin 12 00 movie!!! okays then after that went bck again and bel slept while i rd dear boys again...then finally at like 11.30 he came...by the time we reache west mall the movie start liao lor... ))):but it was a seriously nice movie!!! wld rate it 4/5 hehes...the sport cars...were soooooo cool!!! and CUTE!!! haahs...i wld not mind watchin it again!!! hehes...then after that went to macs and after that jh gor sent us back..by the time we got home it was like 3++ liaox... and i was freakin tired...thank goodness there is stii another hol on monday!!! yippee!!!!!!!haahs... tml wld be stuck home ))): haix...i guesss i wld have to finish my hmwk then...haix... zZz...zZz....
Sunday, June 24, 2007 8:08 PM
♥did not go school todae cux was sick...and the doctor kept sayin coming coming...???wth is he tryin to say lah...NO IDEA!!! okay and my finger it look like a mini pig trootter...its like super swoolen!!!! cripes....haix...todae suppose to mt yj wan but kinda ps her in an unintentional way.... SORRY wors!!! so i'm stuck home todae...and there's nothin much to do until sch ends then can check wat hmwk i hav... tata 4 now write tml!!! once again sorry yj!!!!
4:50 AM
♥ahhhhhhhhhh....tml sch is so goin to start liao!!!! cripes!!! i hate the day b4 sch reoped cux dere is this weird feelin in me that is hard to describe hopefuli everything goes well... ok lets talk bt my last few days of holidays... 22 june 2007 todae had to wake up early cux i was goin to running at queenstown stadium wif sin yj and hui...was early todae...heeh...then after that went to hav prata b4 walkin to the stadium...we onli ran like 3 rounds??? haahs..but the rounds were like huge huge...ok then after that went to delta cux we wanted to go the the g...but inside have lots of ppl so kinda awkward then after that headed to tb....they had this fire thingy so we cant do much and we had to bus bck...i wqent hm while they all went 4 lit...took a cool bath then bel left i was alone at home...then later in the afternoon elvin gor came over and i was doin my hmwk...he helped me a bit then later bel came bck...we watched tv as i did more hmwk then after that had dinner then at 8 we went to tb again...went to buy a new bb cux we were planni to play tml...hehes...then after that wen we got bck jies and jiahui gor was there liaox...so we jux started crappin and i did more hmwk haahs...got a lot of hwmwk lors...then after that at night 4got what we did until like quite late then we started playin mj...i still a bit mewb and was kinda tired so after like 3 rounds we went to sleeep liao...cux dere were not enough beds elvin gor and bel slept in the rooms and jies slept on the matteres while me and jiahui gor slept in the living room.....dreamx....zZZ 23 june 2007 woke up wif a pretty strain neck cux i was sleepin on the chair...had to go trng todae shall skip trng...okayy then after that went to tb to hav lunch wif snrs all the sec1s had chicken rice haahs...then later wen tenchi to borrow bks...after that walked home...todae yj walked hm wif me cux she goin her aunt hse...its the fts time sm1 pei me climb stairs@!!!! haahs...then aftre that merci came down to pick me then home sweet home...jie dey all jux play finish bb...))): nvr get to play...okayy bel was already gettin ready to leave...and i think dagu was there?well she did cum jux forgot what time...then aftre we all bathed watched inu b4 goin to tb once again...had to get smtin for gonggong and jie had to get sm stuff too....so we went to fairprice well elvin gor dey all went to the hardware shop...then after q-in up went to watsons to get smtin else...than after that went to mt elvin gor and jh gor at ezone...jie go spin this nightmare b4 christmas thingy out...then bel say she want to mt us so we went to kopitiam for dessert while waitin 4her...i had sago and cux dere was too much milk i almost puked...haahs...then later walked back hm..then went to do hmwk again....watched sm tv...crapped....then had dinner after that alice gug came to pick us up cux we were watchin surf's up....went to great world earlier cux at tb the hradware shope dunt hav or was it not suitable so luckily we found a suitable one...then went to buy ben and jerrys...walked around b4 goin to get some snacks and then entered the cinema...the show was super nice...4/5 starss...i so wld not mind watchin it again hehes...then after that cux we nvr bring girl so went to alice gugu hse to take keys then went to newton to have supper...in the car vry1 was like so damnd sain...but jies dunoe why so zi high...haahs...the nlater ther started tokin bt ghosts...and stuffs...and then we ended bck hm...all