Monday, April 30, 2007 4:14 AM
♥ yeahs!!! todae it rained!!! hehes...so happy can go class...anws yeah had readin at fst...borin....was chattin with xuguo...she had hurt her left hand...and she dun dare to move it...it obviously hurts...hope it heals!!!get well soon....((((:kays than miss kang came in to teach lit she took one period frm mrs lee...than 4got what we did lers... than it was english...went through eng paper...recess!!! had mango juice and it was like super sweet!!!science after recess...mrs iong told us that miss tan was leavin to go to aust...so the class is goin 2 gif her smtin...bt i nt sure what larh....than go thru more stuff....had chinese nxt...got bck our CA1 marks...got an A2..than did some work....went bck for art drew this eagle thingy...than it was maths...miss tho is oso leavin soon....kayx so todae she was goin kinda fast and ar it was veri hard to copy from my side lor...i had to stretch a lot lor...while she did a lot of work todae and i understood!!!haahs..its rare euu c...lolx..anws yeah..she was kinda angry todae cux she was rushin true stuff but the whole class was very noisy...so she kept shoutin and scoldin and even banged a box on the table...kays so the lesson carried on and thank god i nvr go deaf...cux the thingy was a bit spoilt it was like so loud lor...smtin like a portable mike..kays...than laetr she made me collect the test five thingy...and she delayed the lesson for quite long than cld be dismissed...go out still kena scoldin*cries*..haahs..jkjk....yeas than went to kopitiam da bao to sin hse cux goin her hse to study marh... took 63 down...and yea ate lunch fst...than after that started studyin...after we had done ALOTOF studyin we started to play...fst played speed and than played card hunt...damned fun lor...had a grt time...we were like all mad when playin speed/stress...we were screamin a lot...hahas..noise pollution???lolx...than during the card hunt we wld go like...."found one found one!!!!"something like that it was reali reali noisy...the screams filled the whole house..hehes..we wld jump and scream wen we found one soooooo fun lor...hehes...kays than time to leave lers...sighx....went down to wait for mum and dad...wait for so long than come damned pissed larh..sorrie hor mavis...kays than drop off mavis than on the way hm slept in the car...cum hm ler took buckie outand came hm ask mumi whether can book chalet for tt...but so unlucky she nt in spore...stupid!!!sorries...yolanda..cant hlp....))):kays than went to have dinner.... kays...gtg watch tv lers...whoots todae got SCREAM 3 on tv can watch!!! oh and this is a pic sinvyest sister draw...nice one!! (((: tks... ![]()
Sunday, April 29, 2007 7:36 AM
♥phews...managed to finish mii hmwk in time other than the summary nt in the mood to do one todae...anws let's tok bt todae... woke up and lazed in bed...than watched"hi shang ban nu lang" than went down to eat lunch...mumi bought smtin icky for lunch...came upstairs and filed my maths work...its a total mess!!!than later went to the mirror and started to tie my hair cux it was like soooo hot!!than mummie came up toked abit and later ended up in a quarrel...hmm...didi my maths hmwk...got a little fustrated started to scribble on paper than continued...later mumi came in again and told mii goin to have dinner...went to take a bath dressed and slept 4 a short while...went to ma's hse to fetch bel than cux steph dey all not at hm so slept again than headed down to imm to mt gor and jie + delle and mei...fst we went to shop 4 prezzies...than 4 boxes at daiso and finali off to bk to have a light snack than went to mt them lers...went to secrt recipe to eat...ordered our food and started yakkin...haahs...oh and delle and mei were like playin with the boxes...zao zhi dao jux buy boxes 4 dem lers...since dey love the box so much...yea..that's what i shld get for their christmas...haahs...now too broke lers...we waited super long for our food larh close to 1hr ba and we were crackin lots of lame joke here's a few i rmbered sm is .... so wont say...' > what do euu get when you cross a elephant with a fish? *swimming trunks* >wei shen me jiao hui suan? *ying wei cai dao lemon* (4got chi how to pinyin) >there were 99 ppl on a ship when it capsized how many ppl were left? *66* >what is minutes in short? MINS *spell out MINS* ... yes euu are...no offence... that's bt all...their reali cold huh? lolx the funnier ones are a bit racist so yea...than had to drink this disgustin drink...eww... it was a dinner full of crap...lolx... than later left for home...it was 9 liao...late hor...jkjk hmms...i wonder if we goin sin hse to study?? send sms to yj no one repli wan...haix.... wells....gtg liaox...oh b4 that rudelle meimei HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! idelle ure badae comin so on that dae than wish.. happy birthday...
Friday, April 27, 2007 11:45 PM
♥*stretch* todae woke up at 8++ like that and my hole body is aching cux buckie larh...he slept on mii bed ytd and take up so much space..i scared i hit him so i slept near the edge....he may be sml..but the way he slps is so dashao ye..haahs...hmms woke up and than wash up and read negi magi...its the last bk at the moment and the endin...ahh...i wan the nxt bk to appear rite b4 mi!!!...watched kids central..haahs...i tink totali spies and winx...haahs...winx season 3 lers and i dunoe...ahh....i tink i too long nvr watch kids central lers now dey even showin price of tennis sia..i wan to watch!! but i dun like to watch shows or rd from the middle...so mayb i go buy the vcd??? bt that i saw it was like 70 plus for 1 set leh... cries... anws ate chips and had a ice cream cake.....mango wan....yj ure fav....haahs...later i go eat one more..lolx...hmm did lit hmwk while watchin and did maths asses...todae mux try to finish all mii hmwk and pack wtv needed on mon..and....oso tml got party and mon night got diner...still mux buy bdae prez leh...that time deron wan and all the stuff i have been spendin plus mii hp bills made me a totali broke...how to buy...is either gif belated ordun give..haahs...its a saturdae and i'm stuck at hm alone...deres nothin to do play and watch....later go study again ba than rd fanfic...todae dunoe what else to write lers... signin off....): b4 that...yj tks! jia yous!!!
