Friday, February 16, 2007 8:56 AM
♥todae is thee eve of the eve of cny..(get it) so i went bck to my pri sch n met alll my pri sch frenz...especially my bffs...after we sent our reegards to one another and our teachers i went out wif them... fst we went to bugis to take some neos as one of me fenzie had to leave at like 5.30 pm...than after she left me n me bestie went to vivo city... we were planning to watch ghost rider lah but it was too late liao the tickets were SOLD OUT!!!!! ***cries*** than we juz walk at the second floor... we went to tru and played around hehe... than we spinned the little balleys out of d machines... the key chains were so cute...(it was juz shit..but a cute wan at that)lols...than after that we carried on walkin on n catchin up...we even made a pact..hehe... than later we went to haigen diaz to eat...we were eatin happily wen we suddenli realised we didnt noe how to PAY!!!!! as in whether we had to go to the cashier to pay or ask the waiters to bring the bills...so after we finished rite we toked and observed to see ifany1 had finished eatin than we saw tis little boy hu was eatin n his parents waitin for him..than i asked him in my heart to eat faster .. hehe..than finali he finsh liao than i saw his father got up to pay 4 the ice cream so i juz follow...wasnt i dumb..bt i dint reali study how to pay rite like in wad res muz call ewaiter yadayadayada...than later at bt 8++ i left for hm..and came bck bt 9...quite late la..bt lucky my mum in gd mood so heng arh..nvr reali kena scoldin hehe... escaped it..ok lah... rite here i wana wish all my frienzies and besties HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Gong xi gong xi!!! have a blessed chinese new year!!! luv you guys!!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!! oinkz!!oinkz!! |
Yours truly, ![]() PLK Sotong xP turned 15 on 27th January! GESS 3H'09 (: Tabletennis Team! :D & happiness is as fragile as ice... With Loves, Wishlist Click for my wishlist!
Chat Melody Rewind
February 2007
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GESS TT 2G'08 1G'07;2G'08 Adabel Amanda Adela Carmel CherylLIM CherylTARE Cindy CherylYUEN CheeLeong CK Doralynn Datina Debra Devy Eileen Eunice Eugene Ernest FanKai Fransisca Felicia4 Gwen HiuMun JingHui JiaXiang Jacquelyn Jessica Jacelyn JiaSheng JunKang Jacqueline JiaMei JyeHuey Jemima Jodie KaiHwee KaiMei Klare Laura Mavis Meixian Nabil Olivia Pamela Quan QiQi Rachel Sinvyest Sharon SiongWoon Sherby ShuJuan SarahYap Shanice SoonXin Saras SiMin TzerBin totidory;totivia Via;Dory;Ness Via;Dory Via;Hiumun Wynette;Eunice Xinyi XuGuo Yolanda YunJie YuChing YenYi YuanMing YangYu ZhenYue ZhiDa ZhiHua
Applause, |
I Love You. |