of us jux slouched on the chair and sianx....then after that we started tokin bt ghost storeis...then later have no mood so no more sotries liao...we decided to do manicure...haahs...bel did fst..jie was the one painting...it turned out erm....then my turn....i almost slept larh....haahs...then after that gor took turns...haahs...it was reali funny...then afer that while waitin for it to dry i jux lie down and almost slept then after that the stickers started to fall off...but later ok liaos cux dryer...then after that we all so tired so.....lights out.... 24 june 2007 (ahhhh last day of hols) woke up freakin early todae cux had to finish up maths and english.... i totally regret not doin my hmwk durin the start of hols lor...so durin the nxt hols i will finish my hmwk FIRST HAND!!!! cross my heart....okok then did my hmwk cux no one was awake yet then later jjie woke up and jh gor the elvin gor then bel....sleepyhead...haahs...then watched inu and had lunch and then started to get a little bored so decided to go play bb..cux have 5ppl so jh gor was refree fst...me and elvin gor 1team bel and jies 1team...and i think i broke lots of rules...haahs...aiya but we not playin wif rules so nvm...haahs...and we won!!! haahs...cux when jumpball bel nvr jump so i got advantage...lolx...then afterthat jie became refree...and she made it so funi....this itme i team wif jh gor and bel wif elvin gor....dunoe play play well tryin to get ball frm bell i sprained my FINGER!!! on my LEFT hand smore lor....)))): *cries* it was damned pain larh and now its like super swollen...crycrycry... i thnk cant go trng for like a wk??!! so i guess ican onli watch lor... okok nough bt todae it makes me super sad.... i feel like cryin now....haix... hopefully school wld pass....peacefully....nothing goes wrong thruout the rst of the yr... so glad that nxt mon hav hols cux it youth dae!!! and the nst hols wld be in augest && sept...then my super sweet 2 month break...i think too far huh...lolx... praypraypray.... kays...tata!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007 10:01 AM
♥havent been postin 4 quite long huh...well i've been busy!!! haahs....no larh cux i too tired and i hav like tonnes of hmwk to complete!!! that's why after this post will be doin hmwk again...))): well the past 4 daes i have been havin so much fun!!! as 4 the tt chalet...i left it unfinished???SORRY!!! but i cant reali rmb so if eu wana noe jux go tt blog and check it out!!!i will finish it thou... 15 June 2007: todae went to sentosa wif bel...jies...deyu...kelvin gor...gugu was there so and it was like rainin quite heavily so she sent us there....she dropped us of at habourfront then we went to vivo to mt kelvin gor...then bel called deyu and he said he was still at novena so went to walk walk...then we went to toy R us cux bel and jies each had a tamagochi so dunoe why i jux decided to get one lorx...haahs..childish???then after that deyu came liao so we went to fetch him then headed to buy monorail tickets and monorailed to sentosa...once we got off we took the bus tothe underwater world...after we went in we went st to the ray pond...at fst i was a little afraid touch the stingray at fst but later i started to touch them liaox...kel gor went to buy the food to feed the stingrays but onl i he fed them cux we were afraid..hehe...we played wif the stingrays 4 quite a long while then after that went to the touch pool...i touched the shark for the very fst time!!! its skin is quite rough but still very shuang to touch larh..haha...then we felt alittle bored so we went bck to the ray pool....hehe kel gor bt another food 4 the ray and dunoe why the rays so excited then spalsh water and i got wet! hehe..touch the rays more shuang cux theirs is so smooth and a little slimy but very nice to touch...hehe...then we went to view the other stuff like the crabs and there were these reali HUGE HUGE crabs....freaky...then dere was another crab in the class case kinda big but not as big as the huge wan... then got this crab a little furry so cute!!!!! the CUTEST is the spectacle box crab cox its like so cute!!!then we saw these angel fishes super tiny!!!and super cute!!!hehe..then we saw lots of other cool stufff and cute creatures!!!then we went round the movin thingy..its bt the same as previously so nothin much bt it...hehe...then after that we went bck to vivo cux deyu was goin ps to mt his friends...so we sent him off then after that went ti vivio guang guang....we walk and walk the we went harbourfront to eat pastamania then went to esprit...we started tryin on the sunglasses afew of them looked reali nice and i reali wanted to buy them but sadly i'm poor....