12:22 AM
♥todae is the veri fst time i am like sittin in the front....in school...my hole life...even in kindergarden i sat around the bck...to sit in front...SUCKS!!! this morning it nvr rain...sighx...so had assembly...and sen dey gave out prizes for the bb ball ppl....den wen dey announce the mvp a girl even wen up to give flowers..but it was all pt of it anw...thou bit kua...but damned cool larh..lolx...than went bck to class for geog lesson..had to staybck that day cux i failed....rmb the tst i got zero for...yeas....sianx...than was science she made us do a mid yr paper...last yr one...damned hard lah...than it was recess...had a lychee drink...den ben lai sin wanted to send mii girlfriend but veri slow....so after that wen bck to class lerx...on the way bck jing say she send mii gf...whoots!!! so i on my blutuf...than cux got chi list had to put hp in bag...haix...erm after that still had to go down for chinese...i wanted to take mii hp out bt miss foong was standin rite behind me...c i hate the front!!!went down for lessons...15 mins later go bck class...chiong to mii hp..yeas!! received ler....now i have girlfriend both on mii hp and com lers...haahs....mrs lee ask us to do this paper..oso sooooo hard...argh...how am i gona pass like that!!!ahhh..kays than after that was lit...the worst period of the day...nt bt the essay...miss kang! she tok freakin loud....and smore cux i sit in the front her voice is like boomin lah...make mii ear so pain...mux she talk sooo loud?!kays so later wen she end miss tho came in and asked sm ppl to give out sm papers... than ah fan kai go put a stack of papers on mii table and ask me to gif out...wth! the fst few kinda easy all near mii row dere..than later came a few ppl where i dunoe where dey sit...smore the class was a bit chaotic??? so harder to find ppl...and i was gettin a headache tryin to find them...than later i ask js hlp mii gif out...nxt was geography mavis dey all were already waitin 4 mii outside...so i quickly anyhow copy..bt not easy lor...cux sit in front one thing...sit at the side...cant see lor have to lean veri bck i tink i pushed xg table quite a bit...sorries....than after that had to take the plates test..i quickly try to rmb..than wen to take the tst...i cld rmb the fst few..than the end i 4got a bit...but luckily sharon hlp mii..thanks!! than finalli finish...go out hai bei ta men ma ar! *cries* jkjk....anws walked to tb...ate chicken rice at kopitiam..but i kinda added too much chilli and sauce so it bcame too salty...and a bit hot....stupid! wells later went to popular buy bks,pens...SWEETS!...i am sooo gona be broke soon lers...+ my hp bills...i;m officially bankrupt! dose who owe..pay ups...if i was nt bankrupt i wont bug eu peps...so pay! smore hols comin lers...its the worst time to go broke....wen i hav to go out..hu;s gona save me... mux control lers...hmm..nxt wk i shall nt go eat fast food or stuffs...or buy any unimpt stuff anymre...bt the eatin....2 times onli!! and dun buy so ex...so try nt to borrow money k?? mii broke....haahs....lolx..than went home.... in the mrt saw this reali sweet guy..he bought flowers amd a gift for his gf..aww...well how i noe..its stated on the gift...haahs...and den later dere was tis lady hu was so weird! she kept makin a sound smtin like this..pshh....smtin like that larh....than dere was tis other guy hu was like singing....cantonese songs...!!b4 i went of the train i saw tis young boy...i tink nursery ba...his hand was in a cast...and on that blu thingy that u can hang frm ure neck...poor him...mux hav fratured his hand...on the way hm bought a peach tea.... wen i came hm..buckie boy was soo hapi to see me todae....he's happy to see mii everydae jux speciali hapi todae...i tink its cux it was rainin and dere is thunder..he scared of thunder haahs... ahhhh finish readin negi magi 16...onli left one more bk!! cux the no 18 haven cum out...hurry publish..i dunt wana wait too long....negi magi!!! oo...now i'm gona take a nap...unless sm1 sts smsin mii....hope nt..i'm tired...and my hp is on the verge of gettin confiscated... yawns....i nd mii naps...wake up den study!! yao yong gong lers!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:03 AM
♥i am extremely happy!!! finally finish compo!! can throw away all the bks concernin zuo wen for the time being...haahs... todae it was rainin wen i woke up so i was pretty happi...no nd to go arena...! if everydae oso like that jiu hao ler...hopiess tml will rain...actuali jux drizzle..i dun like rain and thunder...fussy?? lolx...wells i woke up a little earlier todae...dunoe y oso...but anws after changin and stuff i went to rd smore zuo wen and phrases...but notin reali went in what a waste of time than ate breakfast and i was on mii way to school...todae i was nt the fst to cum..wen i cum sixian and jaslin were already there...we were fussin over whether to wear tie or not...than later sin came and dey all wen up wile we stayed downstairs until the music played...met yj on the way up she was a bit drenched thou...went to class...than miss foong come in...fst she ask the duty person to sweep the floor...it was gwen...sui for her...wile she lke dun reali noe how to sweep....but cant blame her..in class lor!! veri ps wan...than later mux clean whiteboard...she ask sharon to clean...than she tot tht the floor still dirty so she walk and ask soon xin to sweep...i tink i was kinda lucky huh...anws than miss tho came in she was our invigilator for the dae...and miss tan too...the paper was okay ba...i'm super surprised that i actuli managed to finish the paper even b4 we were suppose to end....than later end liao...phews...one more paper to go b4 zero??...lolx...yeahs so wnt down to have recess...it was sooooo crowded reminds me of pri sch...after that went to hmt class to get ready...actuali i was a bit did nt feel like doin chi compo...dunoe why oss...so the paper started and again miss tho was our invigilator and another malay teacher...i tink dey gave us a little too much time lor...after i finish mii si hang...still got a lot of time lor like 1hr 30 mins...so i take mii own sweet time to do mii chi compo..i wanted to do on fav song but it was an eng song and the chi songs i like dunoe how to rite the lyrics....haix....so rote bt cca...and i totali dunoe what to write dere was so little i cld rite about...i tink i 'm gona do veri badly for my exam...haix...mux focus alot on paper 2...i wld rather they give us more time on paper2 lor...its like so long and euu mux think a lot....sighz...then finali the time was up...we crushed our unwanted paper as she collected than later she collect finish we started throwin the papers all around...haahs....than left with yj dey all cux we goin to study together...fst we wen to mcs had lunched and studied...but i tink we laughed a lot...so i onli comleted 1 chapter...than after that we decided to go to a library cux it was sooo noisy...than after that walked to bm lib...sat dere for a while...we were kinda noisy..haahs...jux as we were bt to leave we were noisy and the person wanted to shush us..but she see we goin ler so she wne to shush another grp of pupils...hehes...waited for 139 at interchange with sin and met hr sisier...than later reach ler...had to walk down by myself..*cries* so i called deron..he pei wo tok until the mrt train arrived...lolx...than later reach hm ler..pulled a yakult out of fridge...drink ler than go bathe...than now i'm gona rd mii comic...tomite than rite ntes...later than pack file and do a bit of maths ba....haahs... ahhh..tml got listenin...but nvm...still mux jiayou...its the easiest to score !!!... gd luck!!!wish me lucksss....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 12:33 AM
♥helpsss!!! i have an examintion tml...*cries*... scared i gona do badly lor...wad if i do badly...haix..than hols i'll be stuck at hm??? nah...mumi's goin overseas wif her students so durin that 2-3wks i'll go out...haahs...lol...okay todae was jux another average dae....??nah...nt reali... wells we had maths first...todae maths passed real quick...its sooo surprisin that these few daes maths is like soooo short...haahs...wellls let's see erm i did mii maths rong...i finished q2 and 3 and 4got q1...luckily miss tho say nvm...that made me like her a little ba...but still prefer mrs tay...than erm after that was science...mrs iong came in late...so she jux show us our CA marks...well it was okok ba...but i still veri happy...i got A1...heehs...hu wld hav thought sm1 so lousy like me can get A1...haahs... its the onli results that lifts my sprits...lolx...well than after that was recess...ask gwen hlp me put things in locker...and wen i jux walked put to class to pass jing the sci notes so sui sia..kena caugth by mr mui lor...he say my t-shirt the behind tucked....haix...hlpsss...ahh!!!so freaky... he suddenli appear behind me lor...luckily he nvr take dwn anytin onli thayt i am from 1G....sui larh...okayy so wen bck to class... then a few prefects came in...i tink bcum prefect nt gd lor... still have to kena scoldin by the students...so ....dey doin duty onli lor...haix..zuo prefect reali xin ku sia...pei fu mav...haahs... erm than wen to it lab...did out charts and stuff..than erm wen off for chinese arrange our tables and chairs for tml...i'm sittin rite at the bck...whoots??? okayx than she gave bck some stuff...than wen around checkin dictionries...i lugged my dictionary to sch jux to let her see it for less than 5 secs...smore the bk sooo heavy larh..tml still mux bring to sch sia...than after that she go thru all the stuffies...wen bck to class for english...nvr do anytin much anws...hmm...than went to change to pe attire aftre that but in the wend no pe...and wen mr goh was nt in class ...omg....dey caught tis dragfly and sm1 pulled it apart...ad started walkin round class round it..hmm a few girls scream...a few zao...okayx..i was oso damned scared..if it was alive i tink i wld have cried ler... i dun scream wen i see insects i cry...haahs...stupid???lolx...but i tink its a bit evil the poor thing has died...and..i dun wan to tok bt it...i noe that i felt my hand tremblin and that i had tears in my eyes ler...but onli nvr cry larh...stupid....i'm even scared of butterflies and hseflies...speciali bees and cockroaches....*shivers* than later dey countdown again....zhunner the moment dey say 1 the bel rang ler...than waited for jing ad yj to cum out thuat after that wen wif mavis to the library to return bks...duedate for 3 daes ler..haahs...wells than after that wen to kfc to wait for yj and hui...almost lost my appetite lors....hmmms than after that went home liaox...saw sm1..wished nvr see....luckily that person nvr see mii..heng sia...than cum hm ler bath... haix...i feel reali hlpless...all the ppl around me are like sufferin....3 dae in the row...3 bad stuffs?? i don't wanna run away but' i cant help i don;t understand...i cant do anytin but watch....i wish euu were here...bt i lost euu...4eva...u juz didnt understand...but i hav been in full regret...losing euu.. losing euu was one of the worst mistakes in mii life...))): gtg study ler...jia yous!! shant worries so much fst after cexam than think...i wish dere's ....