*cries*then we tried on the hats and i looked quite nice in one of them so i bt it hehe...hmms then after that we walked along long way to daiso...bt 2 btles of drinks then went to pet safari....the dogs are uber cute!!!!speciali the 2 white ones!!!!they were like fightin and their faces....very CUTE!!!!the hamsters and rabbits and all the little animals so CUTE!!! but i loved the dogs bst!!!!it wld paw at my hand wen i put it against the glass...and its face....awwww....okok nough liaox! then kel gor went to ask the price but its like 2000+++!!!!!so i guess i can jux LOOK!!!!))): okays then we headed bck to tb....then we went to take neoprints....we took 2 times and it turned out quite nice....hehe...then we went bck home.... when we got hm we bel was still confirmin if we were goin to watch FANTASTIC FOUR...conclusion...we were goin to watch!!! hehe...waited 4 jiahui gor to arrive then after that we were plannin to watch the 10++ movie i think but then we delay delay delay and ended up watchin the 12.00 movie or was it the 11.20 movie???hmms 4get liaox...hehe...the movie was NICE!!!that is to me larh...so pts were quite touchin larh and if eu are emo eu MAY cry!!! heeh...i nvr reali larh...jux sorta tear??? haahs...then after that went to buy MACS!!! yumyum...hehe...then went bck hm to eat liaox... turned in....(((: 16 june 2007 Todae went to the night safari wif bel...jie...kelvin gor...jiahui gor...elvin gor.... hehe!!! had fun!? well it was dark and i nvr wear my specs so sm animals cant reali see...))): well cux it was dark and i am a little afarid of the darkness speciali we its surrounded wif TREES and WILDLIFE!!! i was like reali freaked? but i had fun thou i was afraid that suddenly a snake tiger lion whatever vicious animal wld suddenly come out of the bushes and trees!!!haha... and dere were a few pts that were reali dark so i jux clung on to the nearest person in front of mi...obviously sm1 i noe..haahs...i think i clung on a little to tight haahs...there were also a few steep parts larh...we went through quite a few trails...fishing cat trail...leopard trail and forest giants trail...and dere were lots of animals that we saw frm all over the world???haahs...dere were quite a no of deers too...(((: we went to this bat thingy where the bats were like roamin free i was clingin damned tight larh cux the bats were like HUGE HUGE!!! but they were fruits bats..haahs...then we went to the suspending bridge...i think thats the name...it was preety high and all i cld see was that we were above treese so we were seriously high larhx! smore the brige cld SHAKE!!! i almost cried larh....then we went to take the tram cux our legs were tired...and we were quite close to the animals...if eudare stretch eu hand out eu wld be able to touch sm of them...and it was cooolin cux i think it was like goin to rain or it had rain b4 thats y quite cold but damned shuang! haahs...i loved the cloud leopard...porcupine...leopard or was it a cheetah?...got smore but kinda 4got the name))):then after that jiahui gor drove us bck hm....then home sweet home...watched beauty and the beast and slept halfway cux i was super tired...ZzZ... 17 june 2007 HAPPY FATHER's DAY!!! todae is father's dae...woke up a bit early cux we were goin to hav lunch wif sam dey all...bin quite long since i saw dem all since....okayx...went to hongkong st to have lunch...food...average larh...then we went to have dessert and sam was playin wif my tama cux it was super unhapi and hungry...haha...then i had honeydew sago...but it was super yucky dere was like so much coconut milk and the honeydew...*puke*okays then we went to shop at orchard!!! hehe...went to guess tangs zara......then we went to buy food 4 the dinner at nais hse...onli that....okays mummie bt durain puffs and wings and o luat...i nt very sure what else dere was...anws wen we went dere there was like lots of food on the table...and there was STINGRAY!!!! yumyum...hehe but alice gugu was nt comin so no spheg))): she had a flu...well get well soon!!! then after that we all started to get our food....eat eat eat....then mum ask me go gif out the durain puffs and i finaly noe hu dun eat durains....HA! lols...then after that jux lazed around every1 was gathered watchin sm weird show so it was quite bored then jie suggested that we go down to tiong park...so after dilly dallyin we went down to tiong park...at fst we wanted to play arond but we decided to play catchin...thn we open numbers...bel was the catcher....i stayed on the train thingy and it was hard to run wen bel came up cux she ws chasin me...then cux i