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:17 AM
♥whoots!!! i'm finali hm... home swt home??? haahs..yupss guess so...jux celebrated deron bdae with him...but b4 the gd pt lets tok bt my dae..the bad pt??nah... hmm...todae we had lit for fst period..amazin lit did nt make me feel sian for the veri fst time!! amazin huh...than it was history...erm 4get what we did ler...than later was recess...hmm stayed in class to erm do maths...than went down as i had to find hui tell her bt the dictionary...hui pls cum EARLIER TML!!! ii bringin 2 DICTIONARIES!!!okays...than had rice for recesss...fst time i ever ate rice durin recess haahs...lolx...anws mayb tml nt eatin recess jux get a drink can ler ba..hmm later wen up liaox...after that was cme...nothin to do...our class was sooooo noisy..i reali pei f u that teacher for bein able to like withstand our noisyness..haahs...onli at the end of the period she was like ' 1G go bck to ure places u all are too noisy' i tink..she said smtin like that...wells cme was okok larh..than nxt was eng...totali did nt hav it cux mrs lee came in 5 min b4 lesson ended....she jux told us tml got test!!! so called larh...than erm was maths...did geometry...kinda okayy at least nt as borin...than it was science..nvr do much jux go through go through and more goin through...haix...well mrs iong had to leave 5 min earlier..had to do dunoe what..than after she left the class became a little noisy??haahs...i jux lay on mii table...and wen i saw the orange buildin it reminded me of....tears were on the verge of fallin luckily no one saw...wells than after that dey did a 10 second countdown....so zhun sia...after dey say one the bell rang.amazing?? nah?? okays ate a hashbrown for lunch...i;m gettin sick of it liaox..mux tink of smtin else to eat ler..haix...well than went bck to class...it was soo noisy...i wen to my seat...and got totali pissed off... i sooo wanted to shout @#$%!&*&^&%!$%^...it was so ...okayy then went to like kaimei seat...much beta...but smhow dey found their way dere...but it was beta than my seat anw...than erm let's see onli wen sm1 say ms tho was comin than we all chiong bck to our seats...lolx...well than after that erm we close the door and she had lots of things to carry..haahs...lolx...but in the end still mux open door what...kayx so she called IT to set uo all the stuffies...den the boys kp on pressin the 'service bell' it was veri ear piercin??? well the lesson passed fast...GREAT!! she was such a..... to like erm kp us bck for 15 min...stupid...than she gave us sooooo much hmwk..the onli teach sooo evil to give us hmwk...EVIL!!! okays than after that quickly go ler...i was late to mt deron liao lor...so shi li sia....and he sooo gave me a surprise by pickin me up......its his bdae i tot it shld be the other way?? hahhs....wells he's a gentleman??? NAH!!! lolx...okays than after that bt a mini cake...and shared a bubbletea...so delicious...i like that brand of bb tea beta than swtok??? okay larh..i love the lido one bst anws...well bt 6 than reach hm...see i post so fast!!!lolx...jkjk....i cant wait for exams to be over...cux it will be camp! but camp's not the thing its the bdae celebrations!!! i soooooooo hope that camp end in the morning!! early!!! heard nessa dey all say goin kareoke!!! whoots!!! yipees!!! bst pt is bein able to see them!!! hehes...okay... i gtg do maths and take a shower ler...b4 goin.. deron... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!<33 u rawk!!!!haahs....do well 4 ya mid yr kays! lurve yas!!!haahs... happy birthday!!! *ILU*....... ahhhhhh sooooo much maths hmwk...n exams are another dae closer!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007 4:16 AM
♥ahhh!!! the examinations are now gettin another dae closer...haix...let's see todae passed... hmm okayx lets see started with a super duper borin readin..had prayed it wld rain lor..but god wld nt grant mii my wish...sighs...anws it was english after that got bck our letter writin and i am pleased wif my marks..got erm 22/30...well its nt that high i guess...anws yea it was recess nxt...i was sitting dere doin my chinese and dere came a few prowlin wolfs...and BOO! i almost let out a scream lah...but luckily i choked a little so nvr..if nt the hole canteen wld be starin at mii..oh the evilness of them lolx...haahs...i tink i almost kena hard attack sia....okayx nxt up was erm science...i kept thinkin it was chinese lor..how dumb...a few ppl kena dmerit cux nvr bring hmwk..than go thru hmwk..mrs iong go call mii and luckily i got the q rite...phews..anw nxt was chinese erm 4got what we did ler...than later was art...had to finish my name but b4 that she showed us sm slides of art..BORING...okays rushed out my name now it looks like a total crap! okayx than after that it was maths...argh! hated her...okay nt hate her jux preffered mrs tay?? haahs...wells so greet her than did some stuff than every1 started crappin and i started drawin stuff on my spec case and later we got a little noisy..okay so maybe we were noisy so miss tho off the fans and lights...welll she has done that a few times ler and it did wk for the fst time...but now we wld jux go shhhh...than ;ater quiet ler for mt 10 secs than we wld st tokin again haahs..lolx...wells than after that erm sch end ler!! yeahs!! mt sin dey all outside than wen...after that waited for hui cux she had t do smtin..than erm yj and sin started playin wif my bag...!? wells i was pullin my socks ...than after that walked to tb..on the way out ...than later wok to tb...wen t o pop to check smtin than aftre that goin down the escalator....hui sin and yj started coughin cux....dey all had a sore throat all of a sudden...*cold*wells we went down to kfc to eat had a plain zinger...erm toked a lot..had a grt time..haahs i always do...than go bck up cux yj wanted to c...well i dunoe y we were like runin away..it was weird..totali...than erm time to go!!took mrt hm..saw smtin..gave me a total shock..but after that clarified cux if it was nt i may hav jux blurted out the truth that wld have hurt...haix...okayx nough bt that..came hm took a cool shower...started on sm hmwk..and i finished all my hmwk!!whoots! than erm played with buckie<33 he looked so bored...and erm well he ended up lickin my face all over...what a sweetheart! well everytime i cum hm he is waitin 4 mii and he jumps on mii and makes mii 4get all that stuff that gives me misery...and...wells yes..he's a darlin..the bst boyboy in the world..i love my dear BUCKIE!! okayy than after that toked to via on the hp...long time nvr tok like that ler...miss dem sooooo much!!!and hopefuli the camp ends in the morn than can go put wif them...pray pray pray..i wana celebrate their bdaes..haix...and i wana see sw and via so badly got soo much to tell...dey rawk! okays than after that my mum call n ask me order pizza..yippess!! ordered a hawain chicken royale and drumlets..than later mumi dadi and bels came hm..the pizza came and we all sat down to eat...i wonder how long its been since i sat down to eat wif my parents?2 wks?? a month?? nt sure oh wells than after that i came up here to blog!! arrg...tmr got freakin maths larh...STUPID!! sui larh... anws tmr is deron's bdae!!!! after maths than go mt him for a while jux to wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!cant wait to see him..lolx..wakakas... deron's finally 14!!!lolx...lurve him!!!hapi bdae!!! *hugs and kisses* haahs...todae i'm gona stay up till 12!!i want to be the fst..lolx..crazy??okays...i'm gona take another bath..its sooooo hot...cant stand it..arh!
Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:25 PM
♥haix...todae is the last trng until after exams...in a blink of an eye a semester is gone...at fst we were jux newbs and i barely had a friend..and now...okays..lets see todae woke up early...sm ppl msg me in the morn b4 the time i was suppose to wake up...make me soooo tired..than aftre that took that disgustin medcine and i was actuli wantin to go early cux its like last trng...but my mum lor....she had to go dunoe where than end up bein almost late...hmm let's see todae so good nvr do any warm ups st away st fa qiu...but usual we go n take the big thingy out and jiao lian fa we hit...hmms let see the quite okayy lah...jux the startin nt gd ba...than wen up to fa qiu...fa 4 a wile than jiao lian call me and yj play zheng shou wif pan hua...mux hit 20...hmmi managed to ...gang gang hao 20..yj damned pro hit until62? pro sia....than erm later rst wan hou..our snrs had to pick and play zheng show if us..i played wif yolanda...and feel a bit bad cux i left hand than....))): wells than later erm play wif mr kuan for a while than jiao lian call the c gals all go out...we lian jiao bu than later had to carch the balls...damned fun lor..heehs....than go bck in the shou liao...so we hlp a bit than dismiss...todae ended earlier thou...my kuan say got some parents say trng quite long... so he ask us go hm spend time wif parents...kns lah! i everydae cum hm oso got no one spend time wif the air ba...my parents everydae oso nt at hm..includin sunday smore...i barely even see them...i cum hm to an empty hm lah...i wonder how long it has been since i came hm and dere is actuali a soul in the hse other than my pets...i yr agO?? hu cares....haix....kays well it was a wonderful trng??? yyy..than later wok to tb...dun0e why todae feel a little weak...haix...than wen kopitiam to eat again..guess what we met jiao lian again it seems that everytime we go kopitiam sure mt jiaolian wan..haahs... ate salmon don...it was yucky..if nt cux i cant eat chicken i den dun wan to eat salmon..even my mum cooks beta...i miss hmcooked food....ahhh....okayx than lets see mavis made us laugh so much that we cld not reali it...weird hor..well we are the weirdos batch lolx...even jiao lian say we are the mst dan sec1s...haahs...wells than erm we saw a star...but i dunoe hu he is...okays than wok a little bit....than took mrt home...cum bck ler bathe....and now again i'm gona slp wake up still mux study...haix...jiayousjiayousjiaous....!!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007 12:40 AM
♥heehs..omce again i changed my blog song wakakas...well i suddenli miss this song...lolx...well lets tok bt my dae... hmmm started with a geog lesson...got 3.5/4 for tis mini test...than erm it was science..the last 3 9rps presented...than mrs iong made us copy some stuff....so much lor...than later dunoe hu say got wad dissectin of the eye thingy...yucks....i was like the cow die ler u still got to disse6ct it...its so...cruel??well i guess thats bio...?i wonder if i can take it..cux i sortof was thinkin of takin bio...i feel than doin such a thing is jux so painful...dunoe why oso...it oso was nauseatin...i felt like pukin...and i felt that the poor cow...it was disgutin..kays nough bt that liao...the image is still in my head...well...nxt was rtecess..had a fried fish than wen upstaris...borin...nxt after tat was chinese...suppose to do tst but you lao shi 4got...crapx..haven hand in mii hmwk..ahhh...well than we had erm to do a leytter...again...we have done dnoe how many in a wk lah...wells nvm than after that it was english we were suppose to do this oral and wehad to sit wif our so called partner...my partner was zhida...so yea..i sat in front of kaimei....than mrs lee xplain for like the hole period lor...than left us to read...he rd damned fast..than erm the pic pt..i was soo wantin to laugh...serious dunoe why oso...jux wanted to lah...heehs..than after that eng end ler ...lit...had tst todae...ok larh...i rote lots of crap..hopei to pass wif colours? haahs...than later ended ler..hung around wif xuguo...than erm went to canteen to mt yj dey all...we went to tb kfc as dey were goin to mt jie hui and her frewns..went to q up...super long lor...than wen FINALLI buy ler went to eat and toked thruout....erm after that wen to pops buy pen than wok a bitty and go hm...did i mention that we saw cheryl...well we see her like 2 times ler..ytd and todae...haahs...she lked nicer wen she nt wearin uni...heehs...lolx..than took the mrt hm wif joanne...erm sin frewn...erm we said one sentence than smiled at each other twice than dere was a moment of silence until she4 reached commenwealth...well we dunoe each other marh...kays reach hm ler than bathe...and now i'm gona take a sweet nap wan=ke up mux do hmwk ler...ahhhhh sobusy...lolx... NOTES!!!!MATHS!!!SCIENCE!!!CHINESE!!!COMIC!!!lolx...things i nd to do....heehs...
Thursday, April 19, 2007 4:36 AM
♥okay...the previous two post nvr rite serious so ux so ma fan wkend edit...todae i shall rite SERIOUSLY.,..haahs...hmm lemme c... whoots! todae was raining!!! so can go class what a grt st after the dae i was sick..i still am sick now..jux no more fever and haedache?? i tink...i nt veri sure anws...i cant tell..onli noe that i confi9rm no more headache!yeas!so fst period was history...had a test...erm studied for bt 1/2 period than took test..okok...mrs yoga marked on the spot! got erm..11/15!! yeas!!nt bad..haahs..than was chinese...you lao shi say i will be takin my test tmr!!ahhhhh! okaiys that after that was recess..trying to learn my he tst...but i noe sure fail one..lin shui bao fo jiao does nt always work...so later had geog...dere was tis test that almost every1 forgot...and guess how much i got..0-ZERO!!!*cries*i totali forgot my geog txt..luckily nvr use mdm sharifa onli use wks...so heng sia...than after that was maths...she was like scoldin ppl... siao wan larh...than two boys kena fa...haahs...at her so called imginary space...lame..than after that was he...fst we had our tst..erm..its a sure fail...the ans i gave was all crap? yupx.. i tink miss camelia will mark until explode...erm cux the ans i give are like...erm kays shant tok bt it ler...haahs...than after that we started our practical...fst we boiled our chicken...it was hot...and i accidentali scalded mii hand...but luckily it was sooooo sml..heehs...than after that alcine did almost all the cutting...we both washed....erm i cut the peaches...and alcine mixed with the mayo..i tink too little mayo ler...cux rite it did not look like we added mayo...haix...than after that we were alomost runnin out of time lah...we had to arrange everything...and then....ure snack is served...yums...lks delicious...so miss camelia came to inspect amd grade our food and stufies...than after that we did the evalutin form...than she say our grades.. got28/30 for dunoe what and presentation got 9.5/10!! yipees!! or was it 9>? nvm...than the bell rang..b4 i 4get...did i say that 4 the unit 2 hist test i got 12/20!!! yeas!!!hmm than went for assembly...loads of crap?? i dun tink i learnt anyttin...it was borin..i'm thinkin y don't they let us watch movies instead of boring us wif such talks...well i guess that a school..but pri sch can watch what..oh rite tis is SEC sch...haix.....than later had lunch ate my bread it tasted good onli the onion and celery was yucky!! yucks...than finished up my peaches...yummy...chincken oso nice..i boiled it mah..so tasted superb..heehs..than after that went up for trng ler...suppose to go run 2 rounds but me and sin..nvr...heehs...i ate medicine....ewwws...than later go bck for trng..yes!!! todae get to train wif yj dey all...hehes...first lian the jump zheng shou...the third and fourth round play quite good...so i veri hapi..and the bst pt was that todae get to learn fan shou...yeahs!!thou still a bit lan but nt bad larh,,wif a little more practiceb its gona improve!!hehes!!! than after that lian and lian and lian...........than later shou gong! we wen to play captain ball..but me sin and yihui sat aside as we all ha our own probs...haahs...well...the match was grt fun to watch... simply put todae was a nt bad dae...so wen to kopitiam to eat...than took train hm...i soo cld nt breathe in the mrt..and this bitch kept steppin on my leg...she has ZERO balance skills..in the bus still okayy...than reach hm lers...bloggin and now i am like goin to bathe...and erm...study...tmr got lit tst...and i left the bk in sch haahs..how dumb can i get..lolx...haix...mux pack chi&sci file smore...sian ah... okayy...blog tmr...chaos.. mux yong gone ler exams comin...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:29 AM
♥todae nvr go school....and now i am feelin sick sick sick..finai soon i will nt be sick....went to doc's told mii i had fever..i actuali didn't noe...how dumb...nothin much to say cux i nvr go scho.l.. jux hopei get well soon.. GET WELL SOON....jia yous!! tmr goin bck to sch ler...todae no mood to rite..wkend than edit...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:13 AM
♥todae sucked...totalli!!!! i was feeling freakin sick todae...i felt like i was gona faint!! and die...it was...dae started sucky....eng and cme was okay thou...than maths...sucked too..simply put todae sucked!!! lunck mavis lemme try her he food...kinda nice..lurve the cheese!!!than ate..than later was trng..had 2 run 2 rounds outside..sianz...almost fainted and got a fuckin headpain...so we sat at the stagesteps...yj me hui all dizzy so mr kuan ask us to sit at the fan dere...than me and yj went out cux she cld not breathe prob and i was feelin worse than ever...after a while kinda okayy ler...play zheng shou...than lian fa qiu than the jumpin thingy...got to admit todae play damned lan....sheng jiang nxt..sucked..no jing shen to play at all...cabbed hm with sin...i reached hm bathe..severe haedpain..and now i'm gona take a sweet sweet nap...