slipped i was caught....))): then after that i was catchin elvin gor on the train and it was freakin hard and i kept slippin so in the end nvr catch cux wen i chased him down bel and jies say that there were ants so they say dun play on the sand liaox so we went to the toilet to wash up...dunoe how da jie on the tap splsh so hard and i got wet..))): then we played aother game and i was the catcher...it was like wen eu catch the person eu have to hold the hand and run...super tough larh...specialy if the fst one caught was like super fast..cux i caught jh gor fst and he run so fast i damned tired larh...then later cathc evry1 but elvin gor...eveen more tiring cux i have to like pull 3 ppl and run!!!! in the end still nvr catch...then the 2nd time play bel told me to catch elvin gor so i run run run ....conclusion....))): eu get it...tnen we switch game and we played smtin like freeze and milk...hidin was tough and hidin alone was freaky....i was afrai that dere wld be snakes...haahs...well then after that i decided to run and obviously i got caught...cux his 1 run was like my 3 steps??? hahas...UNFAIR!!!! then after that the adults called and we had to go bck...dragged my foot bck cux we were damnd tired...then after that every1 started to leave then wen 2 bathe...ate wings....and tvtime...then sweet dreams...hehes... 18 june 2007 Today went kbox with Carmel...Yolanda...Trecia...JyeHuey...mavis...yj and hui... AND...trecia and carmel sang reali reali reali good lor...then the sec1s sang a few songs 2gether too....hui was the mst brave and sang gd too! but trecia and carmel sang the nst and the bst..haahs...yolanda sang a bit but totali cld nt hear...jye huey nvr sing cux she was doin hmwk....zzz....then after that we went to ps to watch men in white...at fst i had high expts of the show but it sucked!!!! it not say reali suck larh jux okok lorh cux dere was that tweensy tinsy tiny bit of comedy??? then dere was oso this gay guy hu was eu cld say the entertainin pt ??? he sorta brought laughter????haahs...well the show---NOT NICE...okayy then we went to guang around daiso...we played wif sm of the merchadise dere i think it was the funnest time i hav ever bin in daiso haahs.. and then yj and i decided to change bck our slips but then dey started kickin my slips larh...they kick until so hapi... surprisinly i nvr feel that ps jux a little...haahs...then we jux guang around and made quite lot of noise?? haahs...well we had fun...hehes...then we took shuttle bus bck to tb...and...home sweet home<33 will be uploadin smpics later on....
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:01 AM
♥its been kinda long since my previous post huh...well its been 2 day since i came bck frm tt chalet...it was frm the 8th to the 11th...it as reali fun... 8th june 2001-Day 1 woke up freakin early todae cux we were suppose to mt at like bout 10++ 11++...not very sure liao but later they change the time again so i jux lie on the sofa wif nothin to do...bt 12++ left 4 tb to mt the others...i think i went dere too early liao...was the fst to reach...then met up wif hui b4 goin to mt sin...the we mrtied down to pasar ris...it was a long long journey but passed fast as we crapped a little and read d.b...i rerd cux i finish rdin everything liaox...then we met up with nette and lailin b4 we bused down to the chalet...we werent very sure at fst but later mav waited for us at the bus stop...then we walked to the chalet...the moment we enter can feel the air con liao...coolin lor....then i was erm...fascinated??is that the word to describe???nvm...yea then we went to choose our room...but dere was kinda a rm already 4 us?...so we jux dump our bags and then we went to pasar ris playgound....we had loads of fun...we played swings...and we were all like chiongin to the swings larh...haha...then i took this long slide...it was long for a local playground at fst i tot i wld be scared to climb cux i am like damned scared of heights larh but it turned out otherwise..hehe...damned fun..then we went to play around and took lots of pics...wich i will put later...then we went to play this disc thingy which spins round and around....we were all screamin our lungs out cux if we nvr scream then no fun liao...haahs...then after that we decided to head bck to the chalet..we played cards thruout until all the snrs came...hmm...then we went down to put everything in the fridge... hmms...write till here fst...tmr still haf trng..dun wana b late again like tues...haahs tml goin out wif sw...whoots!!!but cant pass her bdae gift cux is at hm..*cries*haix...but at leasst gona c her....miss her loads..haahs... chaos...