Monday, April 16, 2007 2:07 AM
♥i am feelin sooooo sick right now....shld not hav eaten ice cream huh?? and i'm still eatin chips right now can euu believe it!!let's see todae..... started wif a boring readin...okok english....normal recess...okok science...a bit borin chinese and a tiring art..and duh..irritatin maths... i felt so sick thruout the hole day larh....my head hurt my throat and nose felt funi...ahhh...i tink my mum pass to mii ler...did i say that mii hole family was sick...icept 4 mii biggie sis cux she at mii nais hse...i tink if i gona be feelin soooo super sick tmr i dun wan to go sch ler lah...okayy cux i cant reali rb what made mii hapi todae...so..oh i noe..i can rmb 3 onli lor... 1) gettin back my sci test!!! did well 4 it!! dunoe how many centuries?? since i did well...lolx.. 2) new shoebag!!! yeahs!!! got a shoebag 4 tt...gona use it tmr...but if sick..than *cries* 3) mavis and her funi stuffs...reali brighten up my dae and made mii forget tat i was sick...u rawk mav..haahs...but i laugh till miii stomach pain... okayy than dere was geog supp..borin...so after that wen library to find yj and hui....walk to tb wif mavis yj hui...wen to kopitiam to eat..and lost my appetite cux...*ahems*.....lolx...shant say...erm than after that wen to macs to hav ice cream....we wen to take many cups of water bout 5-7 cups ba..haahs...than after that wen home ler... okays i am like freakin tired..gona take a short nap...than wake up and complete mii fish tank... argh!!! i feel sooo super sick!!! helps!!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007 2:07 AM
♥todae was a super fun dae!!!! it totali rawked!!! it sortof helped me destress??? haahs..lolx...lets start wif tt trng okayy todae woke up...dilly dally so left hse late....mii dad sent mii to the mrt than took it down to tb...i tot i was earli so i went to buy hashbrown...heehs..than walked reaLI slowly to sch...haahs...than wen jux reached tb like wok a bit got sms frm yj tell me to chiong than i look at my hp time onli left 2 mins than late ler smore late ler still mux run sia.. so i chiong to sch lor...reach ler totali outta breathe...jux nice they jux open door...phew! mux reali than yj sia if nt i sure late wan..haahs...so we did warm ups fst than after that spread out to fa qiu...cux not enough tables so me and nette share table wif xinyi and erm cheryl?? nt sure ler...heehs...so we fa qiu until jiao lian came..eh? no is jiao lian cum ler i pay her money for the bat than started faing qiu..haahs..lolx..than after that play for quite a while than we take out that big thingy to hit the ball into... me and hui wen to get it...we were gona learn the competition faqiu....cool! haahs..i did not reali noe how to do it...than cux i left handed so mr kuan teach me personali....its like 1 to 1 haahs....lucky??? nah...i kp gouing but still now i can fa ler...jux lan lah...hehes....than wen i was faing the new fa... i banged my bat!!!! now bit ao in liao..my heart so pain sia...than the nxt few fa qiu i veri careful ler...nxt we lian zheng shou....yeahs!! can hit a few balls continiously wif mr kuan ler...!!!!! yipees!! haahs...nxt time mayb can hit more??? lolx..than aftre that rst ler...so iwen to pick balls...than later wen mr kuan cum bck it was almost time 4 mii to go had smtin on mar...so he jux ask me to fa qiu...so i la hui to fa wif me...she fa veri fast lor nt like miis...haahs...than after that i left ler... i tried to open the door but it was lock soc the snrs ask me to open the other door....so ps lor...stugglin wif a freakin lock....psps.....than after that went down there were the scouts buildin smtin...we out of sch feelin hapi cux learn ler fa qiu and c .................................lolx....haahs...called merci to cum down...hate to take lift alone....than go up ler nais ask mii to eat smtin....than after that took a bath....mumis came to fetch mii and jies...wah lao....bel wear until like goin to a place so grand and i was wearin..... but beta than jies..haahs...hmm i hav another cusin....isnt my family big enough??? i cant even rmb sm ppl larh..smtime can call rong ssmore...haahas...erm than had buffet...food average....but there was the chocolate fountain!!! yummy!!!hehes...erm left ler...mumsicles wen to buy shoes at bugis....than erm went home....took a sweet sweet nap...haahs....than later wash up and left again for another buffet at sakura jap rtr....ahhh...so gona grow fat haahs... well my cusin was gona bring her bf todae....well we all c him ler other than the adults..duh..lolx...than aftre that so mii mum and him cld tok as for my aunt..erm.....dunoe...than my mum was i tink u met all but the youngest one=me haven met yet....and dey were like sa c liao lor...haahs...yups saw him ler...than erm later mii mum was like so he pass??? and we obviusly say yes...i wonder if he passed the adults pt...so samu told mumi that he pt time model...wich is true saw his face in teens or was it teenage b4...i tink i heard he was studyin end-lit...ewww....yucks...*shivers* well nt my prob anws...than we head for a k-ok....yipees!!! so at fst every1 plus adults was in 1 rm...than after that the adults wen out than we sang....beta wif NO adults...sooooo fun... hmms we sang lots of song..and nigel sang to steph too....awww...lolx...haahs...than wen flh the song came up...ai dao itink ...he was like they look like shit.....wtf!!! i was freakin angri lor....how cld he say that!!! evils........than both of them paly a bit./...kp smackin each other ...what a couple...i acted as if i cant see anytin...i was on the verge of brakn down into layghter.,,,,wakakas..it was damned funi what dey were playin...lolx....kkays nough lers....well we had lots of fun!!! well bst pt was no adults hehes....than later dey say mux go liaox...sps!.....so on the way hm slept in car...got hm wash up.... ZzZ.... tmr gtg finish mii hmwk...sian...zZz ZzZzZzZz... TODAY aka FUN!!! lolx
Friday, April 13, 2007 12:34 AM
♥yipees!!! its friday...one of my daes...muahahas...can slp late and the bst pt...no SCHOOL!!!! wakakas...haahs...anws tmr still got trng....well lets see todae quite okayy...bit borin thous... fst we had assembly...as it was IFD so got all these IFD stuffs...fst the different countries that our sch students were frm came up to intro bt their flag...kinda borin larh...dere was india indonesia usa china cambodia malaysia oh and Korea....dere are still a few others but cant rmb ler..haix....anws the nxt thing sm person played the qin?? iz that what its called??? shld be...zzz....early in the morn play music make me*yawns*...u get the idea..than after that was erm sm dance...fst dey played a slow song for a wile that suddenli 123456789! than play get up... one of mii fav songs...hav it in me hp too cux sin send to mii quite long ago liao...that after that was it malay dance or what...oh and the indonesians sang their anthem....than after that....well i nt sure cux i cld not c a freakin thing lor...so i sooooooo wanted to slp.....anws than after the mc sign off....dere came a long long long long long........ lecture....listen until ear pain sit until pain oso ar...sian lah...nxt was science...kinda fun cux go com lab...bt oso bittie fan larh....sian havrn finish project...haix haix haix...nxt was recess had mifen...eat until sooooo full i tink toniyte i gona skip dinner if not later go fat ar...haahs..lolx jkjk... anws than it was chi...quite okayy... was smsin a bittie...than was eng...filing and letter riting...erm than was lit..todae lit still kinda okayy cux we were jux highlightin and highlightin...than after off to tb!!! we actuali wan to go kopitiam but later change so go kfc...had zinger again...than yj hlp me finish fries...hehes...than after that we sit and tok 4 a while...than wen to pop...b lollies and walked and eat... than xinyi call say.........................so we went down to macs...saw ler and laugh dunoe y oso..n even knocked down a sign...muahahas...lolk...than we went to bk sit as....i finished my lollu dere..hoorays!lolx than took mrt and 'sui' enough to mt aaron...haahs....no larh...jkjk...than after that reach ler took bus hm lor....cum hm ler took a nap than ... off to do notes!!!! MUX STUDY HARD LER!!! jiayou,... kays gona sign off ler... oh.. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP DAY!!! to all the my bestest galfrewns!!! u gals rawk my world.... signin off!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:14 AM
♥todae sucked TOTTALY cept for tt trng...bst pt of dae...' todae kena caught by a freakn prefect and smore my socks was quite high larh...the prefect blind wan lor....*****************!!!!!!!! okayy than was history fst...the tst was like freakin hard larh...if onli i studied more...haix...i sure fail larh....than after that was chi... you lao shi say got tst tmr....!!!!!!!ahhh...than recess had to rush out my maths hmwk...than after that was geog got bck test and JUX pass!!!10/20...lan larh....than maths...14/25....lan lan lan....all borderline totali spoilt my dae...than was he...it was okayy notin made me upset than stupid assembly...mr kung damned guo fen larh...he scold us what hopeless...shameless...gess no hope cux of us.......he want to scold...scold lah...oso no nd so mean..he cold hearted...we got feelinga larh...jerk...kays....than nxt was trng... whoots!!! got my bat!!!but $110...my mum's gona go mad...smore still got the shoes larh...haix...haahs...wells i lurv my bat.....but i like yj one more....veri nice to play lor....haahs...than after that play wif lai lin for a wile than jiao lian call us go lian ler....than lian half way me and xian go to mr kuan..he train us....hehes...than after that i tink he a bit angry cux nvr play well todae....and u gota admit todae play kinda lan larh....so he get angry is li suo dang ran larhx...than aftre that they keep all the tables as we were going to run!!!ahhhhhh......4 BIG rounds lah!!! we were the fst grp to start....1st and 2nd round still okay...than 3rd round ler...goin to die....but still chiong....got walk a bit but is cux real real real tired larh....but i tink my stamina improve a little bitty hahas....anws i got 10 min 10 secs....quite okayy larh...than means nafa mayb can do a little beta???i get at leat 2 pts hapi ler...well i have ZERO stamina marh...haahs....than after that he ask us walk a round...i almost fainted....at fst everything was blurry...cant see at all lor...than later is a bit head pain and dizzy.... end trng...walk to tb bt sweet talk than go hm ler.... ahhhh.....c todae sucks rite???toldcha...all the test and stuff totali ruined my dae larh...i tink mux work harder le.... JIA YOU!!!! *okays time to study* jiayou jiayou jiayou...all the way!!! haahs....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:21 AM
♥my whole body is like aching larh....cux yesterdae do push ups...ahhh...if tmr mux do than i will die??? haahs...lolx..anws todae notin much larh...fst period was maths...had tis test that was frrakin hard n sure fail...than had erm sci but mrs inog again nvr cum so we decorate our classroom...i did my chi hmwk thou than fater that than go hlp...actuli i nvr do anytin...dere was notin to do what...4 doors = 40 ppl alot lor....lolx...anws did almost notin....than recess change into pe attire than after that had wedges again.....notin much than after that was ipw mr lim came to evaluate us and i did not noe what to say... so wen alcine ans him and he nvr hear i jux reapeat..that was the onli sentence i said...dumb hor...lolx...than was chinese ....quite okay cux no teachin so can consider fun?? nah.... that later was erm i tink eng...decorate again....than was pr...had to run 2 rounds lor...and i completed it...yipees... and i ran for almost the hole thing??? so i veri hapi...yeas!!! anws after that played basketball....FUN?! erm than rush up anbd down for he class sian...me and alcine were playin wif our lunch boxes haahs...than we did our practical...it turned out yummy!!! delicious.....mayb cux we had x tra everything haahs.. than after that walked to tb wif mavis... than go hm ler...and now gtg start on hm ler.... sianx... tmr tt trng....!!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:48 AM
♥i am freakin tired todae lor...jux cum bck frm trainin....even though slept in the car ler but onli short while...smore tmr hav freakin tsts!!!argh!!!everydae oso got test sian man...well todae kinda lucky....i guess... hmm lemme see fst period was lit?? yupss and no test!!!! yipees!!!lucky i nvr waste time studyin sia...so we had lesseons and there's onli one word to describe it= BORING...okay nxt was history....again no test yippess!!!but i studied 4 it ytd...waste my time sia....but still hapi dun hav..cux i nt reali ready for it...on thurs morn mux wake up to study it ar...haahs...anws nxt was recess...notin much..than after that was erm..cme...we did frenship bands and the colour of mine was the color of rgps badge...haahs...than after that was eng...we decorated our door..but i did not have much to do larh...than nxt was maths...quite okayy..had to go and present...so freak larh...nvr loved it ....than nxt was sci but mrs iong nvr cum so a relief teacher came to invigilate our test...it was okayy....than aftre that dismissed!!!!!yeahs! sin dey all were waitin outside for mii than went down to hav lunch...after that went up to the hall and 'attended' their asembly haahs..than aftre that started to set up tables and stuff...than nxt we did warm ups..my shoelace came off larh so i was afriad that my shoe wld 'fly' away/..haahs...lolx... anws after that we strted to faqiu??yeas than jiao lian came...she came and 4 of them got their shoes...nette hui mav and xian...sin and nav even got their bats...so nice lor....haahs...so we carried on to play...play play play than later we all go the table dere take out the big big thingy and started to hit balls...that jiao lian da lai...todae bit lan ler.. mux jia you liao...so after that play for quite long than after that go break....cum bck jiao lian ask us to go do 20 sit up 3 sets = 60 sit ups and 10 push ups 3 sets = 30 push ups...sit up still can onli that veri pain cux we do on the floor than pus hup dp ten than wana die...but yj do until veri goood....haahs..anws than after that got notin to do ler so we suggest to mr kuan than we go out to run....we were kinda suppose to run like 3 BIG roundwss but later cux tooo tired ler so we cut down to onli 2 haahs..llols...than we still did frog jump and duck walk... it was pretty funi hahs....wen we go bck in dey already started to keep so we go hlp...than fatter that gather than debrief???yeahs...lolx...anws yeas..than wen we were about toleave it started to rain...HEAVILY!!! sui larh..so wen we walk to tb we were all 1/2 drenched haas...lolx...i was havin diner at tb...i dun like to thou....ate chick rice and ice cream wakakas....lolx....than aftre that bought a chocolate cake before goin home...cum hm ler immediately bathe than after that i tink go do hmwk ler...... todae veri tired gona slp earlier...chaos!!! stressed....ahhhhhhhhhh...lolx....
Monday, April 9, 2007 5:22 AM
♥yeahs!!!!yipees!!! it rained tis morn.....so no readin in the arena....heng sia...i always hated that arena... i loved it in pri sch thou..haahs...well todae suprisinly i was nt the earliest ler!!! sixian wan b4 me... she came a little earli todae i guess...anws later wen xinyi came yj dey all wen up to her 4 the donations...she say i nvr bring card so nvr donate...wahhhhhhh!!!lolx...no larh...tmr she donate lol...jkjk...wells the fst period i gan my zuo wen cuxz i dun hav enough zuo wen zhi....sui...than after that is eng...chee leong wen up to tell us a story.....for eng wk...wakakas...he speak so fast sia....lolx jkjk...gd lah....lolx... so after that was recess..enjoyable! had wedges...yummies!! lolx...anws after that was sci??? yups guess so...finished hmwk in class!!!yeahs!!! so after that was chi...you lao shi ask me to recopy!!! my zuo wen the pt i rite on fooscap...ahhhh!!!xtra hmwk....so after that wen bck to class...hated the pt wen dere was no teach and discussions.....okayy than art...i onli drew 2 letters...slow lor...nvm nxt wk mux catch up lerh!!!!jia yous!!! lolx...nxt up was miss tho lesson..sian sian sian...lolx...welltodae i FINALLY understand her lesson...its the fst time...haahs..so after that she teachin half way than got the fire alarm ringggggg...so we went out of the class..than stand outside 4 a while..it was false alarm.....than rite i kena scared... i tink arh i will get heart attack in tis sch..ppl like to appear behind you and stuff ....than make eeu jump....dunoee how many time i kena ler...sui lor...after that sch end ler!!!yipees!!!! mt sin hui yj dey all than walk to tb had KFC....haahs....well than after that xinyi came to find us and than we went to take neoprints!!!tis itme take np like veri fun sia...mayb cux got snr ba..lolx...haahs...than take finish liaox..go out ot decorate... they stood at the rong side larh!!!lolx...than later i told dem so dey all rush over ...so me and yj wen out and cux we noe surely veri long wan than i smell the popcorn...sooooooooo tmptin sia than me and yj go buy..haahs...than after that everyone started takin...lolx...but we nvr finish in the end...we therw 1/4 away....haix....anws than after that we play prank on xinyi but she found out cux.....hu cares...welll she nt angri jiu okay larh...haahs...lol...than after that i miss my train than i wait wif hui..her train cum fst so she go ler than me..i hate to take mrt....than later mux take bus...dun wana tok bt it...anws aftre that i cum hm bathe and took a nap... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have like 3 test tmr!!!!!!! i haven study smore...onli a little ..bit bit...haahs...wells jia you jia you jia yous...lolx...hopefuli will pass wif flyin colors..hope pray miss kang wont come tmr....pls pls pls...lolx...tmr osos got trng..hope can paly beta... off to feed my brain...lolx...