Sunday, June 3, 2007 5:57 AM
♥its been days since my last post huh...well i.ve been busy and i think after i post this euu have to wait days for my nxt post...but not as long bas...hehes... although its been days many things has happened..enough to change my life... well i'll start with the sec 1 camp... dun bother bt the dates.... hm...sec 1 camp...i dunt reali noe the hole thing cux i only wen for a day...yupx...well stayed at nais the night b4 so had to lug that heavy bag to school...settled in for camp....than 4got what we did...but played alot of games larh....kinda fun thou...than we had our meals...the food...so-so bas....hmms...skip other stuff we did that day and then the bathng...have to wait very long jux to get a freakin bath larh...well then it was lights out...well cldn't slp...so smsed....then i fell asleep at 4++ i think..woke up at 6...than prepared to change... well that's the end of my sec1 camp...short huh... bout what happened...dun wana talk bt it...it belongs to the past....))): for the few days down till reently...i've been extreme busy doin the same thing...thse hu noe w;d understand....and thanks!!! kays nough bout that.... well on the 29..i was dead beat...may larh....had oral so no choice had to go school...i was like the onli gal in the hole class but onli 4 a while so quite okay bas...than later have to go out to prepare...totalli no idea what to do...my mind was a total blank...i cldn't think very well...and my hands were like tremblin for the fst time ever durin oral....i knew why thou...my oral...total flunk....than went tb hung out until bt 2 like that then head bck to sch cux got tt trng...had to run lors....freakin tired sia....bt i'm glad i finished thou not on time larh...haahs 30...hmm...went for ctin....then went to eat bak ku teh...is that how to spell? hu cares...then dessert jies and i took orders...super complicated....eu see.....this ice kachang wanted corn...the other dun wan red bean....then sm1 wanted durain kind....etc...even the lady got confuse...haahs...then carried them bck...i almost spilt...actuali i onli carried a cup of grass jelly haahs..the rst sm1 else carried... 31 may...oo..its the last day of may liao...we were planning to watch shrek 3!!! at first they say go tb watch wan but then we decided that go great world beta...we wanted to leave liaox...but dilly dally until rain got heavier...than da gu say dun go fst....cux i said we cld jux run in the rain...haahs...well in the end we took umbrellas cux if we did nt we were nt gona step out of the hse...bel shared umbrella wif elvin gor and i shared wif jiahui gor...bel they all got so wet cux they dunoe how to walk...haahs...actuali we all got wet larh...be; they all were jux wetter? took dunoe what bus to great world then went to buy movie tickets....it was like freakin crowded but i dunoe how cum we managed to get the tickets so fast...did we cut q??? haahs...the nwent arcade but like got nothin to play so we jux watch elvin gor play timecrisis 4 then later went to eat ben and jerry's!!! yumyum...hehes...than walked a short while and went home lers...took a shower cux got wet than 4gt how i spent my afternoon...i think i slept thru it...cux every1 ws sleepin larh...then had pizza for dinner..then alice gugu fetched all of us to great world...we went to get sushi and i nought yougurt!!! but i forgot to add oreo so kinda sour...then wen to eat ben and jerry again but tis time nt i eat cux i was havin yogurt....then we went to the cinema to sit...sit for less than a min...ask us go buy tidbits....so four of us went to buy lor...bought quite a lot...in the end all nvr finish...everything left half...i think shrek 3 quite nice....i love the baby of the dragon and donkey...super cute!!!kay then went bck home..jiahui gor was stayin over so we watch tv than played tai-ti....and finally played mahjong.....sad larh..i nvr even won once larh....cries....then bt 4++ went to sleep.... 1 june....went to play badminton wif sin yj and hui....me and hui were a little crazy...we were screamin a lot larh....haahs...then play for a while headed to tb wif yj and hui...we went to eat sakae...yummy....the bill came up to bt close to 50 bucks...quite okay...then we walked for a while went to buy sm shirts and met jh gor and bels....bought the shirts liao...guang for a while then separated...wen to mt bel dey all....bought bb tea...2nd one that dae...later kena diabetes..haahs...jkjk....then walked hm..i wanted to bus hm..but...nvm...then hm...went 2 shower then the 3 of us played who's the richest...i went bankrupt....haahs....then later gor left so at night we played tai-ti...bel me and jies....and who's the richest again...once again i went bankrupt...unfair!!! wanted to play mj but cant nt nough peps...sad....haahs...went to sleep.... 2 june....trng dae....went for trng...and todae played wif grace and cindy....feel real bad to them cux i lfet handed...zhendgshou still quite okay but fan shou...lan tou din lers...haix...anws then wen to trn wif jiao lian...everytime jiao lian hit the ball for fan shou i can hit but wen play cant hit....haix...then i learnt smtin new...bt dunoe the name...then after that had pt....damned tiring althou it was short it was tiring my legs almost gave way...went home and started on my hmwk... 3 june....watched full house!!!finished it then after that i think i slept...nothin much todae..i was at hm mostly...hm...had pasta for dinner....then i think went bck hm....but b4 that went to central buy vcds...hehes...i have nothin much to say bt todae....haix anws....chaos!!! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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