Sunday, April 8, 2007 5:17 AM
♥omg!!!! i love the endin if zhuan jiao yu dao ai!!!! watch finish ler...actuli watch finish yesterdae nite wan wakakas..i cried a lot durin the so called sad parts haahs..lolx...anws it rawks....its sooo nice...ok now i have to complete my freakin hmwk!!!!arghs!!!!! SIAN SIAN SIAN!!! tmr got to go to sch again i wonder what's gona happen.....welll tmr will cum and still got dum dum readin....pray pray pray it will rain man!! haahs...] okayys...KAI GONG!!! ZUO WEN!!!! )))))))):
Saturday, April 7, 2007 5:06 AM
♥yawns! todae had tt trng....tats y i'm like freakin tired haahs....anws...fst i meet hui and yj at the tp bench dere cux i was stayin at mii grams hse...and i had putu mayam in the morn yum yum...lolx...anws so we walked to sch..than we waited for sin at foyer dere....wahh...she take taxi sia...lolx...but the door haven open yet so we sit outside and try ask ppl donate...erm cheryl(xiaode)donated a dollar....than xinyi donate on mon...haahs...so lemme c erm now i have......(((((: wells so we go up and do warmups fst...hehes...wah lao...had to run round the 2nd level did like wice as much than we were suppose to do larh...so tired sia...than after that erm i tink oh we went to faqiu...than dunoe what....than later mr kuan train us...haix...i dunoe why cant hit his ball that well....*cries* i scared later kena scoldin sia...but got a few times can hit...than mr kuan say i play a bit.....haahs...well i agree larh...eh ijux started usin my left hand recently and i improve lots liao!!!haahs...so jux work harder lor....no choice...haix....lolx...anws yea larh....welll but i had fun ....hopefuli tuesdae trainin i can play proli??? lolx...no larh..wait long long ba...hahas...todae tranin end later so we headed to tb go kopitiam and i had jap food wif mav than hui sin and yj ate hotplate??? nt sure..ai ya we always eat the same wan..haahs..lolx....well than after that go bck gramma hse...erm went to watch zhuan jiao yu dao ai!!!!!so freakin nice sia!!!!but a bittie sad...but sure got hapi endin wan larh..shoes all like that mar...haahs.. wells gtg!!! chaos... hmwk...tmr than do...hahahs.
Friday, April 6, 2007 4:37 AM
♥whoots! todae i went to watch mr bean hols..FINALLY...well it wasnt as nice as i wanted it to be..but i loved the song..its a die die muz find???haahs...so todae i had lots of fun...i tink...lolx jkjk hmmm in the morn was the bst pt cux i went to meet deron and rai...so long nvr see them liao...both oso bcum shuay hor...lolx....speciali rai...missed him so much sia....4 yrs gone...haix....well so veri hapi to c them meet them at jurong and we play at arcade 4 a wile onli lar....cux earli so nt many ppl...i tot mite be able to mt pri ach frewn heard dey were goin dere marh...but nvr....sighx...but i still had fun at the arcade...wakakas..they won me biscuits???finished in a while than we went to take neos but i nvr even take one..how unfair!!!well is dey pay wan marh...so i nvr take...i wanted but dey gave me a lot of reasonin...like ah mahs like that haahs...well than after that i go clementi mt my mum had ot go temple fst so quick quick go and qucik quick go tb cux metin sin dey alll dere...welll had lots of funn wif ge and rai...hopefuli nxt time still can go out haahs...kay nough bt them ler... i goin to mt sin hui yj and 3 other F class ppl oso band wan...simpli put i was the onli G class....i tot i was goin to be late but lucky nvr hahas...so i waited for them....and they alll showed up together sia....okayy so we took a bus down to queensway shoppin centre at fst we tot we were takin the rong bus so zhihui went to ask directions???haahs than after that we reach ler....we spent lots of time dere cux dey were makin a class tee... we walk a lot of shops....and finally found the cheapest....phew....than came the design prob....dey alll cant agree....it was kinda funi....but it was a little weird 4 mii...haahs..later than shi ying larh....lolx so after that erm...wen dey finally decide everytin we went to get some desserts...hui and i went to buy yogurt and ice cream the rst of them got theris frm macs....and sin gave me a spoon of fudge...yummi!!!than after that we walked down to another bus stp to take bus down to cini...actuali wanted to go vivo wan but too late ler....so we took a bus and we oso nt veri sure so again zhihui wen to ask again but the uncle like...so me ans sin go ask he say nt sure....asif.... he drivin the bus lor...so crap...but we took the rite bus...so we got off at heeren dere and wok down to cini...wows i did nt noe mr bean so pop larh...the ticket sold out and we had to sit in the 2nd row!!!!at fst we dunoe whether to watch cux a bit late but we still did....than we c got time we ate at yoshi than went to heeren....than rush bck...bt poporn and stuff...wen we go in gang hao the movie st so nvr miss...heng sia...lolx...anws it was and enjoyable movie after that we wok to dunoe where than take a train down to cityhall...we were kinda lost dere we toook the rong escalator and almost waited for the rong train how funi....lols...so me hui yj and jiajun got off at tb well sin juan and zhihui go dunoe where.....erm than after that we went to sportslink???i tink....goin to buy shoebag ler....yeahs...haahs....stupid i noe...no lah jkjk...than after that i took a bus to nais hse.... had diner there and watch zhuan jiao yu dao ai!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg...xiao zhu so shuay!!!!lolx... sian still got hmwk.....
Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:36 AM
♥okayy i am like freakin tired lar...hahs....todae was an avrg dae...it almost sucked...lemme tell u bt my...dae a 'lot' happened... todae gwen was nt comin 4 class cux she had drama...sianx..so i was gona be alone...ahhhhh.....okayy in the morn i saw her and alcine dey all...than after that erm gwen ask me to hlp her collect hmwk....erm later morn assembly...borin...than heard that no hm ed!!yipees...3 free periods!!!so we stayed in class surprisinly our class todae quite queit sia...little noise..lolx...but the 3 periods was oso kinda borin...i sat wif xuguo and listened to some of her hp songs..than later she bluetooth to me i wanna love you..so now i got it in my hp ler...yays!!actuali it was adrn blutooth to xuguo wan....and i ask frm her...anw hu cares...got the song can liaox..mayb shld have asked her blutooth tian shi oso..haix..regret man..nvmnvm..still got lotsie of time...hahas...so after that was recess drank like half a cup of strawberry..and it made me hungry..so i kop two wedges from sin...haahs...than after recess was sci prac...it was kinda fun cept 4 the pt there was a like smell..it made me dizzy but luckily i nvr faint..i was onli left wif a freakin headache...but than wen sch ended it was beta ler....so up nxt was maths it was kinda okay todae...mayb cuxi was actuali listenin???jkjk.... i was starin into space...well no one to tok to marhs...haix..than after that eng i tink...super borin..i finish the wks i dunoe wad to do ler...want to slp oso cant...than later was like borin chi..suppose to do zuo wen..but i realise i was ritin crap larh...so i cancelled the WHOLE front pg!!!and i got to like restart!!!arghs...okayy so after that was assembly...it was a tok on global warming and 3rs and wadeva else tat gota do wif envi frenli....i was trying my bst to stay awake smore ar it was fuckin hot larh...my neck was so like...ai ya it jux felt irritatin cux of the tie...erm than after that i had lunch...ate half onli cux dunoe y dun hav much appet than went to get changed...than was late 4 tt trng anws...so ran 2 rounds and continue warmups...than we started to faqiu........ at fst i cld not partner any1 cux i usin left hand....but later i partner mav 4 a wile than thru the hole i partn wif nette ler...i was a little pissed cux i cld not hit the balls than i feel veri bad to nette..but after a wile okay ler...i started to play so called normally...and mav yj nette and me started to fite for the balls..hahas...we had so much fun larh...lolx...than we started to get serious...we nvr qiang qiu ler...haahs...so than after that erm mr kwan called us to go he hit us ball and we hit bck...i veri happi i hit almost all!!!yippees!!! lolx...than after that he ask us to dian qiu... i totali sucked...but i still managed a hundred after a million yrs???lolx jkjk...so than we pair up and da zheng shou....muz da 20!!!the number may be sml but to hit not easy lor...mav and yj managed it but me and nette highestb is 13....but we were super happy larh...haahs...i tink traini was fun todae that time passed sooooo fast sia...zhuan yan than 6++ ler....so we ended trng... my father was goin to fetch me...quarelled in th car......okayy than after that we went to suntec..we ate at surf turf..i tink...wait soooooooooooo long than got food to eat sia....lolx...anws i had carbonara....yummy..but i nvr finish left bt half a plate cux too big serve liaox...haahs..than after that we wen to carre4 a wile to change smtin and bt dunoe wad time reach hm.... now i;m sittin heer bloggin and goin to sign off ler.. yeas!!! tmr no sch!! GOOD FRIDAY!!! goin out wif sin dey all!!!and b4 that gona mt rai and de!!!wakakas go ask den donate....lolx...hahs...cant wait.... kkays i wan to watch zhuan jiao yu dao ai ler...tis wk haven watch one disc yet lor...*cries* kkays....chaos!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007 5:51 AM
♥todae rawked a little...y??wait u'll noe soon....hahas...so lets c sch started okayy...the geog tst sure fail!!!i tink...than recess okayy erm i tink nxt was chi...no hmt so stay in class do zuo wen>>>sian...erm nxt was sci...okayy oso got a lot rong in my hmwk...haahs...than later was erm eng..jux do sm wks as mrs lee had to bring students out??okayy than after that was pe...nvr swim....wakakas... went to bck gate mt hui they all....was goin to go ler than after that received a call from RAI!!! he's finali bck...lolx....yipees 4 yrs nvr c ler...at fst i jux tok casuali than after thuat irealise i was tokin to him...suppose to cum i nmar hols drag till now....!!!!hahas... cum bck can liao...lolx...hahas...that y i so hapi...oh we got a donation card todae...goin to ask dey all donate..hahas...lolx...than after that had kfc we met xinyi too.... go pops than take mrt hm...i almost fell in the bus larh so sian sia...than aftre that bathe liao use com...hlp js do the blog....than rd me comics...erm haven done any hmwk!!!!aghh=!!!at nite log in again still haven done anytin hlp js put song....haix...and now i hav to do maths and sci..mayb sci go sch copy wakakas...lolx..haahs... jia you hopefuli can finish!!! rai==so hapi ure bck...<33 miss yas..lolx...hahs... kkays go do hmwk ler!!!! fst one up MATHEMATICS!!! sian sian sian..ahhh dun wana go sch tmr...gwen nt comin...*cries*ahhhhh i'm so gona die!!!hopefuli tmr pass wif no emb mmts....or freaky ...mayb i go sit wif xuguo....hmmm c lor.... give me luck!!!!! tmr oso got tt trng.. PLAY WIF RIGHT no no no...LEFT hand...haix..jia yous!!!!lolx oh...sw... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!<33greatest bst frewn... rai WELCOME BACK!!! <33 greatest gor...
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 5:21 AM
♥todae sucked totali... cux i cld not wish sw hapi bdae....well we cld not go out and were're in diff schs..so its kinda natural...but still i'm sad...well sch started bad...durin hist still can but after that was lit...miss kang scolded me 4 kpin a paper...she say i do other wk in class...as if larh...she such a freakin...........................................argh!!!!okays it totali spoilt my dae...than after that it was recess...borin....and eng had my test i got no time to copy..but at lwast i finished....and later was art...borin...and i tink nxt was maths....okayy....mrs tay was dere to teach us....hehes..than erm i tink we had ipw....oso BORIN...c how much borin stuff!!!lolx...than i went to have lunch...it was okayy....well at least tt trng was beta... b4 we had tt,we sat at thee chairs outside and played truth or dare wif cheryl and xinyi...well we la kinda chose thruth....wakakas....lolx...it was kinda funi and FUN...and after that we had to go in 4 tt...mr kwan and jiao lian both nvr come todae...another teacher replace...wen we were junpin round he lked a little...ga.....okayy...jkjk...but i .....so he palyed wif carmel and beng hong...and i tink qizhi?? yeas...he was like so good larh...well he supose to he a teach...haahs....well he say if we won jux one he wld treat us all to drinks...but.....results.....nvm...dey all play until veri nice oso.....so drink nt impt...but i had to kp pickin up the balls larh...*sighx,cries*okayy so i play wif sin fst...than after a wile we rang gei hui dey all...than after that got al ittle bored so we went to jacquelyn tab and share wif them....the teach were teachin dem and they learnt fst...!!!!okayy and than later wen mav and yj came to pick ball they ask me to play wif my left hand.....i was kinda reluctant....haas..well my left hand cant even surf prop larh...i'd rather play wif rite...lols...wad to do i AM a left hander...haix...try larh..play wif left hand not that comfy...so later hui came to tell mii that i nd to play wif mii left hand...........so i played wif mavis...i cld not hit the ball props and i cld nt surf well....i was a bit sad and pissed...i cld do that wif mi rite hand*cries* haix...well now i jux got to adapt larh....hopefuli can play even beta than my rite hand???...lolx haas..todae trng ended a little earlier as the jiao lian had to leave so we packed up and left.... i had mcs wif yj nette xian...it was my dinner but for them was tea??lolx... argh!!!tmr got swimin geog test....and now theres lots of hmwk to be completed and without my sis..maths is gona be hole lot of trouble!!!!die!! wish me luck......))))):
Monday, April 2, 2007 12:32 AM
♥todae was kinda a bad dae... first in the morn i woke up i quarelled wif my sis ler..than at sch i tink u cld say okay??? yea fst lesson was rd>BORING! than after that was erm sci..i 4got wad we did..than hmt>freak larh got to go do my online quiz..sian sian sian...okay than recess passed normaly...nxt up was erm eng we went to the library and i borrowed a bk called nt a gal dtv...erm than was geog surprisingly i was in to geog todae...got bck my test paper and got 15/20/.....yipees!!!i tot i was goin to fail cux my map readin suxz! okayy and my file was okayy and my articles...full marks wakakas...okayy u mux b wonderin y its a bad dae...mayb its cux ....later in the dae i heard a few things that i wished i neva heard..ytd too i wished i nvr asked....so arghh... cant stand it... y did i have to hear it!!!it jux spoils my dae totali...dun ask me wat...its....erm...nvm jux....okayy sci prac was qu ite okay. thou i felt a little giddy anws...but we n i the shade okay ler...hahs..than after that had kfc 4 lunch woked a little and came home..the freakin mrt stopped halfway...scared me larh....hahas than erm..now i'm jux at hm tryin to 4get everytin...and jux complete my wk in peace.. i jux wish i nvr heard...why did i have to hear.......haering it onli make me feel more..nvm 4get... well it SEEMS like a gd dae but erm it actuali is nt cux of sm stuffies....kay enough liaox...later i reali bd ar...hahas... kay beta st doin my work ler!!! off i go>>> |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
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